1,805 research outputs found

    How coordination trajectories influence the performance of interorganizational project networks

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    This study examines how the joint use of integrators and contracts either enables or hampers coordination and, in turn, the performance of interorganizational project networks. Using extensive qualitative analyses and socio-metric techniques, we investigated coordination among organizations during seven small and medium-sized building projects. Our longitudinal study reveals how integrators develop connecting functions that, together with contracts' steering functions, largely drive coordination dynamics. Further data analyses provide insight into how coordination hinges on the prevalence of connecting or steering, which may more or less fit with coordination needs in various project phases. Given these findings, we theorize the contingent nature of the interplay between the use of integrators and contracts throughout projects. Our findings are integrated into a process model of how coordination trajectories lead to different performance levels of interorganizational project networks. Our study has theoretical implications for the literature on project-based organizing and, more broadly, the literature on interorganizational coordination. (17) How Coordination Trajectories Influence the Performance of Interorganizational Project Networks. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316692856_How_Coordination_Trajectories_Influence_the_Performance_of_Interorganizational_Project_Networks [accessed Sep 27, 2017]

    Estudio Electromiográfico del Músculo Masetero tras Cirugía de Tercer Molar Inferior

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    Alves, N (Alves, Nilton)Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Salud, Unidad Anat Normal, Talca, ChileThird molar extraction surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedures in the areas of buccal-maxillofacial traumatology and surgery. The post-surgery evolution was evaluated based on the clinical evidence obtained so far. The objective of this study was to analyze the post-surgery clinical evolution of the masseter muscle by means of surface electromyography, to evaluate muscle activity. Four analyses were performed: one pre-surgery, to register the normal activity, and three in post-surgery: on the 7(th), 14(th) and 21(st) postoperative days, in a sample of 30 patients. On the 21(st) day, there was near normal recovery of the electrical signal of the masseter in women, but in men this activity did not reach normal levels. Surface electromyography is a safe and reliable tool for post-surgery evolution control of masseter function

    Avaliacao de clones de cajueiro anao precoce nos cerrados piauiense.

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    Aspectos agronômicos e de qualidade do pequi.

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    Caracterização botânica; características agronômicas; características químicas do fruto; utilização; considerações finais.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/10884/1/Dc-113.pd

    Substituição da torta de algodão por feno de leguminosas em rações baseadas em restolho da cultura do milho para ovinos em confinamento.

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    Resumo: Dois experimentos usando ovinos deslanados testaram a substituiçao da torta de algodao por feno de Ieguminosas em rações corn restolho da cultura do milho. No primeiro experimento, foi usada uma raçao-base de 51% restolho do milho, 28% torta de algodao, 20% milho e 1% sal, na quaI a torta de algodao foi substituîda por 5%, 10%, e 15% de feno de mata-pasto (Cassia sericea), enquanto um Iote-testemunha era mantido em pastoreio. Os animais confinados ganharam 95, 106, 103 e 93 gramas/cabeça/dia (P > 0,05), para as rações com 0%, 5%, 10% e 15% de mata-pasto, respectivamente. Os animais em pastoreio perderam 11 gramas/cabeça/dia (P 0.05) for tho rations with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of "mata-pasto", respective-ly. The grazing animais iost 11 grams/head/day , (P <0.05). in the second experiment, the cottonseed calce was either partiaiiy (50%) or totaily repiacod by "mata-pasto" or "cunha" (ditaria terl7atee) hays, whiie the grazing sheep received a suppiementation of 200 grams of corn grain/headldayWith the exception of the treatment In which the eottonseed cake was totaily repiaced by "mata-pasto" hay, the other treatments with coniined animais showed gains above 100 grams/head/day, which were hi -,er than (P <0.01) the 42 grams/head/day for the grazing animais. The resuits indicate that it is possibie to substituto "mata-pasto" hay for cottonseed calce ar leveis up to 50%, while the total substitution Lan be made "cunhâ" Is used