482 research outputs found

    Lessons from a Failed γ-Secretase Alzheimer Trial

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    γ-Secretase proteases have been associated with pathology in Alzheimer disease (AD), but we are just beginning to understand their basic mechanisms and physiological roles. A negative drug trial with a broad spectrum γ-secretase inhibitor in AD patients has severely dampened enthusiasm for the potential of pursuing γ-secretase research therapeutically. This pessimism is unwarranted: analysis of available information presented here demonstrates significant confounds for interpreting the outcome of the trial and argues that the major lessons pertain to broad knowledge gaps that are imperative to fill

    The amyloid hypothesis in Alzheimer disease: new insights from new therapeutics

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    Many drugs that target amyloid-β (Aβ) in Alzheimer disease (AD) have failed to demonstrate clinical efficacy. However, four anti-Aβ antibodies have been shown to mediate the removal of amyloid plaque from brains of patients with AD, and the FDA has recently granted accelerated approval to one of these, aducanumab, using reduction of amyloid plaque as a surrogate end point. The rationale for approval and the extent of the clinical benefit from these antibodies are under intense debate. With the aim of informing this debate, we review clinical trial data for drugs that target Aβ from the perspective of the temporal interplay between the two pathognomonic protein aggregates in AD - Aβ plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles - and their relationship to cognitive impairment, highlighting differences in drug properties that could affect their clinical performance. On this basis, we propose that Aβ pathology drives tau pathology, that amyloid plaque would need to be reduced to a low level (~20 centiloids) to reveal significant clinical benefit and that there will be a lag between the removal of amyloid and the potential to observe a clinical benefit. We conclude that the speed of amyloid removal from the brain by a potential therapy will be important in demonstrating clinical benefit in the context of a clinical trial

    Redundancy and divergence in the amyloid precursor protein family

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    AbstractGene duplication provides genetic material required for functional diversification. An interesting example is the amyloid precursor protein (APP) protein family. The APP gene family has experienced both expansion and contraction during evolution. The three mammalian members have been studied quite extensively in combined knock out models. The underlying assumption is that APP, amyloid precursor like protein 1 and 2 (APLP1, APLP2) are functionally redundant. This assumption is primarily supported by the similarities in biochemical processing of APP and APLPs and on the fact that the different APP genes appear to genetically interact at the level of the phenotype in combined knockout mice. However, unique features in each member of the APP family possibly contribute to specification of their function. In the current review, we discuss the evolution and the biology of the APP protein family with special attention to the distinct properties of each homologue. We propose that the functions of APP, APLP1 and APLP2 have diverged after duplication to contribute distinctly to different neuronal events. Our analysis reveals that APLP2 is significantly diverged from APP and APLP1

    Translating genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease into mechanistic insight and drug targets

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    To provide better prevention and treatment, we need to understand the environmental and genetic risks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the definition of AD has been confounded with dementia in many studies. Thus, overinterpretation of genetic findings with regard to mechanisms and drug targets may explain, in part, controversies in the field. Here, we analyze the different forms of genetic risk of AD and how these can be used to model disease. We stress the importance of studying gene variants in the right cell types and in the right pathological context. The lack of mechanistic understanding of genetic variation has become the major bottleneck in the search for new drug targets for AD

    Presenilin-1 deficiency leads to loss of Cajal–Retzius neurons and cortical dysplasia similar to human type 2 lissencephaly

