18,059 research outputs found

    Organizational Differences in Managerial Compensation and Financial Performance

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    The present study has two general purposes. First, based on the compensation strategy literature, we examine the extent to which organizations facing similar conditions make different managerial compensation decisions regarding base pay, bonus pay, and eligibility for long-term incentives. Second, working from expectancy and agency theory perspectives, we explore the consequences of these decisions for subsequent firm performance as measured by return on assets. Using longitudinal data on approximately 16,000 top and middle level managers and 200 organizations, significant between-organization differences in compensation decisions are found. The smallest organization effects are on the level of base pay. The largest organization effects are on bonus levels and eligibility for long-term incentives. In other words, our results suggest that organizations tend to distinguish themselves through decisions about pay contingency or variability rather than through decisions about the level of base pay. To study consequences, residualized measures (adjusted for employee and job factors) of organization pay level and pay mix are used. Pay level is not associated with organization financial performance. On the other hand, greater contingency of pay in the form of bonuses and long-term incentives is associated with better financial performance

    Salaries, Salary Growth, and Promotions of Men and Women in a Large, Private Firm

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    [Excerpt] Salaries, promotions, and salary growth of men and women in a large, diversified firm were examined for the years 1980 through 1986. Consistent with other studies, men\u27s average salary was higher than women\u27s average salary. However, statistical adjustment for gender differences in-education, tenure, time at level, experience, and job level substantially reduced the salary advantage of men over women. Although the average salary of men was higher than that of women in 1980 and 1986, women actually received greater numbers of promotions, as well as larger percentage salary increases between 1980 and 1986. One reason for women\u27s salary growth advantage was the higher average performance ratings of women between 1980 and 1986. One important reason for women\u27s promotion advantage was their greater likelihood of being in (lower) job levels where promotion opportunities were greatest

    Employee Compensation: Research and Practice

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    [Excerpt] An organization has the potential to remain viable only so long as its members choose to participate and engage in necessary role behaviors (March & Simon, 1958; Katz & Kahn, 1966). To elicit these contributions, an organization must provide inducements that are of value to its members. This exchange or transaction process is at the core of the employment relationship and can be viewed as a type of contract, explicit or implicit, that imposes reciprocal obligations on the parties (Barnard, 1936; Simon, 1951; Williamson, 1975; Rousseau, 1990). At the heart of that exchange are decisions by employers and employees regarding compensation

    Pay, Performance, and Participation

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    Our chapter identifies key dimensions on which organizations make employee compensation decisions and examines the emerging research evidence on the consequences of such decisions for attitudes, behaviors, and organization performance. We provide some general suggestions that may prove helpful in future research. First, there is increased recognition that pay decisions take place in the context of implicit or explicit contracts between employees and specific organizations. As a result, we encourage researchers to continue to give greater attention to the role of organization differences in compensation. Second, because pay is multidimensional, attention should not be restricted to organization differences in pay level. Organization differences in benefits, structure, and means of recognizing individual employees contributions also warrant attention. As an example of how the focus can be expanded, we provide new empirical evidence on organization differences in the market sensitivity of pay structures. Third, we note that the success of pay programs depends not only on decisions about pay per se, but also the process used in making communicating, and administering such decisions. More broadly, the influence of contextual factors, such as the nature of other employee relations practices (e.g., staffmg, development, employment security), needs to be considered to a greater extent in compensation research. In addition to these broad suggestions, we provide specific ideas on future research directions throughout the chapter

    The Effects of Research and Development Intensity on Managerial Compensation in Large Organizations

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    Agency theory, leading edge, and administrative life cycle perspectives all predict that organizations having high levels of Research and Development (R&D) intensity will follow different compensation strategies than organizations that are less R&D intensive. Using data from 110 organizations over a 5 year period, and controlling for organization differences in employee and job characteristics, we found support for this general prediction. Specifically, high R&D intensity organizations tended to have higher relative base pay, higher relative bonus pay, and greater relative eligibility for long-term incentive payments. We discuss the importance of further research into compensation decisions in R&D intensive firms, particularly the effects of such decisions on firms\u27 competitiveness

