5,551 research outputs found

    The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Campaign

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    The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field experiment produced an exceptional dataset on thunderstorms, including their dynamical, physical, and electrical structures and their impact on the chemical composition of the troposphere. The field experiment gathered detailed information on the chemical composition of the inflow and outflow regions of midlatitude thunderstorms in northeast Colorado, west Texas to central Oklahoma, and northern Alabama. A unique aspect of the DC3 strategy was to locate and sample the convective outflow a day after active convection in order to measure the chemical transformations within the upper-tropospheric convective plume. These data are being analyzed to investigate transport and dynamics of the storms, scavenging of soluble trace gases and aerosols, production of nitrogen oxides by lightning, relationships between lightning flash rates and storm parameters, chemistry in the upper troposphere that is affected by the convection, and related source characterization of the three sampling regions. DC3 also documented biomass-burning plumes and the interactions of these plumes with deep convection

    A Dimension-Adaptive Multi-Index Monte Carlo Method Applied to a Model of a Heat Exchanger

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    We present an adaptive version of the Multi-Index Monte Carlo method, introduced by Haji-Ali, Nobile and Tempone (2016), for simulating PDEs with coefficients that are random fields. A classical technique for sampling from these random fields is the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion. Our adaptive algorithm is based on the adaptive algorithm used in sparse grid cubature as introduced by Gerstner and Griebel (2003), and automatically chooses the number of terms needed in this expansion, as well as the required spatial discretizations of the PDE model. We apply the method to a simplified model of a heat exchanger with random insulator material, where the stochastic characteristics are modeled as a lognormal random field, and we show consistent computational savings

    Augustine State: The Information Technology Component of Going Online

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    Finding cases appropriate for teaching information technology courses is a persistent problem for instructors. This article is written as a teaching case and is intended for use by instructors in educating students about information technology. The case information is factual and deals with genuine information technology situations at a real-world educational institution. The case offers the opportunity to generate student discussion in the areas of corporate and IT governance, IT infrastructure, IT architecture, open source software, outsourcing and other topics

    How applicable are attribute-based approaches for human-centered ranking creation?

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    Item rankings are useful when a decision needs to be made, especially if there are multiple attributes to be considered. However, existing tools do not support both categorical and numerical attributes, require programming expertise for expressing preferences on attributes, do not offer instant feedback, lack flexibility in expressing various types of user preferences, or do not support all mandatory steps in the ranking-creation workflow. In this work, we present RankASco: a human-centered visual analytics approach that supports the interactive and visual creation of rankings. The iterative design process resulted in different visual interfaces that enable users to formalize their preferences based on a taxonomy of attribute scoring functions. RankASco enables broad user groups to (a) select attributes of interest, (b) express preferences on attributes through interactively tailored scoring functions, and (c) analyze and refine item ranking results. We validate RankASco in a user study with 24 participants in comparison to a general purpose tool. We report on commonalities and differences with respect to usefulness and usability and ultimately present three personas that characterize common user behavior in ranking-creation. On the human factors side, we have also identified a series of interesting behavioral variables that have an influence on the task performance and may shape the design of human-centered ranking solutions in the future

    Cortical fosGFP expression reveals broad receptive field excitatory neurons targeted by POm

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    Neighboring cortical excitatory neurons show considerable heterogeneity in their responses to sensory stimulation. We hypothesized that a subset of layer 2 excitatory neurons in the juvenile (P18 to 27) mouse whisker somatosensory cortex, distinguished by expression of the activity-dependent fosGFP reporter gene, would be preferentially activated by whisker stimulation. In fact, two-photon targeted, dual whole-cell recordings showed that principal whisker stimulation elicits similar amplitude synaptic responses in fosGFP-expressing and fosGFP(-) neurons. FosGFP(+) neurons instead displayed shorter latency and larger amplitude subthreshold responses to surround whisker stimulation. Using optogenetic stimulation, we determined that these neurons are targeted by axons from the posteromedial nucleus (POm), a paralemniscal thalamic nucleus associated with broad receptive fields and widespread cortical projections. We conclude that fosGFP expression discriminates between single- and multi-whisker receptive field layer 2 pyramidal neurons

