7 research outputs found

    Ochrona gatunkowa grzybów w prawie polskim

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    Fungi are part of the country’s natural heritage and just like other organisms need protection. Poland has introduced quite early legal regulations concerning the species protection of fungi. The list of species, contained in the successive regulations, underwent many modifications. Currently, the legislator decided to extend the protection to 322 species of macrofungi and lichen. Differentiated protection categories have been introduced, such as strict protection, partial, partial with the possibility of acquiring and zonal. They are characterized by a different directory of prohibitions and exemptions from them, which is the main tool to save endangered species.Grzyby są częścią dziedzictwa przyrodniczego kraju i podobnie jak inne organizmy wymagają ochrony. Polska stosunkowo wcześnie wprowadziła prawne regulacje dotyczące ochrony gatunkowej grzybów. Listy gatunków zawarte w kolejnych rozporządzeniach ulegały wielu modyfikacjom. Obecnie prawodawca postanowił objąć ochroną 322 gatunki grzybów wielkoowocnikowych i zlichenizowanych. Wprowadzono w stosunku do nich zróżnicowane rygory ochrony, wyróżniając ochronę ścisłą, częściową, częściową z możliwością pozyskiwania oraz strefową. Charakteryzuje je odmienny katalog zakazów i odstępstw od nich, które stanowią podstawowe narzędzie w trosce o zachowanie zagrożonych wyginięciem gatunków

    Cognitive Function Decline in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Is Associated with Sleep Fragmentation

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    During late pregnancy, sleep deterioration is regularly observed. In concert with these observations, in previous studies by other researchers, a slight objective cognitive decline in pregnant women has been found. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation. The hypothesis of the study was that cognitive impairment could be related to sleep deterioration during pregnancy. The study included 19 pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy (28–40 weeks, median 33 weeks (IQR 32–37)) recruited at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical University of Warsaw, and 20 non-pregnant women as controls. The assessment was performed using the vocabulary subtest from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), D2 Test of Attention, OSPAN task (Operational Span Task) to assess cognitive performance, actigraphy to examine sleep parameters, and a set of self-report instruments: Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Ford Insomnia Response to Stress (FIRST), Regenstein Hyperarousal Scale (HS), and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Although there were no differences between the groups in WAIS (p = 0.18), pregnant women had worse scores in working memory capacity (overall number of remembered letters: p = 0.012, WM span index: p = 0.004) and a significantly lower score in attention (p = 0.03). Pregnant women also had lower sleep efficiency (p = 0.001), more awakenings from sleep (p = 0.001), longer average awakenings (p p p p = 0.02). Using mediation analysis, we found that frequent awakening might be the major factor contributing to deterioration in working memory performance, explaining almost 40% of the total effect. In conclusion, sleep fragmentation in the third trimester of pregnancy may impair working memory consolidation. Pregnant women often complain about poor daily performance as well as non-restorative sleep. In this study, we showed that there is a relationship between lower sleep quality in pregnancy and worse cognitive functioning. We can expect a cognitive decline in women with sleep disturbances in pregnancy. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the treatment of sleep disorders in pregnancy

    Czynniki ryzyka podejmowania prób samobójczych u osób leczonych stacjonarnie z powodu uzależnienia od alkoholu w Polsce

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    Introduction: Alcohol dependence is an important risk factor for suicidal behaviours. Current data show that between 14 and 43% of alcohol-dependent patients attempt suicide. The aim of the present study was to analyse the risk factors for suicide attempts among patients treated for alcohol dependence. Methods: Medical data of 994 patients hospitalised in Alcohol Detoxification and Rehabilitation Units of Nowowiejski Hospital in Warsaw were analysed. The relationships between variables that are thought to be related to the prevalence of suicide attempts in this population were evaluated. The relevant psycho-social and demographic data as well as information on alcohol use and treatment history were included. Results: 292 (29%) patients confirmed suicide attempts in the past. Among the variables included in the logistic regression model, previous episodes of delirium tremens, earlier onset of alcohol dependence, comorbidity of somatic disorders, and unemployment proved to be significant risk factors for previous suicide attempts. Discussion: The higher prevalence of suicide attempts among patients with previous episodes of delirium tremens and earlier onset of alcohol dependence confirms the relationship between the severity of alcohol dependence and suicide attempts. The effect of unemployment and comorbidity of somatic disorders on incidence of suicide attempts might presumably be mediated by co-occurring pain, depression, and poorer social functioning. Conclusions: Earlier onset of alcohol dependence and previous episodes of delirium tremens are the risk factors of suicide attempts attributable to the severity of alcohol dependence. The other risk factors (unemployment and somatic disorders) are nonspecific to alcohol dependence, and were previously found to increase the risk in various psychiatric populations