50 research outputs found

    Legitimization and delegitimization of social hierarchy

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    Although status and wealth are related facets of social stratification, their association is only moderate. In this article, we demonstrate that justification of wealth versus status can be independent processes. To this end, we introduce a novel, nondeclarative measure of system justification. The measure is based on within-individual correlations between the judgments of how a group ‘‘is doing’’ and how it ‘‘should be doing.’’ Two studies demonstrated that the between-group differentiation in terms of material wealth was delegitimized—the more a group was perceived as wealthy, the less it was desired to be wealthy. However, the between-group differentiation in terms of status was generally legitimized—the more a group was perceived as influential, the more it was desired to be influential. We conclude by discussing the role of sociopolitical context in active legitimization and delegitimization of different aspects of the system

    An Investigation of Buyer Search in the Residential Real Estate Market under Different Market Conditions

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    The purpose of this research is to examine buyer search under different market conditions. We conduct a survival regression analysis of survey data generated by the National Association of Realtors for 1988, 1991 and 1993. We find, in all instances, that economic conditions are the dominant factor influencing search duration. Some evidence does indicate, however, that search is influenced by interest rates. Additionally, the evidence suggests that the probability of finding a home increases for broker-assisted search, while this is not the case for self-conducted search.

    The content of cadmium in some grass species irrigated with purified municipal wastes

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    Reakcja niektórych gatunków traw pastewnych na nawadnianie oczyszczonymi ściekami miejskimi w roku siewu

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    Doświadczenie założono w wazonach napełnionych glebą mineralno-murszową pobraną z doświadczenia łąkowego. W badaniach testowano: Alopecurus pratensis odm. Polanowicki, Dactylis glomerata odm. Berta, Festuca arundinacea odm Rahela, Festuca pratensis odm. Skawa, Lolium perenne odm. Maja i Phleum pratense odm. Kaba. Od wysiewu nasion do pierwszego ścięcia traw wszystkie obiekty nawadniano wodą destylowaną. Odrost drugi nawadniano oczyszczonymi ściekami w dawkach: „1” - 100% oczyszczonych ścieków, „1/2” - 50% dawki oczyszczonych ścieków + 50% dawki wody destylowanej. Kontrolę („0”) stanowiły obiekty nawadniane wodą destylowaną (100%). Ocenę dynamiki wzrostu i rozwoju badanych gatunków traw prowadzono w odstępach 7. dniowych. Badania wykazały, że trawy pastewne już w fazie siewek były tolerancyjne na zanieczyszczenie środowiska biogenami. Reakcja gatunków była jednak zróżnicowana. Na podstawie dynamiki wzrostu i rozwoju wyróżniono gatunki bardziej i mniej odporne na stres spowodowany zanieczyszczeniem środowiska biogenami. Ta cecha może przesądzić o ich przydatności do gruntowo-roślinnego oczyszczania ścieków miejskich, uprzednio oczyszczonych mechaniczno-biologicznie.The experiment was carried out in pots filled with mineral-mursh soil collected from a field experiment. The experiment covered: Alopecurus pratensis cv. Polanowicki, Dactylis glomerata cv. Berta, Festuca arundinacea cv. Rahela, Festuca pratensis cv. Skawa, Lolium perenne cv. Maja and Phleum pratense cv. Kaba. From the date of seedsowing to the first cut of grass all objects were watered with distilled water. Afterwards, till gathering second regrowth the irrigation with purified sewages was applied in doses: „0” - 100% distilled water, „1/2” - 50% treated sewages + 50% distilled water, „1” - 100% purified sewages. Altogether, in „½” object a dose of 100 mm wastes was used, while in „1” object - 200 mm. Growth and development of tested grass species were controlled in 7-day intervals. The experiments proved that the fodder grasses as early as in the seedling stage were tolerant to environment pollution with biogens. However, the species response was differentiated. On the basis of growth and development dynamics the species were singled out that are more and less resistant to stress caused environment by biogenic pollution. This trait may forejudge suitability for ground and vegetable purification of municipal wastes pretreated mechanically and biologically

    The analysis of changes of water stores in clay soil on the background of weather conditions in Puczniew area

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    This paper examines the changes in stocks of water in clay soils against precipitation and changes in the groundwater table. The study was conducted during the summer period (May-September) in 2001 and 2002. According to the Kaczorowska` s criteria (1962) the year 2001 was very wet, and the 2002 – average. In 2001, ground water table was at a depth of 0 to 190 cm below ground surface level, and in 2002, from 50 cm to 150 cm below the surface. Water storages in the root zone (0-35 cm) developed in 2001 at the level of 100 to 125 mm, in 2002, from 88 mm to 122 mm

    Reseeding as a pro-ecological method of degraded meadow sward

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    Relative precipitation indexes in the Puczniew area

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    Wskaźniki opadu atmosferycznego w rejonie Puczniewa. Susze są jednymi z groźniejszych zjawisk atmosferycznych powodujących szczególnie duże straty w plonach roślin uprawnych. W artykule dokonano oceny intensywności oraz wieloletniej zmienności suszy w okresie wegetacyjnym (IV–IX) na terenie Puczniewa, wyznaczonej na podstawie względnego wskaźnika opadu (RPI) oraz wskaźnika standaryzowanego opadu (SPI). Analizie poddano dobowe sumy opadów z okresu 1953–2002. Większą częstość występowania okresów wegetacyjnych z silną suszą wykazał wskaźnik RPI niż wskaźnik SPI.Relative precipitation indexes in the Puczniew area. Droughts are one of the more dangerous atmospheric phenomena causing especially large losses in yield crops. The article assesses the intensity and long-term variability of drought during the growing season (April–September) in Puczniew, determined on the basis of the relative precipitation index (RPI) and the standardized precipitation index (SPI). Analysed daily precipitation from the period 1953–2002. A higher frequency of vegetation periods of drought showed a strong the RPI than the SPI

    Buying a House and the Decision to Use a Real Estate Broker

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    This study examines the factors that affect the decision by home buyers to use real estate brokers and the subsequent effect this decision has on home prices. Buyers with high opportunity costs and the least amount of information about local market conditions are the most likely to use brokers; a finding consistent with the role of the real estate broker as a market intermediary. Not surprisingly, these were some of the same factors that also have a positive impact on selling price. An important finding of this study is that when selection bias is adequately controlled, the real estate broker has no appreciable, independent impact on selling price. This, in turn, suggests a nonsegmented, highly competitive housing market