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    AbstractBackground: Presenilin-1 (PS1) is a transmembrane protein that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and the cis Golgi apparatus. Missense mutations of PS1 that modify γ-secretase function, leading to a pathologic processing of amyloid precursor protein, are an important cause of familial Alzheimer's disease. Physiologically, the presenilins are involved in the Notch and Wnt–β-catenin signaling pathways.Results: PS1-deficient mice develop a cortical dysplasia resembling human type 2 lissencephaly, with leptomeningeal fibrosis and migration of cortical-plate neurons beyond their normal position into the marginal zone and subarachnoid space. This disorder of neuronal migration is associated with the disappearance of the majority of the cells of the marginal zone, notably most of the Cajal–Retzius pioneer neurons, between embryonic days E14 and E18, and is preceded and accompanied by disorganization of Notch-1 immunoreactivity on the neuronal cell membranes. The marginal zone also becomes depleted of the extracellular matrix protein reelin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. At that stage PS1 is transiently expressed in leptomeningeal fibroblasts, which are mandatory for the trophic support of Cajal–Retzius neurons.Conclusions: In agreement with models in which neuronal migration disorders have been linked to a defect in Cajal–Retzius cells, the loss of most of these cells in PS1-deficient mice leads to cortical dysplasia. Because PS1 is normally expressed in the leptomeninges, and these become fibrotic in the PS1-knockout mice, we favor the hypothesis that the loss of Cajal–Retzius cells is caused by a defective trophic interaction with leptomeningeal cells, possibly involving disruption of Notch signaling

    Parkin interacts with Ambra1 to induce mitophagy

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    Mutations in the gene encoding Parkin are a major cause of recessive Parkinson's disease. Recent work has shown that Parkin translocates from the cytosol to depolarized mitochondria and induces their autophagic removal (mitophagy). However, the molecular mechanisms underlying Parkin-mediated mitophagy are poorly understood. Here, we investigated whether Parkin interacts with autophagy-regulating proteins. We purified Parkin and associated proteins from HEK293 cells using tandem affinity purification and identified the Parkin interactors using mass spectrometry. We identified the autophagy-promoting protein Ambra1 (activating molecule in Beclin1-regulated autophagy) as a Parkin interactor. Ambra1 activates autophagy in the CNS by stimulating the activity of the class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) complex that is essential for the formation of new phagophores. We found Ambra1, like Parkin, to be widely expressed in adult mouse brain, including midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Endogenous Parkin and Ambra1 coimmunoprecipitated from HEK293 cells, SH-SY5Y cells, and adult mouse brain. We found no evidence for ubiquitination of Ambra1 by Parkin. The interaction of endogenous Parkin and Ambra1 strongly increased during prolonged mitochondrial depolarization. Ambra1 was not required for Parkin translocation to depolarized mitochondria but was critically important for subsequent mitochondrial clearance. In particular, Ambra1 was recruited to perinuclear clusters of depolarized mitochondria and activated class III PI3K in their immediate vicinity. These data identify interaction of Parkin with Ambra1 as a key mechanism for induction of the final clearance step of Parkin-mediated mitophagy

    When the dust settles: what did we learn from the bexarotene discussion?

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    With 27 million people affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD), any proposal of a novel avenue for drug development is hot news. When Cramer and colleagues proposed last year that they could tackle AD pathology in an AD mouse model with bexarotene, a drug already in use in the clinic for other diseases, the news was covered worldwide by the popular press. Apolipoprotein E4 is the strongest genetic risk factor for AD and bexarotene appeared to exert spectacular effects on AD pathology when tested in APP/PS1 transgenic mice. One year later the slumbering discussion on the use of bexarotene in AD exploded in a flurry of papers. Four papers question the initial optimistic claims, while two others can only partially support the original work. We summarize here the available data and try to make sense out of the controversy. The major question is what we can learn from the experiments and what these studies imply for the further development of bexarotene in the clinic.status: publishe

    VHHs as tools for therapeutic protein delivery to the central nervous system

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    Background: The blood brain barrier (BBB) limits the therapeutic perspective for central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Previously we found an anti-mouse transferrin receptor (TfR) VHH (Nb62) that was able to deliver a biologically active neuropeptide into the CNS in mice. Here, we aimed to test its potential to shuttle a therapeutic relevant cargo. Since this VHH could not recognize the human TfR and hence its translational potential is limited, we also aimed to find and validate an anti-human transferrin VHH to deliver a therapeutic cargo into the CNS. / Methods: Alpaca immunizations with human TfR, and subsequent phage selection and screening for human TfR binding VHHs was performed to find a human TfR specific VHH (Nb188). Its ability to cross the BBB was determined by fusing it to neurotensin, a neuropeptide that reduces body temperature when present in the CNS but is not able to cross the BBB on its own. Next, the anti–β-secretase 1 (BACE1) 1A11 Fab and Nb62 or Nb188 were fused to an Fc domain to generate heterodimeric antibodies (1A11AM-Nb62 and 1A11AM-Nb188). These were then administered intravenously in wild-type mice and in mice in which the murine apical domain of the TfR was replaced by the human apical domain (hAPI KI). Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies were performed to assess the concentration of the heterodimeric antibodies in the brain over time and the ability to inhibit brain-specific BACE1 by analysing the brain levels of Aβ1–40. / Results: Selections and screening of a phage library resulted in the discovery of an anti-human TfR VHH (Nb188). Fusion of Nb188 to neurotensin induced hypothermia after intravenous injections in hAPI KI mice. In addition, systemic administration 1A11AM-Nb62 and 1A11AM-Nb188 fusions were able to reduce Aβ1-40 levels in the brain whereas 1A11AM fused to an irrelevant VHH did not. A PK/PD experiment showed that this effect could last for 3 days. / Conclusion: We have discovered an anti-human TfR specific VHH that is able to reach the CNS when administered systemically. In addition, both the currently discovered anti-human TfR VHH and the previously identified mouse-specific anti-TfR VHH, are both able to shuttle a therapeutically relevant cargo into the CNS. We suggest the mouse-specific VHH as a valuable research tool in mice and the human-specific VHH as a moiety to enhance the delivery efficiency of therapeutics into the CNS in human patients

    Identification and characterization of nanobodies targeting the EphA4 receptor

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    The ephrin receptor A4 (EphA4) is one of the receptors in the ephrin system that plays a pivotal role in a variety of cell-cell interactions, mostly studied during development. In addition, EphA4 has been found to play a role in cancer biology as well as in the pathogenesis of several neurological disorders such as stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer's disease. Pharmacological blocking of EphA4 has been suggested to be a therapeutic strategy for these disorders. Therefore, the aim of our study was to generate potent and selective Nanobodies against the ligand-binding domain of the human EphA4 receptor. Weidentified two Nanobodies, Nb 39 and Nb 53, that bind EphA4 with affinities in the nanomolar range. These Nanobodies were most selective for EphA4, with residual binding to EphA7 only. Using Alphascreen technology, we found that both Nanobodies displaced all known EphA4-binding ephrins from the receptor. Furthermore, Nb39 andNb53 inhibited ephrin-induced phosphorylationoftheEphA4proteininacell-basedassay. Finally, in a cortical neuron primary culture, both Nanobodies were able to inhibit endogenous EphA4-mediated growth-cone collapse induced by ephrin-B3. Our results demonstrate the potential of Nanobodies to target the ligand-binding domain of EphA4. These Nanobodiesmaydeservefurtherevaluationaspotentialtherapeutics in disorders in which EphA4-mediated signaling plays a role

    BACE2 distribution in major brain cell types and identification of novel substrates

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    β-Site APP-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) inhibition is considered one of the most promising therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer's disease, but current BACE1 inhibitors also block BACE2. As the localization and function of BACE2 in the brain remain unknown, it is difficult to predict whether relevant side effects can be caused by off-target inhibition of BACE2 and whether it is important to generate BACE1-specific inhibitors. Here, we show that BACE2 is expressed in discrete subsets of neurons and glia throughout the adult mouse brain. We uncover four new substrates processed by BACE2 in cultured glia: vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, delta and notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor, fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, and plexin domain containing 2. Although these substrates were not prominently cleaved by BACE2 in healthy adult mice, proinflammatory TNF induced a drastic increase in BACE2-mediated shedding of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 in CSF. Thus, although under steady-state conditions the effect of BACE2 cross-inhibition by BACE1-directed inhibitors is rather subtle, it is important to consider that side effects might become apparent under physiopathological conditions that induce TNF expression
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