456 research outputs found

    Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Globalisierung

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    Nachhaltigkeit und BeschĂ€ftigung werden in der Literatur und Politik vorwiegend als Spannungsfeld diskutiert. Diese Sicht ist unseres Erachtens vordergrĂŒndig und beruht auf einer verkĂŒrzten Wahrnehmung der Beziehungen zwischen Ökologie und Ökonomie. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird herausgearbeitet, dass sich die Kontroverse primĂ€r auf paradigmatische GrĂŒnde zurĂŒckfĂŒhren lĂ€sst. Vor dem Hintergrund einer ökologisch-ökonomischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem neoklassischen Wachstumsparadigma werden dann die Grundlinien einer sozial-ökologischen BeschĂ€ftigungsstrategie erarbeitet. Diese umfasst - außer einer Beachtung von Ressourcen- und TragfĂ€higkeitsgrenzen - auch Effizienz- und SuffizienzansĂ€tze in Richtung technischer, sozialer und institutioneller Innovationsstrategien. Dabei wird auch auf die im Globalisierungszeitalter zu beachtenden internationalen Interdependenzen eingegangen.Literature still often treats sustainability and employment issues as conflicts. From our point of view this is due to a superficial analysis of the underlying economic and ecological interdependencies. We argue that the debate is foremost driven by paradigmatic discrepancies. From an ecological-economic point of view we scrutinize the (neoclassical) growth paradigm and elaborate the guiding principles of an ecological and social sustainable employment policy. These encompass innovative technical, social and institutional strategies contributing to both efficient and sufficient sustainable solutions. Thereby, input (resource) and output constraints (carrying capacities) are met. We also discuss the role of globalization and international interdepence for national employment and sustainability approaches

    4 GeV H- Charge Exchange Injection into the PS2

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    The proposed PS2 will accelerate protons from 4 to 50 GeV. The required beam intensity and brightness can only be achieved with a multi-turn H- charge exchange injection system, where the small emittance injected beam is used to paint the transverse phase space of the PS2 machine. This paper describes the constraints and conceptual design of the H- injection system and its incorporation into the present PS2 lattice. The requirements for the special injection system elements are described, in particular the injection chicane and painting magnet systems and the change exchange foil. Some key performance aspects are investigated, including the stripping efficiency, expected emittance growth and beam loss arising from the simulated number of multiple foil traversals, together with estimates of foil heating

    PS2 Injection, Extraction and Beam Transfer Concepts

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    The replacement of CERN's existing 26 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) machine with a separated-function synchrotron PS2 has been identified as an important part of the possible future upgrade programme of the CERN accelerator complex. The PS2 will require a number of new beam transfer systems associated with injection, extraction, beam dumping and transfer. The different requirements are briefly presented, together with an overview of the conceptual design of these systems, based on the initial PS2 parameter set. The required equipment sub-system performance is derived and discussed. Possible limitations are analysed and the impact on the overall design and parameter set is discussed

    Retinal nerve fibre layer thinning is associated with drug resistance in epilepsy.

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    Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness is related to the axonal anterior visual pathway and is considered a marker of overall white matter 'integrity'. We hypothesised that RNFL changes would occur in people with epilepsy, independently of vigabatrin exposure, and be related to clinical characteristics of epilepsy

    Resonant Third-Integer Extraction from the PS2

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    For the proposed PS2 accelerator several extraction systems are needed, including a slow third-integer resonant extraction. The requirements are presented together with the conceptual considerations for the sextupole locations and strengths, the separatrices at the extraction elements and the aperture implications for the overall machine. Calculations of the phase space separatrices have been computed with a new code for the physics of slow resonant extraction, which is briefly reviewed. Implications for the extraction equipment design and for the injection-extraction straight section optics are discussed

    Linear Optics Design for PS2

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    The design considerations and key parameters for the replacement of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a new ring (PS2), as part of the upgrade of the LHC injector complex are summarized. Classical linear optics solutions including standard FODO, doublet and triplet cells with real transition energy, are studied. Particular emphasis is given to the tuning and optimisation of Negative Momentum Compaction (NMC) cells with imaginary transition energy. The optics of the high energy transfer line is also presented