    Boron isotope ratio (delta B-11) measurements in water framework directive monitoring programs: comparison between double focusing sector field ICP and thermal ionization mass spectrometry

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    International audienceThe aim of our research was to compare delta B-11 measurements performed with thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and sector field-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) and evaluate the feasibility of implementing stable isotope methods in European water framework directive (WFD) monitoring programs. The comparison was based on delta B-11 measurements of 192 ground-and surface water samples and 15 leachates of nitrate pollution source materials (organic and mineral fertilisers). The precision of delta B-11 measurements attainable with SF-ICP-MS, 2 sigma= +/- 2.6 parts per thousand; (n = 192), is as expected lower than the precision achieved by TIMS, 2 sigma= +/- 0.3 parts per thousand (n=183). However the ease of use, rapidity and availability of SF-ICP-MS on one hand and the observed variability in delta B-11 in ground-and surface water on the other (from -3.4 to +37 parts per thousand), demonstrates that using SF-ICP-MS as an isotopic screening method would promote the use of isotopic methodology for WFD monitoring. Based on the results of the different case studies it is shown that retrieving precise information on the identification of pollution sources from delta B-11 values requires reaching the best analytical precision and accuracy possible. Hence, the superior precision of TIMS advantages tracing of nitrate pollution sources. However for some cases, e. g. trying to decipher contributions between sources with really distinct delta B-11 signatures (e.g. manure and sewage effluent), SF-ICP-MS results lead to the same conclusions and can therefore be used as a first approachable screening method for the determination of delta B-11 in WFD monitoring programs

    Modeling atmospheric effects of the September 1859 Solar Flare

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    We have modeled atmospheric effects, especially ozone depletion, due to a solar proton event which probably accompanied the extreme magnetic storm of 1-2 September 1859. We use an inferred proton fluence for this event as estimated from nitrate levels in Greenland ice cores. We present results showing production of odd nitrogen compounds and their impact on ozone. We also compute rainout of nitrate in our model and compare to values from ice core data.Comment: Revised version including improved figures; Accepted for publication in Geophys. Res. Lett, chosen to be highlighted by AG

    A Multi-Objective Sliding Mode Approach for the Energy Saving Control of Pneumatic Servo Systems

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    This paper proposes a variation on a sliding mode control approach that provides significant energy savings for the control of pneumatic servo systems. The control methodology is formulated by first decoupling the standard four-way spool valve used for pneumatic servo control into two three-way valves, then using the resulting two control degrees of freedom to simultaneously satisfy both the sliding mode sliding condition and a dynamic constraint that minimizes airflow. The control formulation is presented, followed by experimental results that indicate significant energetic savings with essentially no compromise in tracking performance relative to a standard four-way spool valve approach. Specifically, relative to standard four-way spool valve pneumatic servo actuator control, the experimental results indicate energy savings of 27 to 45%, depending on the desired tracking frequency

    A blind benchmark of analysis tools to infer kinetic rate constants from single-molecule FRET trajectories

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    Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) is a versatile technique to study the dynamics and function of biomolecules since it makes nanoscale movements detectable as fluorescence signals. The powerful ability to infer quantitative kinetic information from smFRET data is, however, complicated by experimental limitations. Diverse analysis tools have been developed to overcome these hurdles but a systematic comparison is lacking. Here, we report the results of a blind benchmark study assessing eleven analysis tools used to infer kinetic rate constants from smFRET trajectories. We test them against simulated and experimental data containing the most prominent difficulties encountered in analyzing smFRET experiments: different noise levels, varied model complexity, non-equilibrium dynamics, and kinetic heterogeneity. Our results highlight the current strengths and limitations in inferring kinetic information from smFRET trajectories. In addition, we formulate concrete recommendations and identify key targets for future developments, aimed to advance our understanding of biomolecular dynamics through quantitative experiment-derived models