65 research outputs found

    Energy transition and CO2 emissions in Southern Europe: Italy and Spain (1861-2000)

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    ABSTRACT The article examines energy consumption, the transition from organic to fossil energy carriers, and the consequent emissions of CO2 over a period of almost 150 years (1861-2000) in Italy and Spain. The authors’ reconstruction and analysis of CO2 emissions are based on new series of energy consumption including both traditional and modern energy carriers. The article shows that traditional energy carriers should also be taken into account in long run series of pollution intensity of energy use, pollution intensity of the economy, decarbonisation, and other indicators in order to achieve a clearer interpretation of the processes involved. In this work the authors present the time series of primary energy consumption, final energy consumption and energy intensities of Italy and Spain for the period 1861-2000. Then several CO2 indicators for both countries are introduced: total emissions, emissions per capita, pollution intensity of energy (decarbonisation), and pollution intensity. The aim is to investigate whether a decoupling of CO2 emissions, economic growth, and per capita energy consumption can be observed historically; if so, what the factors underlying this development are. Last but not least, these findings could be used to draw some conclusions on potentials for further potential development paths, and notably as to whether it is possible to consume more energy per capita and produce more output per capita at lower levels of emissions. Finally, the authors employ a Divisia index perfect decomposition analysis to scrutinize differences in total emissions between the two countries. Decomposition analysis, particularly Divisia index based decomposition, has found application in a wide array of fields: the aggregate energy intensity for industry, national energy consumption, aggregate energy indexes, total energy-related carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide per unit of GDP. The reach an in/depth understanding of the forces underlying different trends in CO2 emissions, however, decomposition analysis will have to be applied at the per capita level

    A long-term analysis of efficiency in the Italian banking system from 1861 to 2010

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    In this paper, we analyse the performance of the Italian banking system in the 1861–2010 period. In this regard, we apply a stochastic frontier analysis cum ARDL procedure. First, we implement stochastic frontier analysis to the cost function of the Italian banking system in order to identify the years in which the banking system allocated its resources most efficiently. To this end, we propose a version of the stochastic frontier in which the inefficiency term is modelled as a linear function of the capital ratio and of the non-core ratio. The underlying hypothesis is that the efficiency of the banking system is guided by its degree of solvency and stability (capital ratio and non-core ratio, respectively). Finally, in order to verify the existence and stability of a long-term relationship between banking efficiency and capital ratio and non-core-ratio, we implement ARDL estimation. In so doing, we verify whether solvency and stability are two important factors in determining the efficiency of the Italian banking system in the long run. We show that the efficiency of the banking system is influenced negatively by the non-core ratio and positively by the capital ratio, respectively. Finally, only the non-core ratio influences the efficiency of the Italian banking system in the long run

    What is energy for?:social practice and energy demand

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    Energy has an ambivalent status in social theory, variously figuring as a driver or an outcome of social and institutional change, or as something that is woven into the fabric of society itself. In this article the authors consider the underlying models on which different approaches depend. One common strategy is to view energy as a resource base, the management and organization of which depends on various intersecting systems: political, economic and technological. This is not the only route to take. The authors develop an alternative approach, viewing energy supply and energy demand as part of the ongoing reproduction of bundles and complexes of social practice. In articulating and comparing these two positions they show how social-theoretical commitments influence the ways in which problems like those of reducing carbon emissions are framed and addressed. Whereas theories of practice highlight basic questions about what energy is for, these issues are routinely and perhaps necessarily obscured by those who see energy as an abstract resource that structures or that is structured by a range of interlocking social systems

    Energy and economic growth in Europe: the last two centuries

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    The aim of this article is to analyze the role of energy in long-term economic growth. Particular attention will be paid to the relation between energy and GDP. Energy productivity, that is the ratio of output to energy (Y/E), will be reconstructed and through a decomposition analysis, I will try to show the relative importance both of rising consumption and of changes in the productivity of energy in growth of per capita output

    L'energia. I consumi finali nei paesi del Mediterraneo

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    Il tema del presente capitolo e l’analisi dei consumi di energia distinti per settori finali di utilizzazione quali industria, trasporti, servizi, agricoltura e pesca con riferimento ad un arco temporale che va dal 1971 al 2009-2010. Il capitolo è corredato da un’appendice statistica nella quale vengono riportati distintamente per tutti i paesi del Mediterraneo i consumi finali nell’industria, nei trasporti, nei servizi e nel settore primario. Dopo aver ricostruito i dati relativi ai singoli settori, ci si soffermerà in modo particolare sul settore industriale, sui consumi distinti per fonti energetiche e sul complesso rapporto tra valore aggiunto industriale e relativi consumi di energia. Il tutto sarà preceduto da un’analisi della domanda e dell’offerta di energia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e più in generale dell’evoluzione dello scenario energetico a livello mondiale, che rappresenterà come sempre il punto di partenza di questo capitolo dedicato all’energia

    Energy transitions in Mediterranean countries. Consumption, emissions and security of supply

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    This book analyses energy transitions, carbon dioxide emissions and the security of energy supply in Mediterranean countries. Unpacking the history of energy transitions, from coal to oil and natural gas, and from non-renewable to renewable energy sources, the book offers a comparative approach to the major trends in energy consumption, production, trade and security in Mediterranean countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa

    La cittĂ  che cambia. La trasformazione urbana della Napoli preunitaria (1815-1860)

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    Frutto dello studio e dell'elaborazione di una vasta documentazione inedita, il volume analizza gli investimenti in opere pubbliche nella cittĂ  di Napoli durante l'Ottocento preunitario. Dimora reale e capitale del piĂą esteso Regno della penisola italiana, Napoli era una delle citta' piĂą popolose d'Europa e l'enorme crescita della sua popolazione richiedeva importanti trasformazioni urbane. L'Autrice esamina le risposte date dallo Stato e dall'amministrazione comunale ai problemi posti dalla crescita della citta'. Stato, municipalita' e appaltatori sono i protagonisti della politica dei lavori pubblici nella capitale. La ricostruzione in termini quantitativi della spesa per opere pubbliche e della sua ripartizione per categorie d'intervento; l'analisi degli investimenti in rapporto alle finanze statali e comunali e la verifica delle logiche che hanno determinato la trasformazione urbana della cittĂ  sono i principali temi intorno ai quali si articola il volume
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