15 research outputs found

    Atributos corporativos e concentração acionária no Brasil

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    Este artigo enfoca os possíveis determinantes da concentração do direito de voto e do direito sobre o fluxo de caixa por parte dos acionistas controladores das companhias abertas brasileiras. A análise investiga se variáveis endógenas das firmas e setoriais fazem com que algumas empresas tenham estrutura de propriedade mais concentrada do que outras submetidas ao mesmo ambiente contratual. Ao se aplicarem testes empíricos a um painel com 161 empresas entre os anos de 1998 e 2002, as variáveis testadas como possíveis determinantes não parecem infl uenciar a concentração acionária dos controladores das empresas analisadas. Os resultados oferecem evidência em favor da hipótese de influência da exogeneidade da estrutura de propriedade sobre o desempenho corporativo, adotada em trabalhos recentes.This article focuses on the possible determinants of the concentration of the right to vote and the rights over cash-flow of the controlling shareholders of publicly-quoted Brazilian companies. The analysis investigates if endogenous variables of firms and sectors mean that some companies have a more concentrated corporate structure than others that undergo the same contractual environment. When empirical tests were applied to a panel of 161 companies between 1998 and 2002, the variables that were tested as possible determinants seem not to have an influence on the shareholder concentration of the owners of the companies that were analyzed. The results offer evidence in favor of the hypothesis of the influence of the exogeneity of the ownership structure on corporate performance, which has been used in recent work

    Facing the regulators: non-compliance with detailed mandatory compensation disclosure in Brazil

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    A preliminary court injunction based on alleged personal security risks to managers and directors gave Brazilian public companies the option of non-compliance with the most sensitive part of newly mandated compensation disclosure rules. We find, however, no association between state-level crime data and non-compliance, which is possibly motivated by agency conflicts. Non-compliers tend to present lower corporate governance (CG) quality, higher ownership concentration, larger total assets, and less profitability. State and foreign owned companies are significantly less likely non-compliers. Shareholders correctly anticipated that lower CG quality firms were more likely to exercise their non-compliance option, but may have been negatively surprised when some higher CG quality firms did not comply.Indisponíve

    Finanças comportamentais: uma introdução

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    A subject often debated in Finance is the validity of assumptions regarding traditional theories, especially in relation to the rationality of economic agents. Studies endeavoring to improve theoretical models have incorporated behavioral aspects previously disregarded thereby creating the new and promising field of behavioral finance. The remarkable growth of this unorthodox approach has been spurred by attempts to explain phenomena in the financial markets which are incompatible with traditional model forecasts. A brief introduction to the concepts of behavioral finance was presented with comments on pioneer applications that incorporated two frequent examples of cognitive biases, namely optimism and excessive confidence, for the purpose of building a new theoretical paradigm.Dentre as principais questões que vêm sendo debatidas em Finanças está a validade das premissas assumidas por suas teorias mais tradicionais, em particular a da racionalidade dos agentes econômicos. Nesse contexto, surgiram diversos trabalhos com o objetivo de aprimorar os modelos teóricos dominantes, incorporando aspectos comportamentais antes desconsiderados. Essas linhas de pesquisa deram origem a um novo e promissor campo de estudo denominado Finanças Comportamentais. O notável crescimento dessa abordagem não ortodoxa tem sido motivado, em especial, pela tentativa de explicação satisfatória de uma gama de fenômenos regularmente observados nos mercados financeiros e incompatíveis com as predições dos modelos tradicionais. Este ensaio apresenta uma introdução sucinta aos conceitos fundamentais da área de Finanças Comportamentais e comenta duas aplicações pioneiras que incorporam dois dos vieses cognitivos mais bem documentados - otimismo e confiança excessiva

    Corporate Attributes, Corporate Governance Quality, and the Value of Public Brazilian Companies

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    This paper investigates the influence of corporate governance quality on the market value of 154 Brazilian listed companies in 2002. As a proxy for corporate governance quality, a broad governance index was built. The empirical investigation employed different econometric approaches with increasing level of complexity, including multiple regressions by ordinary last squares, instrumental variables estimators and simultaneous equations systems. Results obtained with all econometric approaches show a positive and significant influence of corporate governance quality on firms market values. The paper also finds evidence of endogeneity of the corporate governance variable, for which different instruments are proposed. Moreover, results obtained with the simultaneous equations approach suggest that there might be a two-way causality link between corporate governance quality and firm valuation