14,972 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation on sound transmission through cavity-backed panels

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    Some experimental findings are presented on the effects of panel stiffness and receiving space absorption on low frequency sound transmission through panels into closed spaces. A simplified method for calculating the low frequency noise reduction of a cavity-backed panel is presented

    Redmond Red as a Redox Probe for the DNA-Mediated Detection of Abasic Sites

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    Redmond Red, a fluoropore containing a redox-active phenoxazine core, has been explored as a new electrochemical probe for the detection of abasic sites in double-stranded DNA. The electrochemical behavior of Redmond Red-modified DNA at gold surfaces exhibits stable, quasi-reversible voltammetry with a midpoint potential centered around −50 mV versus NHE. Importantly, with Redmond Red positioned opposite an abasic site within the DNA duplex, the electrochemical response is significantly enhanced compared to Redmond Red positioned across from a base. Redmond Red, reporting only if well-stacked in the duplex, represents a sensitive probe to detect abasic sites electrochemically in a DNA-mediated reaction

    Mechanisms for DNA Charge Transport

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    DNA charge transport (CT) chemistry has received considerable attention by scientific researchers over the past 15 years since our first provocative publication on long range CT in a DNA assembly.1,2 This interest, shared by physicists, chemists and biologists, reflects the potential of DNA CT to provide a sensitive route for signaling, whether in the construction of nanoscale biosensors or as an enzymatic tool to detect damage in the genome. Research into DNA CT chemistry began as a quest to determine whether the DNA double helix, a macromolecular assembly in solution with π-stacked base pairs, might share conductive characteristics with π-stacked solids. Physicists carried out sophisticated experiments to measure the conductivity of DNA samples, but the means to connect discrete DNA assemblies into the devices to gauge conductivity varied, as did the conditions under which conductivities were determined. Chemists constructed DNA assemblies to measure hole and electron transport in solution using a variety of hole and electron donors. Here, too, DNA CT was seen to depend upon the connections, or coupling, between donors and the DNA base pair stack. Importantly, these experiments have resolved the debate over whether DNA CT is possible. Moreover these studies have shown that DNA CT, irrespective of the oxidant or reductant used to initiate the chemistry, can occur over long molecular distances but can be exquisitely sensitive to perturbations in the base pair stack. Here we review some of the critical characteristics of DNA charge transport chemistry, taking examples from a range of systems, and consider these characteristics in the context of their mechanistic implications. This review is not intended to be exhaustive but instead to be illustrative. For instance, we describe studies involving measurements in solution using pendant photooxidants to inject holes, conductivity studies with covalently modified assemblies, and electrochemical studies on DNA-modified electrodes. We do not focus in detail on the differences amongst these constructs but instead on their similarities. It is the similarity among these various systems that allows us to consider different mechanisms to describe DNA CT. Thus we review also the various mechanisms for DNA CT that have been put forth and attempt to reconcile these mechanistic proposals with the many disparate measurements of DNA CT. Certainly the debate among researchers has shifted from "is DNA CT possible?" to "how does it work?". This review intends to explore this latter question in detail

    Noise transmission through flat rectangular panels into a closed cavity

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    Five panels backed by a closed cavity were studied experimentally and analytically to determine the noise transmission characteristics of the coupled panel-cavity system. The closed cavity was studied both with and without fiber-glass lining to provide either an absorbent or a reverberant acoustic space. The effects on noise reduction of cavity absorption, measurement location within the cavity, panel mass, and panel stiffness were examined. Results indicated that both measurement location and absorption in the cavity have significant effects on the noise reduction. Increasing panel mass improves the noise reduction at almost all frequencies, and increasing panel stiffness improves nose reduction below the fundamental resonance frequency. A simple, one dimensional analytical model was developed which provided good agreement with the experimental results

