5,508 research outputs found

    Cosmologies with Energy Exchange

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    We provide a simple mathematical description of the exchange of energy between two fluids in an expanding Friedmann universe with zero spatial curvature. The evolution can be reduced to a single non-linear differential equation which we solve in physically relevant cases and provide an analysis of all the possible evolutions. Particular power-law solutions exist for the expansion scale factor and are attractors at late times under particular conditions. We show how a number of problems studied in the literature, such as cosmological vacuum energy decay, particle annihilation, and the evolution of a population of evaporating black holes, correspond to simple particular cases of our model. In all cases we can determine the effects of the energy transfer on the expansion scale factor. We also consider the situation in the presence of anti-decaying fluids and so called phantom fluids which violate the dominant energy conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Cosmic String Nucleation near the Inflationary Phase Boundary

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    We investigate the nucleation of circular cosmic strings in models of generalized inflationary universes with an accelerating scale factor. We consider toy cosmological models of a smooth inflationary exit and transition into a flat Minkowski spacetime. Our results establish that an inflationary expanding phase is necessary but not sufficient for quantum nucleation of circular cosmic strings to occur.Comment: 11 pages Latex + 4 figures (not included), NBI-HE-94-2

    Some Late-time Asymptotics of General Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of isotropic and homogeneous universes in general scalar-tensor gravity theories containing a p=-rho vacuum fluid stress and other sub-dominant matter stresses. It is shown that in order for there to be approach to a de Sitter spacetime at large 4-volumes the coupling function, omega(phi), which defines the scalar-tensor theory, must diverge faster than |phi_infty-phi|^(-1+epsilon) for all epsilon>0 as phi rightarrow phi_infty 0 for large values of the time. Thus, for a given theory, specified by omega(phi), there must exist some phi_infty in (0,infty) such that omega -> infty and omega' / omega^(2+epsilon) -> 0 as phi -> 0 phi_infty in order for cosmological solutions of the theory to approach de Sitter expansion at late times. We also classify the possible asymptotic time variations of the gravitation `constant' G(t) at late times in scalar-tensor theories. We show that (unlike in general relativity) the problem of a profusion of ``Boltzmann brains'' at late cosmological times can be avoided in scalar-tensor theories, including Brans-Dicke theory, in which phi -> infty and omega ~ o(\phi^(1/2)) at asymptotically late times.Comment: 14 page

    Zoonotic potential of Salmonella enterica carried by pet tortoises

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    The prevalence of Salmonella in chelonians is not known in the UK and it is not clear whether such Salmonella strains would be pathogenic for human beings. Some strains, such as members of the Arizonae subgroup, may be unable to cause anything more than very mild disease. To determine the carriage of Salmonella in pet tortoises, cloacal swabs were taken for culture. Salmonella enterica Group D was isolated from 5 of the 89 samples. All five were from the same household of seven tortoises. Salmonella isolates were shown by PCR to carry the invA and spiC genes associated with pathogenicity islands 1 and 2. Each isolate carried both genes indicating they had the genetic basis for disease and enterocyte invasion in human beings. The study indicates a low rate of asymptomatic carriage among the general population of pet tortoises. However, it does suggest that those Salmonella strains colonising the tortoise can carry Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-1 and SPI-2 conferring the potential to cause disease in human beings and other animals

    Bouncing Universes with Varying Constants

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    We investigate the behaviour of exact closed bouncing Friedmann universes in theories with varying constants. We show that the simplest BSBM varying-alpha theory leads to a bouncing universe. The value of alpha increases monotonically, remaining approximately constant during most of each cycle, but increasing significantly around each bounce. When dissipation is introduced we show that in each new cycle the universe expands for longer and to a larger size. We find a similar effect for closed bouncing universes in Brans-Dicke theory, where GG also varies monotonically in time from cycle to cycle. Similar behaviour occurs also in varying speed of light theories
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