4,227 research outputs found

    Dynamical typicality of quantum expectation values

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    We show that the vast majority of all pure states featuring a common expectation value of some generic observable at a given time will yield very similar expectation values of the same observable at any later time. This is meant to apply to Schroedinger type dynamics in high dimensional Hilbert spaces. As a consequence individual dynamics of expectation values are then typically well described by the ensemble average. Our approach is based on the Hilbert space average method. We support the analytical investigations with numerics obtained by exact diagonalization of the full time-dependent Schroedinger equation for some pertinent, abstract Hamiltonian model. Furthermore, we discuss the implications on the applicability of projection operator methods with respect to initial states, as well as on irreversibility in general.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Disrupted hippocampal sharp-wave ripple-associated spike dynamics in a transgenic mouse model of dementia.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2014.282889. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Neurons within the CA1 region of the hippocampus are co-activated during high frequency (100-250 Hz) sharp wave ripple (SWR) activity in a manner that likely drives synaptic plasticity and promotes memory consolidation. In this study we have used a transgenic mouse model of dementia (rTg4510 mice) which overexpresses a mutant form of tau protein, to examine the effects of tauopathy on hippocampal SWRs and associated neuronal firing. Tetrodes were used to record simultaneous extracellular action potentials and local field potentials from the dorsal CA1 pyramidal cell layer of 7-8 month old wild-type and rTg4510 mice at rest in their home cage. At this age point these mice exhibit neurofibrillary tangles, neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits. Epochs of sleep or quiet restfulness were characterised by minimal locomotor activity and a low theta/delta ratio in the local field potential power spectrum. SWRs detected off-line were significantly lower in amplitude and had an altered temporal structure in rTg4510 mice. Nevertheless, the average frequency profile and duration of the SWRs were relatively unaltered. Putative interneurons displayed significantly less temporal and phase locking to SWRs in rTg4510 mice, whilst putative pyramidal neurons showed increased temporal and phase locking to SWRs. These findings indicate there is reduced inhibitory control of hippocampal network events and points to a novel mechanism which may contribute to impairments in memory consolidation in this model of dementia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Alzheimer’s Research UKMedical Research Counci

    Inhaled nitric oxide for high-altitude pulmonary edema

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    BACKGROUND. Pulmonary hypertension is a hallmark of high-altitude pulmonary edema and may contribute to its pathogenesis. When administered by inhalation, nitric oxide, an endothelium-derived relaxing factor, attenuates the pulmonary vasoconstriction produced by short-term hypoxia. METHODS. We studied the effects of inhaled nitric oxide on pulmonary-artery pressure and arterial oxygenation in 18 mountaineers prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema and 18 mountaineers resistant to this condition in a high altitude laboratory (altitude, 4559 m). We also obtained lung-perfusion scans before and during nitric oxide inhalation to gain further insight into the mechanism of action of nitric oxide. RESULTS. In the high-altitude laboratory, subjects prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema had more pronounced pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia than subjects resistant to high-altitude pulmonary edema. Arterial oxygen saturation was inversely related to the severity of pulmonary hypertension (r=-0.50, P=0.002). In subjects prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema, the inhalation of nitric oxide (40 ppm for 15 minutes) produced a decrease in mean (+/-SD) systolic pulmonary-artery pressure that was three times larger than the decrease in subjects resistant to such edema (25.9+/-8.9 vs. 8.7+/-4.8 mm Hg, P<0.001). Inhaled nitric oxide improved arterial oxygenation in the 10 subjects who had radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema (arterial oxygen saturation increased from 67+/-10 to 73+/-12 percent, P=0.047), whereas it worsened oxygenation in subjects resistant to high-altitude pulmonary edema. The nitric oxide-induced improvement in arterial oxygenation in subjects with high-altitude pulmonary edema was accompanied by a shift in blood flow in the lung away from edematous segments and toward nonedematous segments. CONCLUSIONS. The inhalation of nitric oxide improves arterial oxygenation in high-altitude pulmonary edema, and this beneficial effect may be related to its favorable action on the distribution of blood flow in the lungs. A defect in nitric nitric oxide synthesis may contribute to high-altitude pulmonary edema

    Higher order glass-transition singularities in colloidal systems with attractive interactions

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    The transition from a liquid to a glass in colloidal suspensions of particles interacting through a hard core plus an attractive square-well potential is studied within the mode-coupling-theory framework. When the width of the attractive potential is much shorter than the hard-core diameter, a reentrant behavior of the liquid-glass line, and a glass-glass-transition line are found in the temperature-density plane of the model. For small well-width values, the glass-glass-transition line terminates in a third order bifurcation point, i.e. in a A_3 (cusp) singularity. On increasing the square-well width, the glass-glass line disappears, giving rise to a fourth order A_4 (swallow-tail) singularity at a critical well width. Close to the A_3 and A_4 singularities the decay of the density correlators shows stretching of huge dynamical windows, in particular logarithmic time dependence.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Phys. Rev. E, in prin

    Propylene Carbonate Reexamined: Mode-Coupling β\beta Scaling without Factorisation ?

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    The dynamic susceptibility of propylene carbonate in the moderately viscous regime above TcT_{\rm c} is reinvestigated by incoherent neutron and depolarised light scattering, and compared to dielectric loss and solvation response. Depending on the strength of α\alpha relaxation, a more or less extended β\beta scaling regime is found. Mode-coupling fits yield consistently λ=0.72\lambda=0.72 and Tc=182T_{\rm c}=182 K, although different positions of the susceptibility minimum indicate that not all observables have reached the universal asymptotics

    Организация бухгалтерского учета и анализ основных средств

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    В дипломной работе освещена тема «Состояние учета основных средств и выявление его недостатков». Целью данной дипломной работы является решение следующих задач: изучить проанализировать теоретические основы учета и контроля основных средств (ОС). Дать общую характеристику активам, определить состав, порядок оценки, виды стоимости в учете, критерии отнесения активов к группе ОС. Проанализировать и описать организацию системы бухгалтерского учета на исследуемом предприятии, используемые программные продукты ведения учета. Провести анализ эффективности использования на предприятии системы учета основных средств. Разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию системы учета и эффективности использования основных средств.The thesis covered the topic "State of accounting of fixed assets and to identify its shortcomings." The aim of this thesis is to solve the following tasks: learn to perform theoretical foundations of accounting and control of fixed assets. To give a General characterization of the assets to determine the composition, the order of evaluation, types of cost in accounting criteria for the assignment of assets to the asset group. To analyse and describe the organization of the accounting system at the study company used software products of accounting. To analyze the efficiency of using the company's system of accounting of fixed assets. To develop recommendations for improving the accounting system and the effectiveness of use of the asset

    Separated cross sections in \pi^0 electroproduction at threshold at Q^2 = 0.05 GeV^2/c^2

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    The differential cross sections \sigma_0=\sigma_T+\epsilon \sigma_L, \sigma_{LT}, and \sigma_{TT} of \pi^0 electroproduction from the proton were measured from threshold up to an additional center of mass energy of 40 MeV, at a value of the photon four-momentum transfer of Q^2= 0.05 GeV^2/c^2 and a center of mass angle of \theta=90^\circ. By an additional out-of-plane measurement with polarized electrons \sigma_{LT'} was determined. This showed for the first time the cusp effect above the \pi^+ threshold in the imaginary part of the s-wave. The predictions of Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory are in disagreement with these data. On the other hand, the data are somewhat better predicted by the MAID phenomenological model and are in good agreement with the dynamical model DMT.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure