9 research outputs found

    A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain

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    Task-free functional connectivity in animal models provides an experimental framework to examine connectivity phenomena under controlled conditions and allows for comparisons with data modalities collected under invasive or terminal procedures. Currently, animal acquisitions are performed with varying protocols and analyses that hamper result comparison and integration. Here we introduce StandardRat, a consensus rat functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisition protocol tested across 20 centers. To develop this protocol with optimized acquisition and processing parameters, we initially aggregated 65 functional imaging datasets acquired from rats across 46 centers. We developed a reproducible pipeline for analyzing rat data acquired with diverse protocols and determined experimental and processing parameters associated with the robust detection of functional connectivity across centers. We show that the standardized protocol enhances biologically plausible functional connectivity patterns relative to previous acquisitions. The protocol and processing pipeline described here is openly shared with the neuroimaging community to promote interoperability and cooperation toward tackling the most important challenges in neuroscience

    Consumo voluntário e digestibilidade de fenos triturados de gramíneas tropicais em caprinos Intake and apparent digestibility of chopped grass hays fed to goats

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    Objetivou-se determinar o consumo voluntário e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes de fenos triturados de milheto, sorgo sudanense, capim-elefante e cultivares de sorgo forrageiro SF-25 e IPA-467-4-2 em caprinos. Utilizaram-se 25 animais (18 meses de idade e 19,5 kg de PV inicial) distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos completos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os consumos de MS (CMS) e MO (CMO), quando expressos em porcentagem de peso vivo (%PV), não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. O CMS representou, respectivamente, 2,41; 2,33; 2,25; 1,82 e 1,85% do PV dos caprinos. Os consumos voluntários de PB (%PV) evidenciaram diferenças significativas para os fenos de milheto e sorgo sudanense, que foram superiores aos de capim-elefante e aos dos sorgos SF-25 e IPA-467-4-2. Os consumos de FDN não diferiram entre os fenos e variaram de 236,14 a 322,10 g/dia, representando 1,25 a 1,61% do PV dos caprinos. A digestibilidade aparente da MS dos fenos não sofreu influência significativa e variou de 49,87 a 55,90%. Para a digestibilidade da PB (DPB), não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre os fenos de milheto, sorgo sudanense, capim-elefante e sorgo SF-25. A digestibilidade da FDN (DFDN), no entanto, apresentou variação significativa entre os fenos do milheto (64,44%) e sorgo IPA-467-4-2 (54,72%). Os valores de digestibilidade, indicativos de qualidade, dos fenos triturados das cinco gramíneas foram aproximados e as diferenças requerem a realização de ensaios de desempenho para suas comprovações.<br>The objective of this trial was to investigate intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients on goats fed one of the following chopped grass hays: pearl millet (PMH), sudangrass (SH), elephantgrass (EH) or two cultivars of forage sorghum (FSH1 and FSH2). Twenty-five goats averaging 18 months of age and 19.5 kg of body weight were assigned to a completely randomized block design with five treatments and five replicates. DM intake (DMI), expressed as percentage of body weight (% BW), did not differ and averaged 2.41, 2.33, 2.25, 1.82, and 1.85%, respectively, for PMH, SH, EH, FSH1, and FSH2. The same was observed for the intakes of OM and NDF. However, CP intake as % BW was greater on goats fed PMH and SH than on those fed EH, FSH1, and FSH2. No significant differences were observed for the apparent total tract digestibility of DM that varied from 49.87 to 55.90% across hays. CP digestibility was lowest on FSH2, intermediate on SH and FSH1, and greatest on PMH and EH while that of NDF differed significantly only by comparing PMH (64.44%) with FSH2 (54.72%). It can be concluded that the overall nutritional quality of all five hays were similar and further research is required to verify potential differences in animal performance among these forage sources

    Author Correction: A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain.

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    A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain

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    Task-free functional connectivity in animal models provides an experimental framework to examine connectivity phenomena under controlled conditions and allows for comparisons with data modalities collected under invasive or terminal procedures. Currently, animal acquisitions are performed with varying protocols and analyses that hamper result comparison and integration. Here we introduce StandardRat, a consensus rat functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisition protocol tested across 20 centers. To develop this protocol with optimized acquisition and processing parameters, we initially aggregated 65 functional imaging datasets acquired from rats across 46 centers. We developed a reproducible pipeline for analyzing rat data acquired with diverse protocols and determined experimental and processing parameters associated with the robust detection of functional connectivity across centers. We show that the standardized protocol enhances biologically plausible functional connectivity patterns relative to previous acquisitions. The protocol and processing pipeline described here is openly shared with the neuroimaging community to promote interoperability and cooperation toward tackling the most important challenges in neuroscience

    Antidepressants in oncology: specificity’s and particularities

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    Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems : Insight on France-CGIAR research

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    This 26th dossier d’Agropolis is devoted to research and partnerships in agroecology. The French Commission for International Agricultural Research (CRAI) and Agropolis International, on behalf of CIRAD, INRAE and IRD and in partnership with CGIAR, has produced this new issue in the ‘Les dossiers d’Agropolis international’ series devoted to agroecology. This publication has been produced within the framework of the Action Plan signed by CGIAR and the French government on February 4th 2021 to strengthen French collaboration with CGIAR, where agroecology is highlighted as one of the three key priorities (alongside climate change, nutrition and food systems)