94 research outputs found

    Some aspects of thermal inflation: the finite temperature potential and topological defects

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    Currently favoured extensions of the Standard Model typically contain `flaton fields' defined as fields with large vacuum expectation values (vevs) and almost flat potentials. If a flaton field is trapped at the origin in the early universe, one expects `thermal inflation' to take place before it rolls away to the true vacuum, because the finite-temperature correction to the potential will hold it at the origin until the temperature falls below 1\TeV or so. In the first part of the paper, that expectation is confirmed by an estimate of the finite temperature corrections and of the tunneling rate to the true vacuum, paying careful attention to the validity of the approximations that are used. The second part of the paper considers topological defects which may be produced at the end of an era of thermal inflation. If the flaton fields associated with the era are GUT higgs fields, then its end corresponds to the GUT phase transition. In that case monopoles (as well as GUT higgs particles) will have to be diluted by a second era of thermal inflation. Such an era will not affect the cosmology of GUT strings, for which the crucial parameter is the string mass per unit length. Because of the flat Higgs potential, the GUT symmetry breaking scale required for the strings to be a candidate for the origin of large scale structure and the cmb anisotropy is about three times bigger than usual, but given the uncertainties it is still compatible with the one required by the unification of the Standard Model gauge couplings. The cosmology of textures and of global monopoles is unaffected by the flatness of the potential.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX with epsf macro, 1 figure, preprint number correcte

    Nonlinear pharmacokinetics of imipramine and its active metabolite, desipramine

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    研究科: 千葉大学大学院薬学研究院学位:千大院薬博乙第80

    BIM na construção e manutenção de um edifício

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia CivilO trabalho reportado nesta dissertação versa a possibilidade de aplicar técnicas BIM (Building Information Modelling) no enquadramento da inspeção e manutenção de um edifício. A manutenção de um edifício é da responsabilidade do dono do edifício, precisando, sempre que necessário recorrer a um técnico para realizar a inspeção. Uma boa manutenção depende da identificação e análise das anomalias detetadas durante uma inspeção ao local. O BIM revela-se uma excelente ferramenta para apoiar as ações de manutenção, pois tem a capacidade de armazenar informação relativa à construção e permite obter uma perspetiva em 3D do modelo construído do edifício. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em apresentar uma proposta de metodologia e uma aplicação piloto para a implementação ‘Builduing Information Modelling’ no contexto de inspeção e gestão da manutenção de património construído. O desenvolvimento da investigação é realizado com recurso a um caso de estudo, o edifício da Escola E.B. 2,3,S, de Arcos de Valdevez, procurando-se testar um procedimento de inspeção e manutenção do edifício com recurso a softwares BIM, e outros complementares, de modo a se criar um modelo completo que inclua a informação sobre o edifício e a existência de fichas de inspeção articuladas informaticamente. Ao longo do desenvolvimento desta dissertação foi também estudada a interoperabilidade entre diferentes softwares BIM, analisando a preservação da informação, essencialmente no padrão IFC. A presente dissertação contribui para demonstrar a dificuldade existente na interoperabilidade entre softwares, uma vez que ainda existem perdas de informação no processo de exportação (transferência do modelo de um para o outro programa), mas também as vantagens que o BIM apresenta na manutenção de um edifício.The work reported in this dissertation deals with the possibility of applying BIM (Building Information Modeling) techniques in the framework of the inspection and maintenance of a building. The maintenance of a building is the responsibility of the building owner, requiring, whenever necessary, to call in a technician to carry out the inspection. Good maintenance depends on the identification and analysis of anomalies detected during a site inspection. BIM proves to be an excellent tool to support maintenance actions, as it has the capacity to store information related to construction and allows to obtain a 3D perspective of the built model of the building. The objective of this work is to present a proposal for a methodology and a pilot application for the ‘Builduing Information Modeling’ implementation in the context of inspection and management of the maintenance of built heritage. The development of the investigation is carried out using a case study, the building of Escola EB 2,3, S, from Arcos de Valdevez, trying to test an inspection and maintenance procedure of the building using BIM software, and others complementary, in order to create a complete model that includes information about the building and the existence of computerized inspection forms. During the development of this dissertation, interoperability between different BIM software was also studied, analyzing the preservation of information, essentially in the IFC standard. The present dissertation contributes to demonstrate the existing difficulty in the interoperability between software, since there are still losses of information in the export process (transferring the model from one to the other program), but also the advantages that BIM presents in maintaining a building

    Testing Λ\Lambda-Free f(Q) Cosmology

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    We study a model of Symmetric Teleparallel gravity that is able to account for the current accelerated expansion of the universe without the need for dark energy component. We investigate this model by making use of dynamical system analysis techniques to identify the regions of the parameter space with viable cosmologies and constrain it using type Ia supernova (SnIa), cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and make forecasts using standard siren (SS) events. We conclude that this model is disfavored with respect to Λ\LambdaCDM and forthcoming standard siren events can be decisive in testing the viability of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure