241 research outputs found

    Rapid method for determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities pattern of urinary bacteria

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    Method determines bacterial sensitivity to antimicrobial agents by measuring level of adenosine triphosphate remaining in the bacteria. Light emitted during reaction of sample with a mixture of luciferase and luciferin is measured

    Application of luciferase assay for ATP to antimicrobial drug susceptibility

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    The susceptibility of bacteria, particularly those derived from body fluids, to antimicrobial agents is determined in terms of an ATP index measured by culturing a bacterium in a growth medium. The amount of ATP is assayed in a sample of the cultured bacterium by measuring the amount of luminescent light emitted when the bacterial ATP is reacted with a luciferase-luciferin mixture. The sample of the cultured bacterium is subjected to an antibiotic agent. The amount of bacterial adenosine triphosphate is assayed after treatment with the antibiotic by measuring the luminescent light resulting from the reaction. The ATP index is determined from the values obtained from the assay procedures

    Determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities on infected urines without isolation

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    A method is described for the quick determination of the susceptibilities of various unidentified bacteria contained in an aqueous physiological fluid sample, particularly urine, to one or more antibiotics. A bacterial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay is carried out after the elimination of non-bacterial ATP to determine whether an infection exists. If an infection does exist, a portion of the sample is further processed, including subjecting parts of the portion to one or more antibiotics. Growth of the bacteria in the parts are determined, again by an ATP assay, to determine whether the unidentified bacteria in the sample are susceptible to the antibiotic or antibiotics under test

    A rapid method for the determination of microbial susceptibility using the firefly luciferase assay for adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

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    Luciferase assay for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was optimized for pure bacteria in broth in order to evaluate if changes in bacterial ATP content could be used as a rapid measure of antibiotic effect on microorganisms. Broth cultures of log phase bacteria were incubated at 310 K (37 C) for 2.5 hours at antimicrobial concentrations which resulted in the best discrimination between sensitive and resistant strains. Eighty-seven strains of 11 bacterial species were studied for their susceptibility to 12 commonly used antimicrobial agents: ampicillin, Penicillin G, nafcillin, carbenicillin, cephalothin, tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin, gentamicin, nitrofurantoin, colistin, and chloramplenicol. The major advantage of the ATP system over existing methods of rapid microbial susceptibility testing is that the assay can be made specific for bacterial ATP

    Fractures and other chest wall abnormalities after thoracotomy for esophageal cancer:A retrospective cohort study

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    Background Chest pain following a thoracotomy for esophageal cancer is frequently reported but poorly understood. This study aimed to (1) determine the prevalence of thoracotomy-related thoracic fractures on postoperative imaging and (2) compare complications, long-term pain, and quality of life in patients with versus without these fractures. Methods This retrospective cohort study enrolled patients with esophageal cancer who underwent a thoracotomy between 2010 and 2020 with pre- and postoperative CTs (<1 and/or >6 months). Disease-free patients were invited for questionnaires on pain and quality of life. Results Of a total of 366 patients, thoracotomy-related rib fractures were seen in 144 (39%) and thoracic transverse process fractures in 4 (2%) patients. Patients with thoracic fractures more often developed complications (89% vs. 74%, p = 0.002), especially pneumonia (51% vs. 39%, p = 0.032). Questionnaires were completed by 77 after a median of 41 (P-25-P(75 )28-91) months. Long-term pain was frequently (63%) reported but was not associated with thoracic fractures (p = 0.637), and neither were quality of life scores. Conclusions Thoracic fractures are prevalent in patients following a thoracotomy for esophageal cancer. These thoracic fractures were associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications, especially pneumonia, but an association with long-term pain or reduced quality of life was not confirmed

    Regularity of maximal operators: recent progress and some open problems

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    This is an expository paper on the regularity theory of maximal operators, when these act on Sobolev and BV functions, with a special focus on some of the current open problems in the topic. Overall, a list of fifteen research problems is presented. It summarizes the contents of a talk delivered by the author at the CIMPA 2017 Research School - Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Applications, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Comment: 19 pages. Expository paper with the contents of a lecture given at the in the CIMPA 2017 Research School - Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Applications, in Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Иммунно-нейроэндокринные взаимосвязи в развитии перименопаузальной патологии

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    Представлен современный патогенетический взгляд на происходящие в перименопаузальном периоде системные нарушения. Показано, что имунно-нейроэндокринный гомеостаз имеет определенные отличия в зависимости от клинической формы и степени тяжести перименопаузальных нарушений, что необходимо учитывать при проведении терапевтических мероприятий.Представлено сучасний патогенетичний погляд на системні порушення, що відбуваються в перименопаузальному періоді. Показано, що імунно-нейроендокринний гомеостаз має певні відмінності залежно від клінічної форми і ступеня тяжкості перименопаузальних порушень, що необхідно враховувати під час проведення терапевтичних заходів.A modern pathogenetic opinion about the systemic perimenopausal disorders is presented. It is shown that immunoneuroendocrine homeostatsis differs depending on the clinical form and degree of severity of perimenopausal disorders, which should be taken into consideration when taking therapeutic measures

    Audiologic monitoring of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients on aminoglycoside treatment with long term follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis has emerged as a significant problem with the resurfacing of tuberculosis and thus the need to use the second line drugs with the resultant increased incidence of adverse effects. We discuss the effect of second line aminoglycoside anti-tubercular drugs on the hearing status of MDR-TB patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty four patients were put on second line aminoglycoside anti-TB drugs. These were divided into three groups: group I, 34 patients using amikacin, group II, 26 patients using kanamycin and group III, 4 patients using capreomycin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of these, 18.75% of the patients developed sensorineural hearing loss involving higher frequencies while 6.25% had involvement of speech frequencies also. All patients were seen again approximately one year after aminoglycoside discontinuation and all hearing losses were permanent with no threshold improvement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Aminoglycosides used in MDR-TB patients may result in irreversible hearing loss involving higher frequencies and can become a hearing handicap as speech frequencies are also involved in some of the patients thus underlining the need for regular audiologic evaluation in patients of MDR-TB during the treatment.</p