7 research outputs found
Obrasci bioraznolikosti Ŕumske vegetacije Crvanj planine u Hercegovini (zapadni Balkan)
The peterns of structure and certain parameters of dynamics of forest vegetation have been studied along the vertical profile of the Crvanj Mt. in Hercegovina (from Ulog to Zimomor, i.e. top of mountain Crvanj). The following communities of the forest vegetation are present: Quercetum pe traeae-cerrisB. JovanoviÄ (1960) 1979 subass.seslerietosum autumnalissu bass. nova hoc loco; Lathyro nigeri-Quercetum cerris nomen nov hoc loco (Syn.:Quercetum cerris āmediterraneo-montanumāLakuÅ”iÄ et KutleÅ”a 1977), Aceri-Carpinetum orientalisBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1966 /alliancesQuercion pe traeae-cerris[(LakuÅ”iÄ 1976) LakuÅ”iÄ et JovanoviÄ 1980] Äarni et al. 2009 andCarpinion orientalisBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1966/;Querco- Carpinetum betuliHorvat 1938 emend BleÄiÄ 1958 subass.quercetosum cerrisStefanoviÄ 1964 aposeriosum foetidaefacies nov. hoc loco (alliance Erythronio-Carpinion(Horvat 1958) MarinÄek in Mucina et al. 1993;Lathyro verni-Fagetum sylva ticaeRedžiÄ 2007 nom. nov (Syn.:Fagetum moesiacae āmontanumāBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970), Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum sylvaticaeBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970 corr. RedžiÄ & BarudanoviÄ hoc loco and Phyteumo spicatae-FagetumsylvaticaeBarudanoviÄ 2003 corr. RedžiÄ & BarudanoviÄ hoc loco (alliance Seslerio-Fagion sylvaticae nomen nov hoc loco (Syn.:Fagion moesiacaeBle ÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970). All communities are hemicryptophitic and phanerophtic, with certain proportion of geophytes life form. The balkans, dinaric and SE Europe floral elements are with high proportion and differentiate of those fo rest communites from similar forest vegetation in other Dinaric Alps region.Istraživani su obrasci bioraznolikosti zajednica Å”umske vegeta cije na vertikalnom profilu planine Crvanj u Hercegovini (od Uloga do Zimo mora ā vrha planine Crvanj). Å umska vegetacija predstavljena je sa sljedeÄim zajednicama:Quercetum petraeae-cerrisB. JovanoviÄ (1960) 1979 subas.se slerietosum autumnalissubas. nova; Lathyro nigeri-Quercetum cerrisnomen nov hoc loco (Syn.:Quercetum petraeae-cerris āmediterraneo-montanumāLa kuÅ”iÄ et KutleÅ”a 1977, Aceri-Carpinetum orientalisBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1966 iz sveze Quercion petraeae-cerris[(LakuÅ”iÄ 1976) LakuÅ”iÄ et JovanoviÄ 1980] Äarni et al. 2009 iCarpinion orientalisBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1966;Querco-Carpi netum betuliHorvat 1938 emend BleÄiÄ 1958 subas.quercetosum cerrisStefa noviÄ 1964 aposeriosum foetidaefacies nov. iz sveze Erythronio-Carpinionbetuli(Horvat 1958) MarinÄek in Mucina et al. 1993;Lathyro verni-FagetumsylvaticaeRedžiÄ 2007 nom. nov (Syn.:Fagetum moesiacae montanumBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970), Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum sylvaticaeBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970 corr. hoc loco i Phyteumo spicatae-Fagetum sylvaticaeBarudanoviÄ 2003 corr. hoc loco (Syn.: Aceri-Fagetum subalpinumFukarek et StefanoviÄ 1958 emend Fukarek 1969) (alliance Seslerio-FagionNomen nov hoc loco (Syn.:Fa gion moesiacaeBleÄiÄ et LakuÅ”iÄ 1970). Sve biljne zajednice su hemikriptofit sko-fanerofitskog karaktera sa znaÄajnim uÄeÅ”Äem geofita. Balkanski, dinarski i jugoistoÄno-evropski florni elementi znaÄajno diferenciraju ove zajednice od srodnih Å”umskih zajednica drugih podruÄja Dinarida
Vascular plant biodiversity richness and endemo relictness of the karst mountains PrenjāÄvrsnicaāÄabulja in Bosnia and Herzegovina (W. Balkan)