    Impaired visual short-term memory capacity is distinctively associated with structural connectivity of the posterior thalamic radiation and the splenium of the corpus callosum in preterm-born adults

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    Preterm birth is associated with an increased risk for lasting changes in both the cortico-thalamic system and attention; however, the link between cortico-thalamic and attention changes is as yet little understood. In preterm newborns, cortico-cortical and cortico-thalamic structural connectivity are distinctively altered, with increased local clustering for cortico-cortical and decreased integrity for cortico-thalamic connectivity. In preterm-born adults, among the various attention functions, visual short-term memory (vSTM) capacity is selectively impaired. We hypothesized distinct associations between vSTM capacity and the structural integrity of cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical connections, respectively, in preterm-born adults. A whole-report paradigm of briefly presented letter arrays based on the computationally formalized Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) was used to quantify parameter vSTM capacity in 26 preterm- and 21 full-term-born adults. Fractional anisotropy (FA) of posterior thalamic radiations and the splenium of the corpus callosum obtained by diffusion tensor imaging were analyzed by tract-based spatial statistics and used as proxies for cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical structural connectivity. The relationship between vSTM capacity and cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical connectivity, respectively, was significantly modified by prematurity. In full-term-born adults, the higher FA in the right posterior thalamic radiation the higher vSTM capacity; in preterm-born adults this FA-vSTM-relationship was inversed. In the splenium, higher FA was correlated with higher vSTM capacity in preterm-born adults, whereas no significant relationship was evident in full-term-born adults. These results indicate distinct associations between cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical integrity and vSTM capacity in preterm-and full-term-born adults. Data suggest compensatory cortico-cortical fiber re-organization for attention deficits after preterm delivery

    Aspectos biomecùnicos da locomoção de pessoas com doença de Parkinson: revisão narrativa

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    ResumoA presente revisĂŁo narrativa tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos biomecĂąnicos da locomoção e os efeitos de intervençÔes nos padrĂ”es da marcha de pessoas com doença de Parkinson (DP). Fez‐se uma pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica no banco de dados dos sistemas SciELO e PubMed, com as seguintes palavras: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, em periĂłdicos nacionais e internacionais. ConcluĂ­mos que as principais alteraçÔes biomecĂąnicas sĂŁo nos parĂąmetros espaçotemporais, como menor comprimento de passada e estabilidade dinĂąmica, alĂ©m da baixa ativação muscular nos mĂșsculos propulsores, bem como menor velocidade autosselecionada da marcha. Fazem‐se necessĂĄrios protocolos de treinamento de caminhada que considerem esses parĂąmetros para auxiliar a reabilitação da marcha de pessoas com DP.AbstractThe purpose of this review was to analyze the biomechanical aspects of walking in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as to examine the effects of intervention on gait pattern of PD. We carried out a bibliographic search on electronic databases SciELO and PubMed, using the following words: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, in national and international scientific journals. The main alterations on walking biomechanics are related to spatiotemporal parameters, lower stride length and dynamical stability, as well as reduced electromyographic activation on propulsion muscles and lower self‐selected speed. These outcomes seem to be important targets in walking training protocols for rehabilitation of gait in PD

    A different appetite for sovereignty? Independence movements in subnational island jurisdictions

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    Local autonomy in a subnational jurisdiction is more likely to be gained, secured or enhanced where there are palpable movements or political parties agitating for independence in these smaller territories. A closer look at the fortunes, operations and dynamics of independence parties from subnational island jurisdictions can offer some interesting insights on the appetite for sovereignty and independence, but also the lack thereof, in the twenty-first century.peer-reviewe

    Progress with the Upgrade of the SPS for the HL-LHC Era

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    The demanding beam performance requirements of the High Luminosity (HL-) LHC project translate into a set of requirements and upgrade paths for the LHC injector complex. In this paper the performance requirements for the SPS and the known limitations are reviewed in the light of the 2012 operational experience. The various SPS upgrades in progress and still under consideration are described, in addition to the machine studies and simulations performed in 2012. The expected machine performance reach is estimated on the basis of the present knowledge, and the remaining decisions that still need to be made concerning upgrade options are detailed.Comment: 3 p. Presented at 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013