    Electrically monitoring DNA repair by photolyase

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    Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are the major DNA photoproducts produced upon exposure to UV radiation. If left unrepaired, these lesions can lead to replication errors, mutation, and cell death. Photolyase is a light-activated flavoenzyme that binds to pyrimidine dimers in DNA and repairs them in a reaction triggered by electron transfer from the photoexcited flavin cofactor to the dimer. Using gold electrodes modified with DNA duplexes containing a cyclobutane thymine dimer (T T), here we probe the electrochemistry of the flavin cofactor in Escherichia coli photolyase. Cyclic and square-wave voltammograms of photolyase deposited on these electrodes show a redox signal at 40 mV versus normal hydrogen electrode, consistent with electron transfer to and from the flavin in the DNA-bound protein. This signal is dramatically attenuated on surfaces where the pi-stacking of the DNA bases is perturbed by the presence of an abasic site below the T T, an indication that the redox pathway is DNA-mediated. DNA repair can, moreover, be monitored electrically. Exposure of photolyase on T T-damaged DNA films to near-UV/blue light leads to changes in the flavin signal consistent with repair, as confirmed by parallel HPLC experiments. These results demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of DNA electrochemistry to perturbations in base pair stacking and the applicability of this chemistry to probe reactions of proteins with DNA

    Selective Cytotoxicity of Rhodium Metalloinsertors in Mismatch Repair-Deficient Cells

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    Mismatches in DNA occur naturally during replication and as a result of endogenous DNA damaging agents, but the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway acts to correct mismatches before subsequent rounds of replication. Rhodium metalloinsertors bind to DNA mismatches with high affinity and specificity and represent a promising strategy to target mismatches in cells. Here we examine the biological fate of rhodium metalloinsertors bearing dipyridylamine ancillary ligands in cells deficient in MMR versus those that are MMR-proficient. These complexes are shown to exhibit accelerated cellular uptake which permits the observation of various cellular responses, including disruption of the cell cycle, monitored by flow cytometry assays, and induction of necrosis, monitored by dye exclusion and caspase inhibition assays, that occur preferentially in the MMR-deficient cell line. These cellular responses provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the selective activity of this novel class of targeted anticancer agents

    Single-Step Charge Transport through DNA over Long Distances

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    Quantum yields for charge transport across adenine tracts of increasing length have been measured by monitoring hole transport in synthetic oligonucleotides between photoexcited 2-aminopurine, a fluorescent analogue of adenine, and N_2-cyclopropyl guanine. Using fluorescence quenching, a measure of hole injection, and hole trapping by the cyclopropyl guanine derivative, we separate the individual contributions of single- and multistep channels to DNA charge transport and find that with 7 or 8 intervening adenines the charge transport is a coherent, single-step process. Moreover, a transition occurs from multistep to single-step charge transport with increasing donor/acceptor separation, opposite to that generally observed in molecular wires. These results establish that coherent transport through DNA occurs preferentially across 10 base pairs, favored by delocalization over a full turn of the helix

    Metallo-intercalators and metallo-insertors

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    Since the elucidation of the structure of double helical DNA, the construction of small molecules that recognize and react at specific DNA sites has been an area of considerable interest. In particular, the study of transition metal complexes that bind DNA with specificity has been a burgeoning field. This growth has been due in large part to the useful properties of metal complexes, which possess a wide array of photophysical attributes and allow for the modular assembly of an ensemble of recognition elements. Here we review recent experiments in our laboratory aimed at the design and study of octahedral metal complexes that bind DNA non-covalently and target reactions to specific sites. Emphasis is placed both on the variety of methods employed to confer site-specificity and upon the many applications for these complexes. Particular attention is given to the family of complexes recently designed that target single base mismatches in duplex DNA through metallo-insertion

    DNA-Mediated Electrochemistry

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    The base pair stack of DNA has been demonstrated as a medium for long-range charge transport chemistry both in solution and at DNA-modified surfaces. This chemistry is exquisitely sensitive to structural perturbations in the base pair stack as occur with lesions, single base mismatches, and protein binding. We have exploited this sensitivity for the development of reliable electrochemical assays based on DNA charge transport at self-assembled DNA monolayers. Here, we discuss the characteristic features, applications, and advantages of DNA-mediated electrochemistry