233 research outputs found

    Is it e or is it c? Experimental Tests of Varying Alpha

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    Is the recent evidence for a time-varying fine structure 'constant' α\alpha to be interpreted as a varying ee, cc, \hbar, or a combination thereof? We consider the simplest varying electric charge and varying speed of light theories (VSL) and prove that for the same type of dark matter they predict opposite senses of variation in α\alpha over cosmological times. We also show that unlike varying ee theories, VSL theories do not predict violations of the weak equivalence principle (WEP). Varying ee theories which explain astronomical inferences of varying α\alpha predict WEP violations only an order of magnitude smaller than existing E\"otv\"os experiment limits but could be decisively tested by STEP. We finally exhibit a set of atomic-clock and related experiments for which {\it all} (hyperbolic) varying α\alpha theories predict non-null results. They provide independent tests of the recent astronomical evidence

    Qualitative Analysis of Universes with Varying Alpha

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    Assuming a Friedmann universe which evolves with a power-law scale factor, a=tna=t^{n}, we analyse the phase space of the system of equations that describes a time-varying fine structure 'constant', α\alpha, in the Bekenstein-Sandvik-Barrow-Magueijo generalisation of general relativity. We have classified all the possible behaviours of α(t)\alpha (t) in ever-expanding universes with different nn and find new exact solutions for α(t)\alpha (t). We find the attractors points in the phase space for all nn. In general, α\alpha will be a non-decreasing function of time that increases logarithmically in time during a period when the expansion is dust dominated (n=2/3n=2/3), but becomes constant when n>2/3n>2/3. This includes the case of negative-curvature domination (n=1n=1). α\alpha also tends rapidly to a constant when the expansion scale factor increases exponentially. A general set of conditions is established for α\alpha to become asymptotically constant at late times in an expanding universe.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Variable-Speed-of-Light Cosmology and Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    We examine whether the cosmologies with varying speed of light (VSL) are compatible with the second law of thermodynamics. We find that the VSL cosmology with varying fundamental constant is severely constrained by the second law of thermodynamics, whereas the bimetric cosmological models are less constrained.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, Revised version with minor corrections to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum cosmology with big-brake singularity

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    We investigate a cosmological model with a big-brake singularity in the future: while the first time derivative of the scale factor goes to zero, its second time derivative tends to minus infinity. Although we also discuss the classical version of the model in some detail, our main interest lies in its quantization. We formulate the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and derive solutions describing wave packets. We show that all such solutions vanish in the region of the classical singularity, a behaviour which we interpret as singularity avoidance. We then discuss the same situation in loop quantum cosmology. While this leads to a different factor ordering, the singularity is there avoided, too.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, figures improved, references added, conceptual clarifications include

    Classical and quantum Big Brake cosmology for scalar field and tachyonic models

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    We study a relation between the cosmological singularities in classical and quantum theory, comparing the classical and quantum dynamics in some models possessing the Big Brake singularity - the model based on a scalar field and two models based on a tachyon-pseudo-tachyon field . It is shown that the effect of quantum avoidance is absent for the soft singularities of the Big Brake type while it is present for the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. Thus, there is some kind of a classical - quantum correspondence, because soft singularities are traversable in classical cosmology, while the strong Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities are not traversable.Comment: final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Brane World Cosmologies with Varying Speed of Light

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    We study cosmologies in the Randall-Sundrum models, incorporating the possibility of time-varying speed of light and Newton's constant. The cosmologies with varying speed of light (VSL) were proposed by Moffat and by Albrecht and Magueijo as an alternative to inflation for solving the cosmological problems. We consider the case in which the speed of light varies with time after the radion or the scale of the extra dimension has been stabilized. We elaborate on the conditions under which the flatness problem and the cosmological constant problem can be resolved. We find that the RS models are more restrictive about possible desirable VSL cosmological models than the standard general relativity. Particularly, the VSL cosmologies may provide with a possible mechanism for bringing the quantum corrections to the fine-tuned brane tensions after the SUSY breaking under control.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, revised version with minor corrections to appear in Phys. Rev.