The complex of karstic mountains Prenj-Ävrsnica and Äabulja in Herzegovina (w. Balkan) is characterized by high level of both geomorphology and biodiversity richness. This has been confirmed by a research of plant communities, their structure and dynamics, which took place throughout several seasons from 2005 to 2008. In the investigated area the vegetation cover, as a reliable indicator for specific karstic circumstances, is being differentiated in a great number of syntaxa (plant communities) that encompass over 2,500 vascular plants. On the surface of about 100,000 ha identified were up to 236 plant associations, 116 alliances and 63 vegetation orders that belong to 34 classes. This amounts 34% of total of vegetation classes at the European level and 100% of so far known vegetation classes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, over 80% of classes at the level of Montenegro and Croatia.There have been identified nearly 450 endemic and relict species, which is why most of the identified communities are endemic and relict ones, not only at the level of association but also at the level of higher syntaxonomic categories, such as alliance and order. The highest diversity level characterizes those communities that make a direct contact with the calcareous geological foundation either in rock crevices or screes on limestone. That high level of floristic and vegetation richness places this area among the most diverse areas both in Europe and whole Mediterranean.That high level of floristic and vegetation richness places this area among the most diverse areas both in Europe and whole Mediterranean. Such pattern of vegetation (syntaxonomy) and floristic diversity confirms the unique role of dinaric-herzegovina karst as a complex of unrepeatable ecological factors on global scale
Epipelonske dijatomeje u Å eriÄkoj bari (sjeveroistoÄna Bosna i Hercegovina)
Epipelic diatom communities were studied in the Å eriÄka bara marsh in northeast Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout 2009. During spring and summer a total of 57 species was found at 6 sampling points. The highest number of species was noted for genera Gomphonema (8) and Nitzschia (5). The most abundant species were Melosira varians C.Agardh, Gyrosigma acuminatum (KĆ¼tzing) Rabenhorst, Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) F.E.Round & P.W.Basson, Navicula cryptocephala KĆ¼tzing, Cocconeis placentula var. placentula Ehrenberg, Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Witkowski, Fallacia pygmaea (KĆ¼tzing) A.J.Stickle & D.G.Mann, Anomoeoneis sphaerophora E.Pfi tzer, Craticula cuspidata (Kutzing) D.G.Mann, Cyclotella meneghiniana (Kutzing) D.G.Mann and Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Frenguelli. The spatial variation of the epipelic community was higher in summer as summarized by PCO analysis. Values of the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index ranged from 2.47 to 2.96, while the Rott Trophic Index ranged from 2.7 to 3.4. Most of the species were eutraphentic (61%) and alkaliphilous (60%), indicating the eutrophic and polytrophic status of this wetland.U radu su istraživane epipelonske zajednice dijatomeja tijekom 2009. godine u Å eriÄkoj bari u sjeveroistoÄnoj Bosni i Hercegovini. Determinirano je 57 vrsta na 6 lokaliteta u proljetnoj i ljetnoj sezoni uzorkovanja. Rodovi najbrojnij i vrstama su Gomphonema (8) i Nitzschia (5), a dominantne vrste bile su Melosira varians C.Agardh, Gyrosigma acuminatum (KĆ¼tzing) Rabenhorst, Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) F.E.Round & P.W.Basson, Navicula cryptocephala KĆ¼tzing, Cocconeis placentula var. placentula Ehrenberg, Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Witkowski, Fallacia pygmaea (KĆ¼tzing) A.J.Stickle & D.G.Mann, Anomoeoneis sphaerophora E.Pfizer, Craticula cuspidata (Kutzing) D.G.Mann, Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutzing i Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Frenguelli. Struktura epipelonske zajednice bila je prostorno raznolikija u ljetnoj u odnosu na proljetnu sezonu uzorkovanja. Shannon-Wienerov indeks raznolikosti iznosio je od 2,47 do 2,96, dok se trofiÄki indeks prema Rott-u kretao u rasponu od 2,7 do 3,4. NajveÄi broj vrsta pripadao je kategoriji alkalifi lnih (60%) i eutrofnih (61%) pokazatelja
