44 research outputs found

    Mycorrhizal Colonisation Enhance the Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Different Crops Grown in Glasshouse Pengkolonian Mikoriza Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Pengambilannutrisi Pada Beragam Tanaman Di Rumah Kaca

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    This study aimed to investigate mycorrhizal colonisation on plant growth and nutrient acquisitions on three crop species, i.e, soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr cv. Willis), upland rice (Oryza sativa cv. Cirata), and maize (Zea mays cv. Marshall). These crops were inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) Glomus mosseae BEG 107 grown in a Luvisol (Calcareous soil, pH 7.3 in CaCl2) under glasshouse conditions. Inoculated plants became mycorrhizal while control plants remained non-mycorrhizal. The AM colonisation rates were as high as 60%, 40%, 70% of the total root length, respectively, in soybean, upland rice, and maize. Mycorrhizal crop growth increased 7.5-folds, 4.5-folds, and 5.0-folds relative to non-mycorrhizal crop, respectively, in soybean, upland rice, and maize. Related to nutrient uptake, mycorrhizal colonisation increased P concentrations in shoot 1.6- folds, 3.2-folds, and 1.6-folds; and in root 1.9-folds, 1.9-folds, and 2.6-folds, respectively, in soybean, upland rice, and maize. However, it increased, decreased or were similar with other elements depended on elements and crop species. Applied mycorrhizal clearly contributed to enhance the growth and nutrient uptake of crop tested

    Tanggap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays L. Saccharata) Pada Aplikasi Berbagai Pupuk Organik

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    The research was conducted in the Green house the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako Palu. Time of the study began in May 2014. This study used completely randomized design with 5 treatments namely A : Without Fertilizer (control), B : Manure Fertilizer (20 ton ha-1), C : Bokasi Fertilizer (20 ton ha-1), D : Biofertilizer (33,3 ton ha-1), and E : Inorganic Fertilizer (NPK 350 kg ha-1). Each treatment was repeated 4 times resulted to 20 experimental units. Treatment which shows significancy will be further tested with honestly significant difference (HSD) at level of 5%. The results showed that the growth and yield of corn treated with various organic fertilizers positively impacted on plant height, number of leaves, flowering time, cob weight (with husk and without husk) and cob length (with husk and without husk). The application of biofertilizers (microbial from bamboo grove) resulted to better growth and yield

    Pengaruh Ukuran Umbi Dan Dosis Kalium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Varietas Lembah Palu

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    The objective of this research was to study the effect of tuber size and rates of K fertilizer on the growth and yield of shallot (var. Lembah Palu). The site of this research was in Guntarano village, Tanantovea Sub District of Donggala District. This research began from June 2013 to August 2013. A randomized block design was used in this research which used two factors namely tuber size and rates of Kalium. The tuber size consisted of two levels, small tuber (U1= 1.7-2.3g tuber-1) and large tuber (U2= 2.4-3.0 g tuber-1). The K fertilizer consisted of four rates i.e. 100 kg ha-1 K2O (K1), 150 kg ha-1 K2O (K2), 200 kg ha-1 K2O (K3), and 250 kg ha-1 K2O (K4). The research treatments were replicated three times. This research showed that the tuber size significantly affected all growth and yield parameters except plant height. The large tubers resulted in better growth than the small tubers. While K rates showed significant effect on all growth and yield parameters except shoot numbers. The K fertilizer applied at the rate of 100 kg ha-1 and 250 kg ha-1 showed greater yield than the others. There was an interaction effects between tuber size and the rates of K fertilizer for all growth and yield parameters, except leaf number, shoot number and tuber diameter. The small tuber size applied with 100 kg K ha-1 and the large tuber size applied with 250 kg K ha-1 vindicated greater growth and production of shallot plant (var. Lembah Palu)

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Mikroba Rumpun Bambu Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai dosis pupuk organik mikroba rumpun bambu terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai kriting(Capsicum annuum). Penelitian dilaksanakan disekitar area kampusUntad, Palu. Sulawesi Tengah dan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, dari bulan April - Juli 2013, Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam bentuk percobaan yang disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari enam perlakuan dengan dosis pemberian pupuk organik mikroba rumpun bambu yang berbeda kedalam 5 kg tanah per poliybag yaitu:0 g (Kontrol),25 g, 50 g, 75 g, 100 g dan 125 g. Berdasarkan jumlah perlakuan yang dicobakan diatas maka terdapat 6 perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 5 kali sehingga terdapat 30 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai dosis pupuk organic mikroba rumpun bamboo dapat memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai. Pada setiap perlakuan yang diberikan ternyata dosis 75 g menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah cabang, berat segar dan berat kering tajuk lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perlakuan dosis yang lain

