14 research outputs found

    Metropolisation Processes In Contemporary Space Of Poland

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    Published in: Origin Spatial Development of Contemporary Poland in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by T.MarszałThe last 20 years of scientific research on metropolises and metropolitan areas in Poland can be divided into three basic stages. The first one, observed at the turn of the 20 th century, focused on the implementation of the basic terminology and methodology from European and American scientific literature. That was also the time of the first attempts of identify Polish metropolises and delimit their functional areas. This period strongly influenced further achievements in this field, first of all, two basic approaches towards understanding the metropolis were applied then. The first one, according to the international terminology, refers to a big city which due to well-developed metropolitan functions is considered (or aspires) to be an important centre on the global scale (global metropolis). In Poland only the capital city, Warsaw, to some extent seems to meet such criteria. In such circumstances, this term more and more often was used to refer also to other regional and supra-regional centres. As a result, scientists who certainly acknowledged this nuance, began to equate “metropolitan areas” with “urban agglomerations”. The popularity of this approach could be explained in the context of prestige and political objectives. However, despite the fact that for many years numerous attempts to institutionalize such metropolitan areas have been made, still there is no agreement on the identification of metropolises and the delimitation of their functional areas, not mentioning other issues related to metropolitan governance. The second stage of research in the described field fell on the first decade of the 21 st century. The main focus was on identification of metropolitan functions in the biggest Polish cities, usually four or five of them. At that time a dual approach towards the understanding the idea of metropolis was clearly visible. Nowadays we experience the third stage of metropolitan research, in which the internal structure of metropolitan areas as well as the relations within them attract scientific attention. Simultaneously, numerous projects focusing on smaller territorial units (e.g. small towns located in metropolitan hinterland) are being carried out. It seems that in future this stage could be followed by focusing the interest on the institutionalisation of metropolitan areas. This ought to result in integration of transport policies, land management and performing other municipal tasks, and, in a broader perspective, in establishing complex metropolitan management. The example of considerable advancement in this field may already be found in Poznań, where local authorities, together with the scientific circ les, successfully stimulate integration of the metropolitan area. To conclude, metropolises and metropolitan areas are nowadays among the most important scientific research subjects in Poland. Not only does this refer to socio-economic geography, but also to economy, urban sociology and management. A considerable share of the scientific projects in this field has application values – their results are implemented in various planning documents prepared at each level of territorial organisation. This evidently proves the importance of research activities regarding metropolisation processes as well as the necessity of their continuation in future

    Powiązania transportowe w Łódzkim Obszarze Metropolitalnym

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    The objective of this paper is the assessment of territorial cohesion of Lodz Metropolitan Area in the light of transportation linkages. In the set of those linkages, relations based on the infrastructural development and its functioning were included. Not only the public transport accessibility and organisation were analysed, but also individual transport flows and time accessibility were taken under consideration.Publikacja sfinansowana ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, w ramach konkursu na granty badawcze własne (nr projektu N N306 262139)

    What drives them to drive? Mode choice for holiday travel in Poland and its determinants

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    The article presents insights into holiday travel and its determinants in Poland. The purpose of the study was to analyze Polish citizens’ modal split and its determinants. Raw data from a pilot survey conducted in 2015 were used as the source material. To identify the determinants of travel mode choice for holiday trips, a multilevel multinomial logit model was utilized. This approach made it possible to include the hierarchical structure of the data, in which respondents are clustered within municipalities. The results reveal that apart from the decision-maker’s socioeconomic characteristics and household attributes, trip characteristics significantly determine Polish citizens’ choice of holiday travel mode. Moreover, the inclusion of municipality-level predictors substantially improved the accuracy of the model. The analysis revealed that the severity of the environmental consequences of motorized transport perceived by respondents also significantly influences their travel mode choice for holiday trips

    Acute interstitial pneumonia in patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with leflunomide

