11,376 research outputs found

    Women's secure hospital services: national bed numbers and distribution.

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    A mapping exercise as part of a pathway study of women in secure psychiatric services in the England and Wales was conducted. It aimed to (i) establish the extent and range of secure service provision for women nationally and (ii) establish the present and future care needs and pathways of care of women mentally disordered offenders (MDO) currently in low, medium and enhanced medium secure care. The study identified 589 medium secure beds, 46 enhanced medium secure beds (WEMSS) and 990 low secure beds for women nationally. Of the 589 medium secure beds, the majority (309, 52%) are in the NHS and under half (280, 48%) are in the independent sector (IS). The distribution of low secure beds is in the opposite direction, the majority (745, 75%) being in the IS and 254 (25%) in the NHS. Medium secure provision for women has grown over the past decade, but comparative data for low secure provision are not available. Most women are now in single sex facilities although a small number of mixed sex units remain. The findings have implications for the future commissioning of secure services for women

    Complexity of pattern classes and Lipschitz property

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    Rademacher and Gaussian complexities are successfully used in learning theory for measuring the capacity of the class of functions to be learned. One of the most important properties for these complexities is their Lipschitz property: a composition of a class of functions with a fixed Lipschitz function may increase its complexity by at most twice the Lipschitz constant. The proof of this property is non-trivial (in contrast to the other properties) and it is believed that the proof in the Gaussian case is conceptually more difficult then the one for the Rademacher case. In this paper we give a detailed prove of the Lipschitz property for the Rademacher case and generalize the same idea to an arbitrary complexity (including the Gaussian). We also discuss a related topic about the Rademacher complexity of a class consisting of all the Lipschitz functions with a given Lipschitz constant. We show that the complexity is surprisingly low in the one-dimensional case. The question for higher dimensions remains open

    An "All Possible Steps" Approach to the Accelerated Use of Gillespie's Algorithm

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    Many physical and biological processes are stochastic in nature. Computational models and simulations of such processes are a mathematical and computational challenge. The basic stochastic simulation algorithm was published by D. Gillespie about three decades ago [D.T. Gillespie, J. Phys. Chem. {\bf 81}, 2340, (1977)]. Since then, intensive work has been done to make the algorithm more efficient in terms of running time. All accelerated versions of the algorithm are aimed at minimizing the running time required to produce a stochastic trajectory in state space. In these simulations, a necessary condition for reliable statistics is averaging over a large number of simulations. In this study I present a new accelerating approach which does not alter the stochastic algorithm, but reduces the number of required runs. By analysis of collected data I demonstrate high precision levels with fewer simulations. Moreover, the suggested approach provides a good estimation of statistical error, which may serve as a tool for determining the number of required runs.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Journal of Chemical Physics. 19 pages, including 2 Tables and 4 Figure

    An Email Attachment is Worth a Thousand Words, or Is It?

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    There is an extensive body of research on Social Network Analysis (SNA) based on the email archive. The network used in the analysis is generally extracted either by capturing the email communication in From, To, Cc and Bcc email header fields or by the entities contained in the email message. In the latter case, the entities could be, for instance, the bag of words, url's, names, phones, etc. It could also include the textual content of attachments, for instance Microsoft Word documents, excel spreadsheets, or Adobe pdfs. The nodes in this network represent users and entities. The edges represent communication between users and relations to the entities. We suggest taking a different approach to the network extraction and use attachments shared between users as the edges. The motivation for this is two-fold. First, attachments represent the "intimacy" manifestation of the relation's strength. Second, the statistical analysis of private email archives that we collected and Enron email corpus shows that the attachments contribute in average around 80-90% to the archive's disk-space usage, which means that most of the data is presently ignored in the SNA of email archives. Consequently, we hypothesize that this approach might provide more insight into the social structure of the email archive. We extract the communication and shared attachments networks from Enron email corpus. We further analyze degree, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality measures in both networks and review the differences and what can be learned from them. We use nearest neighbor algorithm to generate similarity groups for five Enron employees. The groups are consistent with Enron's organizational chart, which validates our approach.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, IML'17, Liverpool, U

    Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a remote, conflict-affected area of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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    The Democratic Republic of Congo is a high-burden country for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres has supported the Ministry of Health in the conflict-affected region of Shabunda since 1997. In 2006, three patients were diagnosed with drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) and had no options for further treatment. An innovative model was developed to treat these patients despite the remote setting. Key innovations were the devolving of responsibility for treatment to non-TB clinicians remotely supported by a TB specialist, use of simplified monitoring protocols, and a strong focus on addressing stigma to support adherence. Treatment was successfully completed after a median of 24 months. This pilot programme demonstrates that successful treatment for DR-TB is possible on a small scale in remote settings

    The Barrier Method: A Technique for Calculating Very Long Transition Times

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    In many dynamical systems there is a large separation of time scales between typical events and "rare" events which can be the cases of interest. Rare-event rates are quite difficult to compute numerically, but they are of considerable practical importance in many fields: for example transition times in chemical physics and extinction times in epidemiology can be very long, but are quite important. We present a very fast numerical technique that can be used to find long transition times (very small rates) in low-dimensional systems, even if they lack detailed balance. We illustrate the method for a bistable non-equilibrium system introduced by Maier and Stein and a two-dimensional (in parameter space) epidemiology model.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    MACiE: a database of enzyme reaction mechanisms.

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    SUMMARY: MACiE (mechanism, annotation and classification in enzymes) is a publicly available web-based database, held in CMLReact (an XML application), that aims to help our understanding of the evolution of enzyme catalytic mechanisms and also to create a classification system which reflects the actual chemical mechanism (catalytic steps) of an enzyme reaction, not only the overall reaction. AVAILABILITY: http://www-mitchell.ch.cam.ac.uk/macie/.EPSRC (G.L.H. and J.B.O.M.), the BBSRC (G.J.B. and J.M.T.—CASE studentship in association with Roche Products Ltd; N.M.O.B. and J.B.O.M.—grant BB/C51320X/1), the Chilean Government’s Ministerio de Planificacio®n y Cooperacio®n and Cambridge Overseas Trust (D.E.A.) for funding and Unilever for supporting the Centre for Molecular Science Informatics.application note restricted to 2 printed pages web site: http://www-mitchell.ch.cam.ac.uk/macie

    Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere colloids

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    The equilibrium phase behaviour of hard spheres with size polydispersity is studied theoretically. We solve numerically the exact phase equilibrium equations that result from accurate free energy expressions for the fluid and solid phases, while accounting fully for size fractionation between coexisting phases. Fluids up to the largest polydispersities that we can study (around 14%) can phase separate by splitting off a solid with a much narrower size distribution. This shows that experimentally observed terminal polydispersities above which phase separation no longer occurs must be due to non-equilibrium effects. We find no evidence of re-entrant melting; instead, sufficiently compressed solids phase separate into two or more solid phases. Under appropriate conditions, coexistence of multiple solids with a fluid phase is also predicted. The solids have smaller polydispersities than the parent phase as expected, while the reverse is true for the fluid phase, which contains predominantly smaller particles but also residual amounts of the larger ones. The properties of the coexisting phases are studied in detail; mean diameter, polydispersity and volume fraction of the phases all reveal marked fractionation. We also propose a method for constructing quantities that optimally distinguish between the coexisting phases, using Principal Component Analysis in the space of density distributions. We conclude by comparing our predictions to perturbative theories for near-monodisperse systems and to Monte Carlo simulations at imposed chemical potential distribution, and find excellent agreement.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures, 2 table

    Computation of nucleation of a non-equilibrium first-order phase transition using a rare-event algorithm

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    We introduce a new Forward-Flux Sampling in Time (FFST) algorithm to efficiently measure transition times in rare-event processes in non-equilibrium systems, and apply it to study the first-order (discontinuous) kinetic transition in the Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model of catalytic surface reaction. The average time for the transition to take place, as well as both the spinodal and transition points, are clearly found by this method.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
