138 research outputs found

    Geometry and entropies in a fixed conformal class on surfaces

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    We show the flexibility of the metric entropy and obtain additional restrictions on the topological entropy of geodesic flow on closed surfaces of negative Euler characteristic with smooth non-positively curved Riemannian metrics with fixed total area in a fixed conformal class. Moreover, we obtain a collar lemma, a thick-thin decomposition, and precompactness for the considered class of metrics. Also, we extend some of the results to metrics of fixed total area in a fixed conformal class with no focal points and with some integral bounds on the positive part of the Gaussian curvature.Comment: Minor changes to exposition. Final version, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Bounding errors of Expectation-Propagation

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    Expectation Propagation is a very popular algorithm for variational inference, but comes with few theoretical guarantees. In this article, we prove that the approximation errors made by EP can be bounded. Our bounds have an asymptotic interpretation in the number nn of datapoints, which allows us to study EP's convergence with respect to the true posterior. In particular, we show that EP converges at a rate of 0(n−2)\mathcal{0}(n^{-2}) for the mean, up to an order of magnitude faster than the traditional Gaussian approximation at the mode. We also give similar asymptotic expansions for moments of order 2 to 4, as well as excess Kullback-Leibler cost (defined as the additional KL cost incurred by using EP rather than the ideal Gaussian approximation). All these expansions highlight the superior convergence properties of EP. Our approach for deriving those results is likely applicable to many similar approximate inference methods. In addition, we introduce bounds on the moments of log-concave distributions that may be of independent interest.Comment: Accepted and published at NIPS 201

    Knot theory of R-covered Anosov flows: homotopy versus isotopy of closed orbits

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    In this article, we study the knots realized by periodic orbits of R-covered Anosov flows in compact 3-manifolds. We show that if two orbits are freely homotopic then in fact they are isotopic. We show that lifts of periodic orbits to the universal cover are unknotted. When the manifold is atoroidal, we deduce some finer properties regarding the existence of embedded cylinders connecting two given homotopic orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    The Poisson transform for unnormalised statistical models

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    Contrary to standard statistical models, unnormalised statistical models only specify the likelihood function up to a constant. While such models are natural and popular, the lack of normalisation makes inference much more difficult. Here we show that inferring the parameters of a unnormalised model on a space Ω\Omega can be mapped onto an equivalent problem of estimating the intensity of a Poisson point process on Ω\Omega. The unnormalised statistical model now specifies an intensity function that does not need to be normalised. Effectively, the normalisation constant may now be inferred as just another parameter, at no loss of information. The result can be extended to cover non-IID models, which includes for example unnormalised models for sequences of graphs (dynamical graphs), or for sequences of binary vectors. As a consequence, we prove that unnormalised parameteric inference in non-IID models can be turned into a semi-parametric estimation problem. Moreover, we show that the noise-contrastive divergence of Gutmann & Hyv\"arinen (2012) can be understood as an approximation of the Poisson transform, and extended to non-IID settings. We use our results to fit spatial Markov chain models of eye movements, where the Poisson transform allows us to turn a highly non-standard model into vanilla semi-parametric logistic regression

    Entropy rigidity of Hilbert and Riemannian metrics

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    In this paper we provide two new characterizations of real hyperbolic nn-space using the Poincar\'e exponent of a discrete group and the volume growth entropy. The first characterization is in the space of Hilbert metrics and generalizes a result of Crampon. The second is in the space of Riemannian metrics with Ricci curvature bounded below and generalizes a result of Ledrappier and Wang.Comment: 14 pages, some revisions following the referees remarks. To be published in IMR

    Divide and conquer in ABC: Expectation-Progagation algorithms for likelihood-free inference

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    ABC algorithms are notoriously expensive in computing time, as they require simulating many complete artificial datasets from the model. We advocate in this paper a "divide and conquer" approach to ABC, where we split the likelihood into n factors, and combine in some way n "local" ABC approximations of each factor. This has two advantages: (a) such an approach is typically much faster than standard ABC and (b) it makes it possible to use local summary statistics (i.e. summary statistics that depend only on the data-points that correspond to a single factor), rather than global summary statistics (that depend on the complete dataset). This greatly alleviates the bias introduced by summary statistics, and even removes it entirely in situations where local summary statistics are simply the identity function. We focus on EP (Expectation-Propagation), a convenient and powerful way to combine n local approximations into a global approximation. Compared to the EP- ABC approach of Barthelm\'e and Chopin (2014), we present two variations, one based on the parallel EP algorithm of Cseke and Heskes (2011), which has the advantage of being implementable on a parallel architecture, and one version which bridges the gap between standard EP and parallel EP. We illustrate our approach with an expensive application of ABC, namely inference on spatial extremes.Comment: To appear in the forthcoming Handbook of Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), edited by S. Sisson, L. Fan, and M. Beaumon
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