17 research outputs found

    Relationship between the Indian summer monsoon and the large-scale circulation variability over the Mediterranean

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    In this study the impact of the Indian summer monsoon on the large scale variability of the atmospheric circulation over the Mediterranean is investigated on an inter-annual time scale. Composite and correlation analysis results are presented, outlining different circulation patterns in the upper and lower troposphere for strong and weak monsoon years respectively. For this purpose ERA-40 Reanalysis monthly mean data at various isobaric levels together with the standardized All India Rainfall Index for boreal summer (June–July–August–September) of a 44- year period were employed. During strong monsoon years many atmospheric circulation systems appear strengthened over Eurasia, resembling a well-organized Rossby wave train over the area. In the upper troposphere a meridional shift of the jet streams over the examined area was also identified during extreme monsoon years. On the other hand, in the lower troposphere enhanced northerlies (Etesians) appear to dominate over Eastern Mediterranean along with intensified subsidence during strong monsoon years

    Low back pain under control - Bartzokas' maneuver: a case report

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    Low back pain (lumbago) is a common health problem globally. It is related to age, modern lifestyle (no exercise etc), and injuries. Its treatment includes a very broad spectrum of methods and its prevention is still unclear

    On the link between Indian summer monsoon and the Etesian pattern over the Aegean Sea

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    The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is a key factor influencing the eastern Mediterranean climate. During early summer period, the thermal low over Pakistan and northwestern India extends towards the Mediterranean through inner Iraq and Turkey. On the other hand, the Azores high expands eastwards and meets the Balkan high pressure system, forming one common system. Greece lies at the transitional zone between these two pressure systems, where persistent northeasterly wind currents form especially over the Aegean, known as the Etesians. The objective of this study is to investigate the interrelation between the ISM and the Etesian winds over the Aegean Sea during summer for an extended period of 44 years (1958-2001) with the aid of composite and correlation analyses and ERA 40 datasets. More specifically, the study will focus on the ISM activity during and prior to or after ‘Etesian episodes’ in order to determine the extent to which one system may lead another. The present analysis reveals that during enhanced monsoon years two upper level ridges prevail over the greater area of interest, one over western Europe and northern Africa, which is part of the Azores high and a second one over Pakistan region, Persian Gulf and Middle Asia, which extends to the west and connecting to the first one forms a slight trough over Eastern Mediterranean. At lower levels, an intensification of the thermal Asian low as well as of the high pressure system prevailing over western and central Europe is apparent. Concurring with this pattern in upper and lower troposphere, anomalously strong northerlies appear over the Aegean during periods with enhanced monsoon activity, as horizontal surface wind anomalies depict. In agreement with previous studies, mid-level subsidence during excess monsoon rainfall periods is found to be more intense over the Eastern Mediterranean, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and east of the Caspian Sea

    Correlation between air-sea heat fluxes over the Aegean Sea and the total precipitable water over Europe and North Africa.

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    The relation between the air-sea heat fluxes in the Aegean Sea and the total precipitable water (TPW) over Europe and North Africa is investigated. An one-point linear correlation between the components of surface heat exchange and TPW is employed. During winter and for the shortwave radiation, a dipole of opposite correlation (see-saw teleconnection), is observed between the northeast Europe and the East Mediterranean Sea. This pattern is inverted for the longwave radiation and especially during the summer is limited to a strong positive south pole. Both spatial correlation patterns underline the influence of cloudiness during the winter season and the specific humidity during summer on the radiative fluxes behavior. Regarding the turbulent air-sea heat flux components – latent and sensible heat – the correlation pattern is enhanced. The winter pattern exhibits positive correlation over Europe with the highest values (r > 0.75) over the Balkan Peninsula. The identified correlation patterns, although they remain dominant, weaken during the summer. The herein findings suggest that the stronger relation between the TPW and the turbulent fluxes is regulated by the wind regimeThe publication of this article is sponsored by the Swiss Academy of Sciences.Peer Reviewe

    A Statistical Investigation of the Impact of the Indian Monsoon on the Eastern Mediterranean Circulation

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    The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is a prominent feature of the summer circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and has been found to modulate the weather and climate conditions in many remote regions. This study investigates the most recurrent patterns of summertime midlatitude circulation, over the eastern Mediterranean (EM) and also globally, that are most associated with the ISM. Monthly data of 44 summers from the ERA40 dataset are used and two multidimensional statistical methods, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), are implemented. The ISM is found to be related to subsidence anomalies in the middle and more extendedly in the upper troposphere over the central and eastern Mediterranean and with an Etesian-like pattern regarding the field of the lower troposphere winds. An equatorial Rossby wave pattern, extending westward from an ISM heat source up to EM and N. Africa, was identified to be associated with the variability of ISM. The observed relationship between the ISM and the EM circulation features can be attributed to this equatorial Rossby wave response to the monsoon forcing. CCA implementation revealed the interconnection of the aforementioned PCA results with an ISM action center over the northern Arabian Sea and the monsoon trough region

    Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Favoring Deep- and Intermediate-Water Formation in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Atmospheric circulation patterns that are conducive to extreme ocean heat loss are investigated at four sites of special interest in the Mediterranean Sea. The Gulf of Lions, the South Adriatic Sea, the Cretan Sea, and the Levantine Sea are areas where anomalously high winter heat loss may lead to deep- or intermediate-water formation. At each of the above sites, the atmospheric circulation during such events is derived by averaging the sea level pressure (SLP) fields during the lower decile of the wintertime series of the net heat exchange. A relatively simple SLP pattern dominated by an anticyclone over northwestern Europe with a weaker cyclone to the southeast is found to be associated with strong heat loss in the selected sites with minor variations in pattern structure depending on the site. The SLP composite pattern reflects the combined effect of different atmospheric modes of variability and the authors consider the impacts on heat loss of a number of these modes (North Atlantic Oscillation, east Atlantic pattern, east Atlantic–west Russia pattern, and Scandinavian pattern), together with the North Sea–Caspian pattern and the Mediterranean index. The extremes in heat loss are strongly connected with the intensity and the positions of the poles of these patterns that modulate, through the necessary SLP gradient and associated northerlies, the transfer of cold and dry air over the areas of dense-water formation. Analysis of air–sea temperature difference, specific humidity, and evaporation anomalies indicates that the extremes of the net heat fluxes are primarily due to the latent and sensible heat flux components