71 research outputs found

    Stationary Entangled Radiation from Micromechanical Motion

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    Mechanical systems facilitate the development of a new generation of hybrid quantum technology comprising electrical, optical, atomic and acoustic degrees of freedom. Entanglement is the essential resource that defines this new paradigm of quantum enabled devices. Continuous variable (CV) entangled fields, known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states, are spatially separated two-mode squeezed states that can be used to implement quantum teleportation and quantum communication. In the optical domain, EPR states are typically generated using nondegenerate optical amplifiers and at microwave frequencies Josephson circuits can serve as a nonlinear medium. It is an outstanding goal to deterministically generate and distribute entangled states with a mechanical oscillator. Here we observe stationary emission of path-entangled microwave radiation from a parametrically driven 30 micrometer long silicon nanostring oscillator, squeezing the joint field operators of two thermal modes by 3.40(37) dB below the vacuum level. This mechanical system correlates up to 50 photons/s/Hz giving rise to a quantum discord that is robust with respect to microwave noise. Such generalized quantum correlations of separable states are important for quantum enhanced detection and provide direct evidence for the non-classical nature of the mechanical oscillator without directly measuring its state. This noninvasive measurement scheme allows to infer information about otherwise inaccessible objects with potential implications in sensing, open system dynamics and fundamental tests of quantum gravity. In the near future, similar on-chip devices can be used to entangle subsystems on vastly different energy scales such as microwave and optical photons.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Mechanical On-Chip Microwave Circulator

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    Nonreciprocal circuit elements form an integral part of modern measurement and communication systems. Mathematically they require breaking of time-reversal symmetry, typically achieved using magnetic materials and more recently using the quantum Hall effect, parametric permittivity modulation or Josephson nonlinearities. Here, we demonstrate an on-chip magnetic-free circulator based on reservoir engineered optomechanical interactions. Directional circulation is achieved with controlled phase-sensitive interference of six distinct electro-mechanical signal conversion paths. The presented circulator is compact, its silicon-on-insulator platform is compatible with both superconducting qubits and silicon photonics, and its noise performance is close to the quantum limit. With a high dynamic range, a tunable bandwidth of up to 30 MHz and an in-situ reconfigurability as beam splitter or wavelength converter, it could pave the way for superconducting qubit processors with integrated and multiplexed on-chip signal processing and readout.Comment: References have been update

    Tunable mechanical coupling between driven microelectromechanical resonators

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    We present a microelectromechanical system, in which a silicon beam is attached to a comb-drive actuator, that is used to tune the tension in the silicon beam, and thus its resonance frequency. By measuring the resonance frequencies of the system, we show that the comb-drive actuator and the silicon beam behave as two strongly coupled resonators. Interestingly, the effective coupling rate (~ 1.5 MHz) is tunable with the comb-drive actuator (+10%) as well as with a side-gate (-10%) placed close to the silicon beam. In contrast, the effective spring constant of the system is insensitive to either of them and changes only by ±\pm 0.5%. Finally, we show that the comb-drive actuator can be used to switch between different coupling rates with a frequency of at least 10 kHz.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Optomechanics for quantum technologies

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    The ability to control the motion of mechanical systems through interaction with light has opened the door to a plethora of applications in fundamental and applied physics. With experiments routinely reaching the quantum regime, the focus has now turned towards creating and exploiting interesting non-classical states of motion and entanglement in optomechanical systems. Quantumness has also shifted from being the very reason why experiments are constructed to becoming a resource for the investigation of fundamental physics and the creation of quantum technologies. Here, by focusing on opto- and electromechanical platforms we review recent progress in quantum state preparation and entanglement of mechanical systems, together with applications to signal processing and transduction, quantum sensing and topological physics, as well as small-scale thermodynamics

    Back-action ground state cooling of a micromechanical membrane via intensity-dependent interaction

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    We propose a theoretical scheme to show the possibility of achieving the quantum ground state cooling of a vibrating micromechanical membrane inside a high finesse optical cavity by back-action cooling approach. The scheme is based on an intensity-dependent coupling of the membrane to the intracavity radiation pressure field. We find the exact expression for the position and momentum variances of the membrane by solving the linearized quantum Langevin equations in the steady-state, conditioned by the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. We show that by varying the Lamb-Dicke parameter and the membrane's reflectivity one can effectively control the mean number of excitations of vibration of the membrane and also cool down the system to micro-Kelvin temperatures

    Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface

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    Practical quantum networks require low-loss and noise-resilient optical interconnects as well as non-Gaussian resources for entanglement distillation and distributed quantum computation. The latter could be provided by superconducting circuits but - despite growing efforts and rapid progress - existing solutions to interface the microwave and optical domains lack either scalability or efficiency, and in most cases the conversion noise is not known. In this work we utilize the unique opportunities of silicon photonics, cavity optomechanics and superconducting circuits to demonstrate a fully integrated, coherent transducer connecting the microwave X and the telecom S bands with a total (internal) bidirectional transduction efficiency of 1.2% (135 %) at millikelvin temperatures. The coupling relies solely on the radiation pressure interaction mediated by the femtometer-scale motion of two silicon nanobeams and includes an optomechanical gain of about 20 dB. The chip-scale device is fabricated from CMOS compatible materials and achieves a Vπ_\pi as low as 16 μ\muV for sub-nanowatt pump powers. Such power-efficient, ultra-sensitive and highly integrated hybrid interconnects might find applications ranging from quantum communication and RF receivers to magnetic resonance imaging.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Entangling optical and microwave cavity modes by means of a nanomechanical resonator

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    We propose a scheme that is able to generate stationary continuous-variable entanglement between an optical and a microwave cavity mode by means of their common interaction with a nanomechanical resonator. We show that when both cavities are intensely driven, one can generate bipartite entanglement between any pair of the tripartite system, and that, due to entanglement sharing, optical-microwave entanglement is efficiently generated at the expense of microwave-mechanical and optomechanical entanglement