9 research outputs found

    In vitro evaluation of the influence of bone cortical thickness on the primary stability of conventional- and short-sized implants

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    The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of the cortical thickness on the primary stability of short and conventional-sized implants with two types of prosthetic connection. Seventy-two implants were used. These implants were place

    Correction of Malpositioned Implants through Periodontal Surgery and Prosthetic Rehabilitation Using Angled Abutment

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    When dental implants are malpositioned in relation to the adjacent teeth and alveolar bone or in an excessive buccal or lingual position, the final prosthesis rehabilitation impairs the peri-implant health of the gingival tissues and the aesthetics of the patient. Thus, the purpose of this case was to report and discuss a multidisciplinary protocol for the treatment of a compromised maxillary tooth in a patient with an abscess in his right central incisor due to an excessive buccal implant position. The patient presented with an implant-supported provisional restoration on his right maxillary central incisor and a traumatic injury in his left central incisor. The treatment protocol consisted in (i) abutment substitution to compensate the incorrect angulation of the implant, (ii) clinical crown lengthening, (iii) atraumatic extraction of the left central incisor, and (iv) immediate implant placement. Finally, (v) a custom abutment was fabricated to obtain a harmonious gingival contour around the prosthetic crown. In conclusion, when implants are incorrectly positioned in relation to the adjacent teeth, associated with soft-tissue defects, the challenge to create a harmonious mucogingival contours may be achieved with an interdisciplinary approach and with the placement of an appropriate custom abutment

    A Prosthetic and Surgical Approach for Full-Arch Rehabilitation in Atrophic Maxilla Previously Affected by Peri-Implantitis

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    Rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla with dental implants is still a challenge in clinical practice especially in cases of alveolar bone resorption due to peri-implantitis and pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses. Several surgical approaches have been employed to reconstruct the lost tissues allowing the proper tridimensional position of the implants. In this context, the aim of this case report is to describe a surgical and prosthetic approach to fully rehabilitate the atrophic maxilla with dental implants. The patient presented with unsatisfactory functional and esthetical implant-supported prosthesis with some of the implants already lost by peri-implantitis. The remaining three implants were also affected by peri-implantitis. Reversal prosthetic planning was performed, and a provisional prosthesis was fabricated and anchored in two short implants. Sinus floor augmentation procedure and onlay bone graft were then accomplished. After a healing period of 8 months, digital-guided surgery approach was performed to place the implants. Finally, a definitive prosthesis was installed. One-year follow-up has revealed stabilization of the bone tissue level, successful osseointegration, and a pleasant esthetic and functional result. A proper diagnosis and careful planning play an important role to enhance precision and to achieve patient esthetic and functional outcomes

    Optimizing maxillary aesthetics of a severe compromised tooth through orthodontic movement and dental implants

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    Treatment of severe compromised tooth in the maxillary anterior area still poses great challenge to the clinicians. Several treatment modalities have been proposed to restore the function and aesthetics in teeth with advanced periodontal disease. The present study aims to report a case of traumatic injury of a left-maxillary central incisor with ridge preservation, orthodontic movement, and implant therapy. A 45-year-old woman underwent the proposed treatment for her left central incisor: basic periodontal therapy, xenogenous bone graft, and guided bone regeneration (GBR). Six months after the graft procedure, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling was made and a coronal displacement of the gingival margin and vertical bone apposition could be observed after 13 months of active movement. Afterwards, a dental implant was placed followed by a connective tissue graft and immediate provisionalization of the crown. In conclusion, orthodontic movement was effective to improve the gingival tissue and alveolar bone prior to implant placement favoring the aesthetic results. Six years postoperatively, the results revealed height and width alveolar bone gain indicating that the treatment proposed was able to restore all the functional and aesthetic parameters

    Associação de prótese fixa, implantes e estética periodontal para reabilitação de pacientes parcialmente edêntulos