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    Leflunomid (LEF), pochodna izoksazolowa, należy do leków przeciwreumatycznych modyfikujących przebieg choroby (DMARDs), które stanowią podstawę leczenia reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów (RZS). J est lekiem skutecznym i bezpiecznym u chorych na RZS w sytuacji, gdy standardowe leczenie nie spowodowało znaczącej poprawy lub było źle tolerowane, ale może wywoływać śródmiąższową chorobę płuc. Czynnikami ryzyka wystąpienia śródmiąższowej choroby płuc wywołanej LEF są: stwierdzane wcześniej zmiany śródmiąższowe w płucach, palenie papierosów, niska masa ciała i stosowanie dawki nasycającej. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 59-letniego chorego na RZS, z nikotynizmem w wywiadzie, leczonego w przeszłości metotreksatem (MTX), u którego wystąpiły duszność, kaszel i gorączka po około 2 miesiącach leczenia LEF. Z astosowano metyloprednizolon w pulsach, następnie prednizon i cyklofosfamid. Po okresie przejściowej poprawy doszło do narastania niewydolności oddechowej i zgonu.Leflunomide (LEF) is an isoxazole derivative used as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is effective and safe in patients with active RA, in whom standard treatment is insufficient or contraindicated, but it can cause interstitial lung disease (ILD). Identified risk factors for LEF-induced ILD include pre-existing ILD, cigarette smoking, low body weight, and use of loading dose. LEF should be avoided in patients with pre-existing ILD. We present a case of 59-year-old male with RA and a history of smoking and methotrexate (MTX) treatment, who developed dyspnoea, non-productive cough, and fever about two months after the administration of LEF. The clinical and radiological presentation was of acute pneumonia. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone pulse, prednisone, and cyclophosphamide, but he died of respiratory failure

    Exogenous lipoid pneumonia - a report of four cases

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    Exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP) is a rare interstitial pulmonary disease caused by aspiration of the oily material. It is known to mimic many pulmonary diseases and causes many diagnostic difficulties.Wepresentfour patients with ELP. The clinical picture was very heterogenous. We described these cases to show that the use of the mineral oils may increase the risk of lipoid pnemonia. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2005, 73, 182-188

    Linkages in Lodz Metropolitan Area

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    Jak mierzyć spójność terytorialną obszaru metropolitalnego? - propozycja koncepcji badawczej

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    Prezentowane opracowanie przedstawia autorską koncepcję badawczą spójności obszaru metropolitalnego opracowaną przez autorów, w ramach realizowanego grantu badawczego pt. Spójność Łódzkiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego. Koncepcja prezentuje schemat postępowania oraz narzędzia badawcze, które umożliwiają w sposób jak najbardziej dokładny oraz obiektywny określić stopień integralności obszaru metropolitalnego w oparciu o siłę powiązań przestrzennych występujących pomiędzy jego rdzeniem i zapleczem

    Spatial inflence ofcultural institutions in Łódź

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania zasięgu przestrzennego oddziaływania łódzkich instytucji kultury. Analizie poddano informacje zebrane w dziewięciu największych łódzkich muzeach i teatrach. Przy pozyskiwaniu danych zastosowano metodę gromadzenia kodów pocztowych klientów, która umożliwiła zbadanie dużej zbiorowości, jednocześnie nie utrudniając zbytnio bieżącej działalności placówek. W toku badań, wiosną 2012 r., zebrano informacje na temat miejsc zamieszkania ponad 35 tys. osób odwiedzających łódzkie instytucje kultury.The paper discusses research results regarding the influence area of cultural institutions located in Łódź. The analysis includes data collected from nine biggest museums and theatres. In order to gather the information, customers were asked for their zip-codes. This method allows for surveying a large group of people and at the same time it does not interfere much with current activity of the institution. During the spring of 2012, the information about places of residence of 35 thousand customers who visited cultural institutions in Łódź was gathered

    2013, 5−11 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing

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    Abstract: Biotechnology is an effective and environmental friendly method of waste utilization and poor refractory ores exploitation, well known since 1949 and successfully developed in many countries: Spain, Bulgaria, USA, and Sweden. Biotechnology opens the possibility to obtain uranium as by-product in rare element recovery process (eg. Co, Au, Re, Rh, Pt) and positively affects the economic efficiency of technology. The research program of biological exploitation of waste and poor ores in Poland is presented. Microbial consortia able to oxidize iron under neutral and acidic conditions (Fe concentration in ore is 1.8-3.4%) are isolated and developed during project realization