12,239 research outputs found

    A simple remark on a flat projective morphism with a Calabi-Yau fiber

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    If a K3 surface is a fiber of a flat projective morphisms over a connected noetherian scheme over the complex number field, then any smooth connected fiber is also a K3 surface. Observing this, Professor Nam-Hoon Lee asked if the same is true for higher dimensional Calabi-Yau fibers. We shall give an explicit negative answer to his question as well as a proof of his initial observation.Comment: 8 pages, main theorem is generalized, one more remark is added, mis-calculation and typos are corrected etc

    The New Gas Stripper and Charge State Separator of the Gsi High Current Injector

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    The GSI Unilac was upgraded as a high current injector for the SIS in 1999. Therefore, the stripping section [1] at 1.4 MeV/u, where a beam transport under highest space charge conditions and multi beam operation had to be established, was completely new designed. Results of the commissioning of the stripper section will be presented. The beam transport to the new gas stripper, and the charge state analysis under space charge conditions confirmed the calculations. A 238U4+ beam - coming from a MEVVA ion source and accelerated by the new injector linac- was stripped (with the expected stripping efficiency) to the charge state 28+ and successfully separated by the new spectrometer (15 degree and 30 degree kicker magnets). The transport and matching to the poststripper accelerator under highest space charge conditions was investigated with a 15 emA 40Ar10+ beam. Especially space charge and charge state dependent emittance growth effects in 6d-phase space will be discussed.Comment: Linac 2000, MOD13, 3 pages, 7 figure

    Analysing the Security of Google's implementation of OpenID Connect

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    Many millions of users routinely use their Google accounts to log in to relying party (RP) websites supporting the Google OpenID Connect service. OpenID Connect, a newly standardised single-sign-on protocol, builds an identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which has itself been widely adopted to support identity management services. It adds identity management functionality to the OAuth 2.0 system and allows an RP to obtain assurances regarding the authenticity of an end user. A number of authors have analysed the security of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, but whether OpenID Connect is secure in practice remains an open question. We report on a large-scale practical study of Google's implementation of OpenID Connect, involving forensic examination of 103 RP websites which support its use for sign-in. Our study reveals serious vulnerabilities of a number of types, all of which allow an attacker to log in to an RP website as a victim user. Further examination suggests that these vulnerabilities are caused by a combination of Google's design of its OpenID Connect service and RP developers making design decisions which sacrifice security for simplicity of implementation. We also give practical recommendations for both RPs and OPs to help improve the security of real world OpenID Connect systems

    Quantum versus classical phase-locking transition in a driven-chirped oscillator

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    Classical and quantum-mechanical phase locking transition in a nonlinear oscillator driven by a chirped frequency perturbation is discussed. Different limits are analyzed in terms of the dimensionless parameters /2mℏω0α% P_{1}=\epsilon /\sqrt{2m\hbar \omega_{0}\alpha} and P2=(3ℏÎČ)/(4mα)P_{2}=(3\hbar \beta)/(4m\sqrt{\alpha}) (Ï”,\epsilon, α,\alpha, ÎČ\beta and ω0\omega_{0} being the driving amplitude, the frequency chirp rate, the nonlinearity parameter and the linear frequency of the oscillator). It is shown that for P2â‰ȘP1+1P_{2}\ll P_{1}+1, the passage through the linear resonance for P1P_{1} above a threshold yields classical autoresonance (AR) in the system, even when starting in a quantum ground state. In contrast, for % P_{2}\gg P_{1}+1, the transition involves quantum-mechanical energy ladder climbing (LC). The threshold for the phase-locking transition and its width in P1P_{1} in both AR and LC limits are calculated. The theoretical results are tested by solving the Schrodinger equation in the energy basis and illustrated via the Wigner function in phase space

    A Study of the Direct-Fitting Method for Measurement of Galaxy Velocity Dispersions

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    We have measured the central stellar velocity dispersions of 33 nearby spiral and elliptical galaxies, using a straightforward template-fitting algorithm operating in the pixel domain. The spectra, obtained with the Double Spectrograph at Palomar Observatory, cover both the Ca triplet and the Mg b region, and we present a comparison of the velocity dispersion measurements from these two spectral regions. Model fits to the Ca triplet region generally yield good results with little sensitivity to the choice of template star. In contrast, the Mg b region is more sensitive to template mismatch and to details of the fitting procedure such as the order of a polynomial used to match the continuum shape of the template to the object. As a consequence of the correlation of the [Mg/Fe] ratio with velocity dispersion, it is difficult to obtain a satisfactory model fit to the Mg b lines and the surrounding Fe blends simultaneously, particularly for giant elliptical galaxies with large velocity dispersions. We demonstrate that if the metallicities of the galaxy and template star are not well matched, then direct template-fitting results are improved if the Mg b lines themselves are excluded from the fit and the velocity dispersion is determined from the surrounding weaker lines.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in A

    Schur Q-functions and degeneracy locus formulas for morphisms with symmetries

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    We give closed-form formulas for the fundamental classes of degeneracy loci associated with vector bundle maps given locally by (not necessary square) matrices which are symmetric (resp. skew-symmetric) w.r.t. the main diagonal. Our description uses essentially Schur Q-polynomials of a bundle, and is based on a certain push-forward formula for these polynomials in a Grassmann bundle.Comment: 22 pages, AMSTEX, misprints corrected, exposition improved. to appear in the Proceedings of Intersection Theory Conference in Bologna, "Progress in Mathematics", Birkhause

    On explicit results at the intersection of the Z_2 and Z_4 orbifold subvarieties in K3 moduli space

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    We examine the recently found point of intersection between the Z_2 and Z_4 orbifold subvarieties in the K3 moduli space more closely. First we give an explicit identification of the coordinates of the respective Z_2 and Z_4 orbifold theories at this point. Secondly we construct the explicit identification of conformal field theories at this point and show the orthogonality of the two subvarieties.Comment: Latex, 23 page

    Electronic properties of disordered corner-sharing tetrahedral lattices

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    We have examined the behaviour of noninteracting electrons moving on a corner-sharing tetrahedral lattice into which we introduce a uniform (box) distribution, of width W, of random on-site energies. We have used both the relative localization length and the spectral rigidity to analyze the nature of the eigenstates, and have determined both the mobility edge trajectories as a function of W, and the critical disorder, Wc, beyond which all states are localized. We find (i) that the mobility edge trajectories (energies Ec vs. disorder W) are qualitatively different from those found for a simple cubic lattice, and (ii) that the spectral rigidity is scale invariant at Wc and thus provides a reliable method of estimating this quantity -- we find Wc/t=14.5. We discuss our results in the context of the metal-to-insulator transition undergone by LiAlyTi{2-y}O4 in a quantum site percolation model that also includes the above-mentioned Anderson disorder, and show that the effects produced by Anderson disorder are far less important than those produced by quantum site percolation, at least in the determination of the doping concentration at which the metal-to-insulator transition is predicted to occur
