55 research outputs found


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    Há certamente uma série de dificuldades constituintes para se pensar o presente, dificuldades próprias relacionadas ao factual e, pensar isso é algo que se configura em tarefa demasiado complexa. Entretanto, alguns dos exemplos apresentados por Arendt em sua análise, como os documentos do Pentágono sobre a guerra do Vietnã, evidenciam o fato de que a mentira vincula — se à mesma faculdade humana relacionada à política — a saber, a imaginação. Isso parece reunir certas pistas que permitem a aproximação entre tais elementos do pensamento dessa autora e a realidade política contemporânea destacada nesta análise desde a redemocratização brasileira

    O Estado como força, segundo Alessandro Passerin D´Entreves

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    Resumo: Este artigo resulta de pesquisa iniciada no doutorado acerca do pensamento político de Alessandro Passerin D´Entreves e apresenta considerações introdutórias à perspectiva da doutrina do Estado formulada por esse autor. No texto são analisados fenômenos que possibilitam compreender o Estado como força, o que corresponde à primeira parte da doutrina de Estado formulada por D´Entreves.Palavras-chave: Filosofia política; Estado; Passerin D´Entreves

    Long-Term NDVI and Recent Vegetation Cover Profiles of Major Offshore Island Nesting Sites of Sea Turtles in Saudi Waters of the Northern Arabian Gulf

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    Vegetation is an important ecological component of offshore islands in the Arabian Gulf (AG), which maintains long-term resilience of these islands. This is achieved by influencing sediment retention and moisture acquisition via condensation during periods of high humidity and by providing a variety of microhabitats for island fauna. The resilience of offshore islands’ ecosystems in the Saudi waters is important because they host the largest number of nesting hawksbill and green turtles in the AG. This study defines the characteristics and the long-term trends in vegetation cover of the offshore islands used by sea turtles as nesting grounds in the northern AG. To establish a ground-validated baseline for vegetation profiles, a 50 m × 50 m grid system is developed on Karan and Jana islands (Is.) with photo-quadrats taken at each grid intersection. The 1,317 and 444 photo-quadrats, for Karan and Jana Is., respectively, were analyzed for maximum plant height and percent cover of living (green) plants, dead plants, and bare sand. Landsat 7 and 8 satellite top-of-atmosphere reflectance images were used to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from 1999 through 2018 to analyze the long-term vegetation profiles of the islands. Monthly rainfall data from five meteorological stations along the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) are presented to provide a context of the long-term NDVI time series variability. The ground-validated vegetation profiles provided baseline data during the onset of summer in 2017 and revealed differences in maximum plant height and the extent of living, dead vegetation and sand cover on Jana Is. (28.3 cm, 19.9%, 63.3%, and 16.8%) and Karan Is. (21.7 cm, 20.6%, 48.7%, and 30.7%), respectively. The NDVI data for both islands are grouped into three periods, namely: 2001–2007 - high winter, low summer; 2008–2013 – low winter, low summer; 2014–2018 – irregular high/low winter, low summer. The long-term trend showed a slightly decreasing NDVI when compared in the context of the high NDVI measured for the two islands during the early 2000 s, particularly during the winter time. An extended reduction in winter NDVI was recorded for six years from 2008 to 2013, which coincided with reduced rainfall in the region and prolonged La Niña. Five extreme dips in winter NDVI values coincided with strong (2000, 2008, and 2011) and moderate (2012 and 2018) La Niña events. Long-term vegetation profiles of the offshore islands seemed to be tightly coupled with long-term rainfall patterns

    Multidecadal Analysis of Beach Loss at the Major Offshore Sea Turtle Nesting Islands in the Northern Arabian Gulf