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    Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues with subsequent tooth loss. The replacement of missing teeth for implant-supported restorations has proven to be a highly predictable treatment method with good long-term prognosis. However, some consequences of tooth loss prevents dental implant placement in an ideal position, where regenerative procedures are necessary for this type of rehabilitation. Less invasive procedures such as conventional prosthesis emerge as a therapeutic option in cases where there is enough bone structure for implants and patient´s non-acceptance for invasive procedures. Thus, this paper aims to present the resolution of rehabilitation through a noninvasive and multidisciplinary treatment. One female patient referred to the clinic presented maladaptive bilateral mandibular fixed prostheses, endodontic lesions, gingival recession, and root sensitivity. For proper resolution of this case, an association among osseointegrated implants, fixed partial prosthesis, tooth extraction, and aesthetic periodontal procedures with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft was proposed. After two years, the patient shows excellent aesthetics and chewing. Within the limits of this scenario, this paper discusses the various factors that may affect the choice of a particular treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous single spaces.A doença periodontal é uma doença inflamatória crônica que resulta na destruição dos tecidos de suporte com consequente perda dental. A substituição dos dentes perdidos por restaurações implantossuportadas tem demonstrado ser um método de tratamento altamente previsível com bom prognóstico em longo prazo. Contudo, algumas sequelas da perda dentária inviabilizam a instalação de implantes osseointegrados em posição ideal, sendo, neste caso, necessários procedimentos regenerativos para tornar possível este tipo de reabilitação. Procedimentos menos invasivos, como próteses convencionais, surgem como uma opção terapêutica para reabilitação de casos em que não há estrutura óssea suficiente para implantes e não há aceitação de procedimentos invasivos por parte dos pacientes. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar a resolução de uma reabilitação por meio de tratamento não invasivo e multidisciplinar. A paciente, gênero feminino, compareceu a clínica da faculdade apresentando próteses fixas mandibulares mal adaptadas bilateralmente, lesões endodônticas, recessão gengival nos dentes pilares e sensibilidade dentinária. Para a adequada resolução deste caso foi proposto à associação de implantes osseointegrados, prótese parcial fixa, exodontia e procedimentos periodontais estéticos, com a utilização de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial. Após dois anos de pós-operatório, a paciente mostrou satisfação estética e mastigatória. Com base no caso apresentado, este trabalho discutiu os diversos fatores que podem afetar a escolha de uma determinada modalidade de tratamento, para a reabilitação de espaços edêntulos unitários

    Importância do tratamento estético periodontal na reabilitação protética

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    Gingival recession is a common deformity that affects a large number of people. This condition is frequently associated with esthetic complains and may lead to dental hypersensitivity. Thus, various surgical procedures have been proposed to provide root coverage. Since the 1950s, free and pedicle gingival grafts have been greatly used for treating gingival recession. However, after the 1985 Miller gingival recession classification, and with the development of other appropriated techniques that use subepithelial connective tissue grafts, gingival recession treatments have resulted in more predictable outcomes, especially with respect to Class I and II sites, i.e., in the absence of interproximal bone loss. This article reported the importance of aesthetical periodontal treatment in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a class I gingival recession with 3 mm of vertical extension in the superior canine. The treatment plan consisted of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) associated with construction of new prosthesis.A recessão gengival é uma deformidade comum que afeta um grande número de indivíduos e está frequentemente associada com comprometimento estético e com hipersensibilidade dentinária. Várias técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido propostas ao longo dos anos para lidar com este problema. Desde 1950, enxertos livres e enxertos gengivais pediculados têm sido bastante utilizados para o tratamento de recessão gengival. Contudo, com a classificação de Miller, proposta em 1985 e com o surgimento de outras técnicas utilizando enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial para recobrimento de raiz, os resultados se tornaram mais previsíveis, especialmente no que diz respeito a recessões Classe I e II, ou seja, na ausência de perda óssea interproximal. Este artigo relata a importância do tratamento estético periodontal na reabilitação protética de um paciente portador de recessão gengival Classe I de Miller com 3 mm de extensão vertical no canino superior direito. O plano de tratamento consistiu em recobrimento radicular utilizando enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial (SCTG) associado com deslocamento coronário do retalho e confecção de novas próteses