5,031 research outputs found

    Equation of state and transport processes in self--similar spheres

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    We study the effect of transport processes (diffusion and free--streaming) on a collapsing spherically symmetric distribution of matter in a self--similar space--time. A very simple solution shows interesting features when it is matched with the Vaidya exterior solution. In the mixed case (diffusion and free--streaming), we find a barotropic equation of state in the stationary regime. In the diffusion approximation the gravitational potential at the surface is always constant; if we perturb the stationary state, the system is very stable, recovering the barotropic equation of state as time progresses. In the free--streaming case the self--similar evolution is stationary but with a non--barotropic equation of state.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    The Post-Quasistatic Approximation as a test bed for Numerical Relativity

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    It is shown that observers in the standard ADM 3+1 treatment of matter are the same as the observers used in the matter treatment of Bondi: they are comoving and local Minkowskian. Bondi's observers are the basis of the post--quasitatic approximation (PQSA) to study a contracting distribution of matter. This correspondence suggests the possibility of using the PQSA as a test bed for Numerical Relativity. The treatment of matter by the PQSA and its connection with the ADM 3+1 treatment are presented, for its practical use as a calibration tool and as a test bed for numerical relativistic hydrodynamic codes.Comment: 4 pages; to appear as a Brief Report in Physical Review

    Avaliação das condições de salinidade, drenagem e fertilidade e alterações químicas ocorridas em areia quartzozas apos cinco anos sob irrigação localizada.

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    Este trabalho foi conduzido em uma área de areia quartzoza da Fazenda Boa Esperança, em Petrolina-Pe, cultivada c om videira e mangueira. Avaliou-se o efeito d a irrigação e da adubação, aplicadas durante cinco anos, sobre algumas características químicas do solo e aparecimento de lençol freático. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi micro-aspersão. Amostragem do solo foi feita em 34 pontos da área cultivada, onde estão localizados os poços, para observação do nível do lençol freático. Os resultados analíticos mostraram que houve um aumento da CE das bases trocáveis e do fósforo "disponível" e o aparecimento do lençol freático, na área da videira

    Fabry Perot Halpha Observations of the Barred Spiral NGC 3367

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    We report the gross properties of the velocity field of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3367. The following values were found: inclination with respect to the plane of the sky, i=30 deg; position angle (PA) of receding semi major axis PA=51 and systemic velocity V(sys)=3032 km/s. Large velocity dispersion are observed of upt o 120 km/s in the nuclear region, of up to 70 km/s near the eastern bright sources just beyond the edge of the stellar bar where three spiral arms seem to start and in the western bright sources at about 10 kpc. Deviations from normal circular velocities are observed from all the disk but mainly from the semi circle formed by the string of south western Halpha sources. An estimate of the dynamical mass is M(dyn)=2x10^11 Msolar.Comment: Accepted to be published in May 2001 issue in the A.J. 19 pages, 7 figure

    The Weibull-Geometric distribution

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    In this paper we introduce, for the first time, the Weibull-Geometric distribution which generalizes the exponential-geometric distribution proposed by Adamidis and Loukas (1998). The hazard function of the last distribution is monotone decreasing but the hazard function of the new distribution can take more general forms. Unlike the Weibull distribution, the proposed distribution is useful for modeling unimodal failure rates. We derive the cumulative distribution and hazard functions, the density of the order statistics and calculate expressions for its moments and for the moments of the order statistics. We give expressions for the R\'enyi and Shannon entropies. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is discussed and an algorithm EM (Dempster et al., 1977; McLachlan and Krishnan, 1997) is provided for estimating the parameters. We obtain the information matrix and discuss inference. Applications to real data sets are given to show the flexibility and potentiality of the proposed distribution

    Is disclosing an autism spectrum disorder in school associated with reduced stigmatization?

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordDisclosing an autism diagnosis is associated with reduced stigmatization for autistic adults. However, it is unknown whether this is true for autistic adolescents. We used a vignette-and-questionnaire design to study stigmatizing attitudes with adolescents (aged 11- 12 and 14-16 years, total N=250) in a UK school. We investigated the effect of disclosing that a fictional adolescent was autistic on stigmatizing attitudes of peers by testing the effect of disclosure on the social and emotional distance pupils wanted to maintain from the autistic adolescent and their assessment of the adolescent’s responsibility for their own behaviour. Moderation of effects by gender and age-group were analysed. Disclosing autism made no improvement to the social and emotional distance peers wanted to maintain from the autistic adolescent, but was associated with significant reduction in personal responsibility attributed to the adolescent’s behaviour. Boys attributed more personal responsibility to the autistic adolescent than girls, but this gender effect was reduced when autism was disclosed. These findings suggest that disclosing autism to other pupils may be of limited use in reducing stigmatization by peers in UK schools.Wellcome Trus