    Nickel acquisition affected by root density of mono- and mixed-cropping peanut and choy sum

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    Nickel (Ni) and associated minerals (Cr and Mn) are naturally occurring substances in ultramafic laterites soil. It may be found in our vegetables and grains when agriculture is grown in ultramafic laterites. This study aimed to assess the contamination of Ni in edible crops affected by soil volume in mono- and mixed cropping on limonitic laterite soil. The investigation was conducted on Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and Choy Sum (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis) in three different pots sizes-representing soil volume to support root growth, which was filled with 0.5 kg (small), 1.0 kg (medium), and 1.5 kg (big) of limonitic laterite soil, respectively. The limonitic soil has a 7.884 mg kg-1 Ni concentration. The experiment shows that Ni concentration in peanut and Choy Sum shoots of mono-cropping in small, medium, and big pots achieve 20, 90, 120 mg kg-1 and 51, 67, and 95 mg kg-1, respectively. Meanwhile, in mixed cropping, Ni concentration in small, medium, and big pots of peanut and Choy Sum shoots are lower only by 33, 50, and 51 mg kg-1 and 15, 52, and 63 mg kg-1, respectively. Contamination of Ni in Peanut and Choy Sum shoots increases with the increasing soil volume, and mixed cropping is a potential strategy to reduce the acquisition of Ni


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    The purposes of the research was to determine the effects of tuber sizes andpotassium fertilizerrates on growth and yield of Lembah Palu shallot varieties. This research was conducted in Simoro village, Gumbasa Sub District in Regency of Sigi. Laboratory work for yield component observations were done in Seed Technology Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Tadulako University. This research was conducted from June to August 2013. A randomized block design was used for designingthe research within which two factors were applied namely tuber size (U) and rates of potassium (K). The tuber size consist of small tuber (U1= 1.7-2.3gtuber-1) and large tuber (U2= 2.4-3.0 gtuber-1). The potassium fertilizer (K2O) consist of four rates; 100 kgha-1, 150 kgha-1, 200 kgha-1, 250 kgha-1. The research treatments was replicated three times. The results research showed that tuber dimension significantly affected all growth parameters except plant height and all yield parameters. The large tuber grew better than small tuber. While K rates showed significant effect for all growth parameters except shoot numbers and all yield parameters, except tuber number per plants. The rates of K above 100kgha-1 showed greater yield 6.41 tonha-1 than the low rate 100 kgha-1 only 5.66 tonha-1. There was a significant interaction effect between tuber size and rates of K fertilizer for all parameters growth, except leaf number and shoot number, and  all parameter yields except tuber diameter. The potassium fertilizerinfluence the growth, yield of and corm quality. The potassium fertilizer function is to strengthen the crop vigor along with forming and enlarging tuber diameter. Key words : K dosage, Shallot varieties lembah palu, Tuber size


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    The research purpose is to study the response of growth and yield of Banggaiyam ofBaku Pususvariety under various combination of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizers and rice straw mulch. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of seven treatments which grouped into four based on different land slopes. Thus there were 21experimental units. There was no significant effect on growth components including growth percentage, plant height and number of shoot but it was significant on plant height at 74 days after planting  (DAP).The highest plant height was 171.50 cm found in the combination of inorganic fertilizer, organic and rice straw mulch. There was alsono significant effect on the yield components except the productivity of tuber. The highest productivity was 6.33 tons ha-1shown by the combination of inorganic fertilizer, organic with rice straw mulch.Keywords : Organic, Ubi banggai (Dioscorea alata) anorganic fertilizer, Rice Straw Mulc


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    Utilization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is aimed at increasing crop productivityon marginal soils.AMF role as natural microorganisms areenhancing the absorption of nutrient, especially P,helping the plant to be able to withstand drought conditions as their hyphae are able to penetrate soil pores thus expanding the areas of water absorption, and protecting plant roots against pathogen attacks. Intensive planting would disturb the populationand development of the AMF. The purpose of this study was to observe the status of AMF sporeson maize (Zea mays L.).This study used a randomized block design (RAK) with 6 treatments and 5 replicates so that there were 30 experimental units.Factors studiedare several types of AMF based on the color of the corn plant area.Data fromthe study concluded that observationof AMFspores horizontally (H1, H2, and H3) showed no difference in the density of spores. In contrast, the treatment of vertical AMF(V1, V2, and V3) decreases the number of spores with increasing soil depth.  The diversity ofcolorbased AMF spores morphological types showed that there are four groups of colors i.e.yellow, brown , black, and translucent.In the Horizontal position, most AMF spores from left to right are black, while in the vertical position the dominant color is yellow.  The natural spore density in the rhizosphere of maize(Zea mays L.)generally ranges from 35 – 124 spores/10 g soil. Keywords : Arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (AMF ), and maize