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    Undocumented historical losses of sea turtle nesting beaches worldwide could overestimate the successes of conservation measures and misrepresent the actual status of the sea turtle population. In addition, the suitability of many sea turtle nesting sites continues to decline even without in-depth scientific studies of the extent of losses and impacts to the population. In this study, multidecadal changes in the outlines and area of Jana and Karan islands, major sea turtle nesting sites in the Arabian Gulf, were compared using available Kodak aerographic images, USGS EROS Declassified satellite imagery, and ESRI satellite images. A decrease of 5.1% and 1.7% of the area of Jana and Karan islands, respectively, were observed between 1965 and 2017. This translated to 14,146 m2 of beach loss at Jana Is. and 16,376 m2 of beach loss at Karan Is. There was an increase of island extent for Karan Is. from 1965 to 1968 by 9098 m2 but comparing 2017 with 1968, Karan Is. lost as much as 25,474 m2 or 2.6% of the island extent in 1968. The decrease in island aerial extent was attributed to loss of beach sand. The southern tips of the island lost the most significant amount of sand. There was also thinning of beach sand along the middle and northern sections that exposed the rock outcrops underneath the beach. The process of beach changes of both islands was tracked by the satellite imagery from Landsat 1,3,5,7 and Sentinel-2 during 1972 to 2020. Other factors including the distribution of beach slope, sea level changes, as well as wind & current from both northward and eastward components were analyzed to show its impact on the beach changes. The loss of beach sand could potentially impact the quality and availability of nesting beach for sea turtles utilizing the islands as main nesting grounds. Drivers of beach loss at the offshore islands are discussed in the context of sea level rise, dust storms, extreme wave heights and island desertification

    Exploring renal damage caused by aldosterone by quantifying damage markers in rats via real time PCR technique

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    Die Breite der Wirkungen von Aldosteron auf Nierenzellen wurde lange Zeit unterschätzt. Inzwischen zeigte sich ein nicht unerheblicher Anteil des Hyperaldosteronismus an arterieller Hypertonie und ebenso mehren sich die Hinweise auf damit assoziierter erhöhter Inzidenz für maligne Entartung von Nierengewebe. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Effekt von Hyperaldosteronismus auf Nierenzellen von Ratten in vivo untersucht. Mittels real time quantitative PCR wurden die relative Expressionsveränderungen der mRNA von validierten Nierenschädigungsmarkern im Hyperaldosteronismusmodell kontrolliert beobachtet und statistisch ausgewertet. Anders als im analog durchgeführten Vorversuch mit DOCA an der Stelle von Aldosteron, ließ sich größtenteils kein über der natürlichen Streuung der Daten liegender, signifikanter Effekt der Nierenschädigung durch überhöhte Aldosteronspiegel nachweisen. Hierfür kommen vielfältige Gründe in Frage. Neben der technischen Variabilität, der Beschaffenheit der internen Kontrolle, potentiell vorhandenen Inhibitoren und der Qualität der mRNA, konnten eine Reihe von weiteren Gründen als Ursache für die Diskrepanz zu den Ergebnissen der mit DOCA behandelten Tiere ausgeschlossen werden. Neben der theoretischen Möglichkeit inter-methodischer Differenzen und sich daraus ergebender Variationen, sowie der noch weiter zu untersuchenden Rolle des Glukokortikoidrezeptors durch dessen variable gleichzeitige Aktivierung, ist die Interpretation im Sinne eines zu gering ausgeprägten Schädigungseffektes durch den Hyperaldosteronismus für den gewählten Stichprobenumfang naheliegend. Hiermit stimmt auch die Tatsache überein, dass der Effekt der Behandlung mit Aldosteron im Vergleich zur Behandlung mit DOCA von vorne herein deutlich geringer ausfallend erwartet wurde.The broad spectrum of effects of aldosterone on renal cells has been underestimated for a long time. Meanwhile it has been shown that hyperaldosteronism has a considerable share of all cases of arterial hypertension, and the indications for an associated higher incidence of malignant transforming of kidney tissue are also increasing. The subject of this study was to investigate the effect of Hyperaldosteronism on kidney cells in rats. By means of real-time quantitative PCR, the change in the relative expression of mRNA of validated kidney cell damage markers in the hyperaldosteronism model were monitored and statistically evaluated under controlled conditions. In contrast to the previous pre-test with DOCA instead of aldosterone, a significant effect of renal impairment due to excessive aldosterone levels could not be detected. Numerous reasons are conceivable for that. In addition to the technical variability, the nature of the internal control, potentially present inhibitors and the quality of the mRNA, a number of further reasons could be excluded as a cause of the discrepancy with the results of the animals treated with DOCA. Besides the theoretical possibility of inter-methodical differences and resulting variations, as well as the role of the glucocorticoid receptor, which is still to be investigated, the closest interpretation is a damage effect too small to be detected by the given sample size. This is also in agreement with the fact that the effect of the treatment with aldosterone compared with the treatment with DOCA was expected to be significantly lower from the outset