    A statistical framework for testing functional categories in microarray data

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    Ready access to emerging databases of gene annotation and functional pathways has shifted assessments of differential expression in DNA microarray studies from single genes to groups of genes with shared biological function. This paper takes a critical look at existing methods for assessing the differential expression of a group of genes (functional category), and provides some suggestions for improved performance. We begin by presenting a general framework, in which the set of genes in a functional category is compared to the complementary set of genes on the array. The framework includes tests for overrepresentation of a category within a list of significant genes, and methods that consider continuous measures of differential expression. Existing tests are divided into two classes. Class 1 tests assume gene-specific measures of differential expression are independent, despite overwhelming evidence of positive correlation. Analytic and simulated results are presented that demonstrate Class 1 tests are strongly anti-conservative in practice. Class 2 tests account for gene correlation, typically through array permutation that by construction has proper Type I error control for the induced null. However, both Class 1 and Class 2 tests use a null hypothesis that all genes have the same degree of differential expression. We introduce a more sensible and general (Class 3) null under which the profile of differential expression is the same within the category and complement. Under this broader null, Class 2 tests are shown to be conservative. We propose standard bootstrap methods for testing against the Class 3 null and demonstrate they provide valid Type I error control and more power than array permutation in simulated datasets and real microarray experiments.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS146 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Frequency-dependent and correlational selection pressures have conflicting consequences for assortative mating in a color-polymorphic lizard, Uta stansburiana

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    Acknowledgments We would like to thank the numerous undergraduate researchers involved with this project for their invaluable assistance in lizard rearing and data collection. We also thank D. Haisten, A. Runemark, Y. Takahashi, and M. Verzijden for insightful comments on the manuscript. This project was funded by National Science Foundation DEBOS-15973 to A.G.M. and B.R.S.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Classical and quantum fingerprinting with shared randomness and one-sided error

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    Within the simultaneous message passing model of communication complexity, under a public-coin assumption, we derive the minimum achievable worst-case error probability of a classical fingerprinting protocol with one-sided error. We then present entanglement-assisted quantum fingerprinting protocols attaining worst-case error probabilities that breach this bound.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Single-qubit optical quantum fingerprinting

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    We analyze and demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of linear optical single-qubit fingerprinting over its classical counterpart. For one-qubit fingerprinting of two-bit messages, we prepare `tetrahedral' qubit states experimentally and show that they meet the requirements for quantum fingerprinting to exceed the classical capability. We prove that shared entanglement permits 100% reliable quantum fingerprinting, which will outperform classical fingerprinting even with arbitrary amounts of shared randomness.Comment: 4 pages, one figur

    Valuing Avoided Soil Erosion by Considering Private and Public Net Benefits

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    The population in New Zealand is expected to increase to over five million by the mid 2020’s from the current level of 4.3 million (Statistics New Zealand, 2009). An increasing demand for primary produce as a result may put pressure on marginal land to be farmed. Understanding the economic value of avoided erosion in New Zealand is therefore an important factor in policy making to optimise the soil related activities in the economy. Establishing a methodology for estimating the economic value of avoided soil erosion is the first step in assessing the problem. This study uses the future forest scenarios developed by Scion to identify potential afforestation areas and thereby compare the current erosion/sedimentation status under current land-use (non woody vegetation) with potential future afforestation. The study aims to quantify the incremental public and private net benefits from the change in scenario. The notion has come under different headings in the literature, such as on-site and off-site erosion effects or sediment and soil erosion effects, all of which recognize the importance of separation of effects to avoid double-counting. The separation into public and private benefits and costs in this case, while avoiding double-counting, will also help identify appropriate policy instruments to avoid soil erosion damage using the private and public net benefit framework (Pannell, 2008).Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,