i upuÄuje na eutrofni i politrofni status moÄvare
Alge i makrofiti kopovskih jezera Å”ireg podruÄja Tuzle, Bosna i Hercegovina
The algal and macrophytic occurrence in the pit lakes of the wider area of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was investigated in 2008. The purpose of this investigation was to establish the qualitative composition and the relative abundance of the phytobenthos and epiphyton communities and the structure of the aquatic vegetation in the littoral area of the seven pit lakes. The basic physical and chemical parameters were measured and in total 73 algal taxa and 8 macrophytic species were determined. Most of the algal species belonged to Bacillariophyceae. The macrophytic vegetation was differentiated into two types of habitat. Using the statistical method of the numeric classification, a grouping of samples of phytobenthos and epiphyton compared to the habitat type in which samples were taken was established.Struktura zajednica algi i makrofita je istraživana tijekom 2008. godine na umjetnim jezerima koja su nastala na mjestima okonÄane povrÅ”inske eksploatacije ugljena u Å”iroj okolici Tuzle (Bosna i Hercegovina). Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrÄivanje kvalitativnog sastava i relativne brojnosti algi i makrofita u litoralnom podruÄju sedam umjetnih jezera. Mjereni su osnovni fizikalno-kemijski pokazatelji, a u uzorcima algi su utvrÄena 73 taksona algi, od kojih su najzastupljenije bile dijatomeje. Makrofitska vegetacija s determiniranih 8 vrsta diferencirana je u dva tipa staniÅ”ta. KoristeÄi se statistiÄkom metodom numeriÄke klasifikacije, utvrÄeno je grupiranje uzoraka fitobentosa i epifitona u odnosu na tip staniÅ”ta na kome su uzorkovani
New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 2
This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: the diatom alga Eunotia boreoalpina; the saprotrophic fungus Clitocybe truncicola; the liverwort Haplomitrium hookeri; the moss Leptodon smithii: the monocots Epipactis purpurata, Stipa tirsa, Typha laxmannii and T. shuttleworthii; and the dicots Krascheninnikovia ceratoides, Polygonum albanicum and Sorbus latifolia
Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD) ā updated information and current status
The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019) is a regional database, which was established in 2014. It comprises phytosociological relevĆ©s covering various vegetation types from nine countries of the Balkan Peninsula (Albania ā 153 relevĆ©s, Bosnia and Herzegovina ā 1715, Bulgaria ā 12,282, Greece ā 465, Croatia ā 69, Kosovo ā 493, Montenegro ā 440, North Macedonia ā 13 and Serbia ā 2677). Currently, it contains 18,306 relevĆ©s (compared to 9.580 in 2016), and most of them (82.8%) are geo-referenced. The database includes both digitized relevĆ©s from the literature (65.6%) and unpublished data (34.5%). Plot size is available for 84.7% of all relevĆ©s. During the last four years some āheader data informationā was improved e.g. elevation (now available for 83.4% of all relevĆ©s), aspect (67.7%), slope (66%), total cover of vegetation (54.3%), cover of tree, shrub, herb, bryophyte and lichen layers (27.1%, 20.1%, 40.2%, 11.5% and 2.1%), respectively. Data access is either semi-restricted (65.6%) or restricted (34.4%). Most relevĆ©s (84.6%) are classified to syntaxa of different levels. The database has been used for numerous studies with various objectives from floristic, vegetation and habitat-related topics, to macroecological studies at the local, regional, national, continental and global levels. During the last four years, BVD data were requested from 111 different projects via the EVA and sPlot databases