    A Filosofia e o Fórum Permanente de Estudantes: um projeto no Estágio Supervisionado

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    Este texto apresenta uma análise das primeiras experiências de utilização do Fórum Permanente de Estudantes para as práticas obrigatórias do Estágio Supervisionado no curso de Licenciatura em Filosofia. O Fórum é uma ação vinculada aos fundamentos do Programa de Avaliação Seriada - PAS - da Universidade de Brasília, que permite inserir nas atividades do Estágio Supervisionado contatos diretos entre estudantes e possibilita significativas intervenções na realidade das escolas públicas do Distrito Federal e do Entorno. Essa ação visa contribuir para a formação dos futuros docentes e, ao mesmo tempo, pode ampliar o contato dos estudantes de escolas públicas com a filosofia, promovendo novas percepções para ambos os universos de referências desses estudantes. Para os universitários, consiste num conjunto de exercícios de elaboração e realização de práticas de ensino que podem interferir em seus processos de formação profissional, ao passo que, para os estudantes secundaristas, essas experiências podem ter os mais diversos sentidos e desdobramentos. Serão analisadas aqui algumas das orientações e avaliações relacionadas ao projeto que coordenou essas experiências, que foram realizadas no segundo semestre de 2011, com as turmas de Ensino Médio do Centro Educacional 02 de Sobradinho - DF. &nbsp

    Investigating Torsional Force and Angle of Rotation to Fracture of XP-3D Shaper NiTi Rotary Files

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    Objective: Heat treatment of nickel-titanium rotary file instruments has been demonstrated to be more efficient for conventional root canal therapy. This in vitro study compared the torsional force to fracture (TFF) and angle of rotation to fracture (ARF) of XP-3D Shaper conforming Nickel Titanium (NiTi) rotary files in as-received condition and after 1 and 3 simulated clinical uses. Methods: Simulated root canals (30-degree curvature) in clear resin blocks were used. 25 mm length XP-3D Shaper files were tested (n=10 per test group). TFF and ARF were recorded with torsiometer (Sabri Dental Enterprises). As per ISO-3630-1, TFF was obtained by measuring peak torque in gram-centimeters (g-cm), and ARF in degrees of rotation until instrument separation. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s Post-Hoc tests (p<0.05). SEM analysis of the separated portion was also performed. Results: The XP-3D Shaper demonstrated no significant difference (p>0.05) in TFF between as-received and 1 use, as-received and 3 uses, and 1 use and 3 uses. There was a significant (p<0.002) decrease in ARF between the XP-3D Shaper as received and 1 use, as-received and 3 uses, and between 1 use and 3 uses. Conclusions: There is no significant difference (p>0.05) in TFF between the XP-3D Shaper files as-received, after 1 use, and after 3 uses. There is a significant difference (p<0.002) in ARF between the XP-3D Shaper files as-received, after 1 use, and after 3 uses. The possible explanation for these results could be due to the non-linear file design in combination with the heat treatment of the nickel-titanium

    Postoperative hypertension (HTN) following craniotomies for tumour: incidence and predictive factors

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