6 research outputs found

    Social networks and international relations in the tourism sector

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    Tourism is a social and scientific phenomenon. From here, its knowledge must be approached from a complete vision and not limited to a single discipline or set of them separately, since it is multidisciplinary. The role of international relations in tourism is a phenomenon with great economic, social, cultural, and environmental consequences, which can condition the behavior of tourists and the tourism sector as a whole. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has affected the entire world population, the main economic engines of each and every one of the countries and international relations derived from the tourism sector. The coronavirus has not only affected the people who are under its effects, but it has also changed the global perception of reality just as the media have been forced to create a new way of communicating. Meanwhile, social networks have been the fastest and easiest way to disseminate all kinds of information and misinformation, adopting new formats and new anti-hoax measures (fake news). They have been effective and it is identified that thanks to the different platforms, citizens have found themselves somewhat more sheltered, understood and have received information about what is happening around their lives. Due to the closure of borders and the decrease in flights, worldwide tourism suffers serious consequences and for all this, the incidence of the coronavirus in the economy and international relations are protagonists of a difficult reality and a prompt and expected recovery.El turismo es un fenómeno social y científico. A partir de aquí, su conocimiento debe enfocarse desde una visión integral y no limitarlo a una sola disciplina o conjunto de ellas por separado, ya que es multidisciplinar. El papel de las Relaciones internacionales en el turismo es un fenómeno de grandes consecuencias económicas, sociales, culturales y ambientales, que puede condicionar el comportamiento del turista y del sector turístico en su conjunto. La pandemia provocada por la covid-19 ha afectado a toda la población mundial, a los principales motores económicos de todos y cada uno de los países y a las Relaciones internacionales derivadas del sector turístico. El coronavirus no solo ha afectado a las personas que se encuentran bajo sus efectos, sino que ha cambiado la percepción global de la realidad al igual que los medios de información se han visto forzados a crear una nueva manera de comunicar. Por su parte, las redes sociales han supuesto la vía más rápida y sencilla en la difusión de todo tipo de información y desinformación, adoptando nuevos formatos y nuevas medidas anti bulos (fake news). Han sido eficaces y se identifica que gracias a las diferentes plataformas los ciudadanos se han encontrado algo más arropados, comprendidos y han recibido información sobre lo que ocurre alrededor de sus vidas. Debido al cierre de fronteras y a la disminución de vuelos, el turismo mundial sufre graves consecuencias y por todo ello, la incidencia del coronavirus en la economía y las Relaciones internacionales son protagonistas de una difícil realidad y una pronta y esperada recuperación

    Twitter as a tool for citizen education and sustainable cities after COVID-19

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    The social confinement resulting from the COVID-19 crisis temporarily reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Although experts contend that the decrease in pollution rates was not drastic, some surveys detect growth in social concern about the climate. In this new climate-conscious environment, municipalities and local governments are promoting a new way of living and caring for cities, even before they can regain national and international freedom of movement. This work analyzes the connections between new climate awareness arising from the COVID-19 crisis, proposals of sustainable citizenship around the world, and its communication on Twitter to educate the new eco-conscious audience. The methodology mixes quantitative and qualitative analysis, using the Twitonomy Premium tool and the Twitter research tool with data extracted at the end of December 2020. Among the top ten most influential and active accounts, the results show educational institutions, local institutions, companies, neighborhoods, associations, and influencers. The impossibility of living in the city has not prevented citizen education and commitment to make real change for when that city and its citizens return to normality. However, this new normality must be different: more ecological, more responsible, more sustainable, and practiced from early childhood

    Communication on twitter: Coronatec during the initial phase of confinement in Spain

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    The state of alarm declared in Spain on March 14th 2020 as a result of the infections and deaths caused by the coronavirus and the COVID-19, triggered the creation of the Technical Management Committee for Coronavirus (Coronatec), which being headed by the Government president, Pedro Sánchez, led the initiative through both traditional and social media. The first month of this exceptional situation would help measure the reaction and adaptability capacity of all these entities to social media, and in fact, the communication impacts on Twitter increased and worked as a reference channel to disseminate messages. Additionally, obtaining information from official sources through social media is more important now due to the presence of hoaxes, and the analysis of these nine organizations is even more relevant. This analysis is going to be centered on essential aspects of the analysis of these social media: followers, publications and engagement. The results will demonstrate the influence capacity of The Enforcement and Security Corps of the State in Spain against other figures such as the Government Presidency or the Ministries.El estado de alarma declarado en España el 14 de marzo de 2020 a raíz de los contagios y muertes provocadas por el coronavirus y el COVID-19 provocó la creación del Comité de Gestión Técnica del Coronavirus (Coronatec) que, encabezado por el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, llevó la iniciativa tanto a través de los medios de comunicación tradicionales, como también en redes sociales.El primer mes de esta extraordinaria situación iba a medir la capacidad de reacción y adaptación de todas estas entidades a las redes sociales y, de hecho, los impactos comunicacionales en Twitter aumentaron y sirvió como un canal referente para difundir mensajes. Además, obtener información de fuentes oficiales a través de las redes sociales es ahora más importante por la presencia de los bulos y el análisis de estos nueve organismos es aún más pertinente. El presente análisis se centrará en aspectos esenciales del análisis en redes sociales: seguidores, publicaciones y engagement. Los resultados dejarán patente la capacidad de influencia de las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado frente a otros actores como Presidencia del Gobierno o los Ministerios

    Around neoliberalism: Democracy threatened

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    This text seeks to reflect on the effect of neoliberalism on people's lives. How it manages to mutate and access new ways to capture democracies through social media and digital information, no longer through restrictions, but rather to encourage voluntary delivery of information that is available for human behavior analysis. These new ways of maintaining control of citizens and the environment have serious effects on the deterioration of the environment and people's health, but it rarely receives a sanction. In this sense, we are talking about a neoliberalicide, because the model remains more relevant than life and maintaining a balance with the environment. © 2021 Revista Notas Historicas y Geograficas.El presente texto busca reflexionar respecto al efecto que tiene el neoliberalismo en la vida de las personas. Como logra mutar y acceder a nuevas formas de capturar las democracias a través de las redes sociales y la información digital, ya no a través de restricciones, sino por el contrario, a fomentar la entrega voluntaria de información que queda disponible para análisis de comportamientos humanos. Estas nuevas formas de mantener el control de los ciudadanos y del ambiente tienen efectos graves en el deterioro del ambiente y en la salud de las personas, pero rara vez recibe una sanción. En este sentido, hablamos de un neoliberalicidio, pues el modelo sigue siendo más relevante que la vida y el mantener un equilibrio con el entorno


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    This text seeks to reflect on the effect of neoliberalism on people's lives. How it manages to mutate and access new ways to capture democracies through social media and digital information, no longer through restrictions, but rather to encourage voluntary delivery of information that is available for human behavior analysis. These new ways of maintaining control of citizens and the environment have serious effects on the deterioration of the environment and people's health, but it rarely receives a sanction. In this sense, we are talking about a neoliberalicide, because the model remains more relevant than life and maintaining a balance with the environment

    Blockchain Technology for Winning Consumer Loyalty: Social Norm Analysis Using Structural Equation Modeling

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    Remarkable changes have taken in social operation mode and consumers’ behavior mode because of the foot ban during the pandemic spread of COVID-19. Digital technologies such as Blockchain have shown potential in gaining competitive advantages for enterprises in such situations. This study aims to provide an insight into how to gain consumer loyalty through the use of modern and efficient Blockchain technology. In contrast to the current literature, this study combined the technology acceptance model of planned behavior theory, social exchange theory to explain the loyalty of an online travel agency (OTA) consumer. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from citizens in Hangzhou, a city full of technological innovation atmosphere. Using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS©, responses from 1403 citizens were analyzed. Social norm was discovered to have a positive and significant association with the consumers’ attitude toward technology and thus enhancing the perceived usability and hedonism of OTA application, which can increase consumer loyalty. The findings suggested OTAs may gain consumers’ loyalty through adopting Blockchain technology, and local governments have played a key role in creating such an environment. New technologies have become essential professional and social tools for society. The technological environment and Blockchain within the tourism sector are fundamental elements of China’s economic engine