16 research outputs found

    Mechanical Stability in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    Mechanical stability of back contact solar cells deteriorates when holes (MWT, EWT) or grooves (TWT) are created in the wafer. These operations are essential for these structures so we found necessary to quantify the magnitude of this damage. A set of wafers with the EWT structure was produced and its mechanical strength measured by the Ring on Ring bending test. Other two sets of wafers with similar processes were prepared and tested to compare the effect of different fabrication steps on mechanical strength of the wafer. A numeric model was developed to analyse the data from the Ring on Ring test and a statistical study was carried out

    Fracture strength of drilled wafers: study of the stress concentration factor and determination of the weibull distribution of the fracture stress

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    In the photovoltaic field, the back contact solar cells technology has appeared as an alternative to the traditional silicon modules. This new type of cells places both positive and negative contacts on the back side of the cells maximizing the exposed surface to the light and making easier the interconnection of the cells in the module. The Emitter Wrap-Through solar cell structure presents thousands of tiny holes to wrap the emitter from the front surface to the rear surface. These holes are made in a first step over the silicon wafers by means of a laser drilling process. This step is quite harmful from a mechanical point of view since holes act as stress concentrators leading to a reduction in the strength of these wafers. This paper presents the results of the strength characterization of drilled wafers. The study is carried out testing the samples with the ring on ring device. Finite Element models are developed to simulate the tests. The stress concentration factor of the drilled wafers under this load conditions is determined from the FE analysis. Moreover, the material strength is characterized fitting the fracture stress of the samples to a three-parameter Weibull cumulative distribution function. The parameters obtained are compared with the ones obtained in the analysis of a set of samples without holes to validate the method employed for the study of the strength of silicon drilled wafers

    Study of the Mechanical Strength Improvement of Wafers for EWT Solar Cells by Chemical Etching after the Drilling Process

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    Mechanical stability of EWT solar cells deteriorates when holes are created in the wafer. Nevertheless, the chemical etching after the hole generation process improves the mechanical strength by removing part of the damage produced in the drilling process. Several sets of wafers with alkaline baths of different duration have been prepared. The mechanical strength has been measured by the ring on ring bending test and the failure stresses have been obtained through a FE simulation of the test. This paper shows the comparison of these groups of wafers in order to obtain an optimum value of the decreased thickness produced by the chemical etchin

    Study of the Mechanical Strength Improvement of Wafers for EWT Solar Cells by Chemical Etching after the Drilling Process

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    Mechanical stability of EWT solar cells deteriorates when holes are created in the wafer. Nevertheless, the chemical etching after the hole generation process improves the mechanical strength by removing part of the damage produced in the drilling process. Several sets of wafers with alkaline baths of different duration have been prepared. The mechanical strength has been measured by the ring on ring bending test and the failure stresses have been obtained through a FE simulation of the test. This paper shows the comparison of these groups of wafers in order to obtain an optimum value of the decreased thickness produced by the chemical etchin

    Study of the brittle fracture of monocrystalline silicon wafers

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    There is a growing trend towards using thinner wafers in order to reduce the costs of solar energy. But the current tools employed during the solar cells production are not prepared to work with thinner wafers, decreasing the industrial yield due to the high number of wafers broken. To develop new tools, or modify existing ones, the mechanical properties have to be determined. This paper tackles an experimental study of the mechanical properties of wafers. First, the material characteristics are detailed and the process to obtain wafers is presented. Then, the complete test setup and the mechanical strength results interpreted by a described numerical model are shown

    Optimizing the Density of Holes of EWT Solar Cells Taking Into Consideration Mechanical Aspects

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    EWT solar cells start from drilled wafers with approximately 100 holes/cm2. These holes act as stress concentrators leading to a reduction in the mechanical strength of this type of wafers. The viability of cells with higher density of holes has been studied. To this end, sets of wafers with different density of holes have been characterized. The ring on ring test has been employed and FE models have been developed to simulate the test. The statistical evaluation permits to draw conclusions about the reduction of the strength depending on the density of holes. Moreover, the stress concentration around the holes has been studied by means of the FE method employing the sub-modeling technique. The maximum principal stress of EWT wafers with twice the density of holes of commercial ones is almost the same. However, the mutual interaction between the stress concentration effects around neighboring holes is only observed for wafers with a density of 200 holes/cm

    The Influence of Different Surface Treatments on the Mechanical Strength of Silicon Wafers

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    The implementation of photovoltaic solar energy based on silicon is being slowed down by the shortage of raw material. In this context, the use of thinner wafers arises as a solution reducing the amount of silicon in the photovoltaic modules. On the other hand, the manufacturing process with thinner wafers can become complicated with traditional tools. The high number of damaged wafers reduces the global yield. It’s known that edge and surface cracks and defects determine the mechanical strength of wafers. There are several ways of removing these defects e. g. subjecting wafers to a mechanical polishing or to a chemical etching. This paper shows a comparison between different surface treatments and their influence on the mechanical strength

    Study of the Edge and Surface Cracks Influence in the Mechanical Strength of Silicon Wafers

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    The objective of the present study is the estimation of the depth to which the wire sawing process causes damage to the wafer surfaces. Previous analyses were carried out by means of the four line bending test. The characteristic of this test implied that the failure could be due to surface cracks located in the central zone of the wafer or near the edges. In order to evaluate the influence of the edge or surface cracks a new study has been carried out using the ball/ring on ring test. Description and results of the tests are presented. The preliminary analysis of the failure stress using analytical methods confirms the expected results. A Finite Element model developed to get more information of the test results is also presented

    Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Multicrystalline and Monocrystalline Silicon Wafers Manufactured by Casting Methods

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    Quasi-monocrystalline silicon wafers have appeared as a critical innovation in the PV industry, joining the most favourable characteristics of the conventional substrates: the higher solar cell efficiencies of monocrystalline Czochralski-Si (Cz-Si) wafers and the lower cost and the full square-shape of the multicrystalline ones. However, the quasi-mono ingot growth can lead to a different defect structure than the typical Cz-Si process. Thus, the properties of the brand-new quasi-mono wafers, from a mechanical point of view, have been for the first time studied, comparing their strength with that of both Cz-Si mono and typical multicrystalline materials. The study has been carried out employing the four line bending test and simulating them by means of FE models. For the analysis, failure stresses were fitted to a three-parameter Weibull distribution. High mechanical strength was found in all the cases. The low quality quasi-mono wafers, interestingly, did not exhibit critical strength values for the PV industry, despite their noticeable density of extended defects

    Comparison of Different Finite Element Models for the Simulation of the Ring-Ball on Ring Test

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    Monocrystalline silicon wafers are widely used in photovoltaic industry. The trend towards thinner wafers leads to higher breakage rates in the production process. In this context, the characterization of the mechanical strength becomes necessary. Different fracture tests as the ring/ball on ring are carried out. This paper presents different ways to simulate these tests. Analytical methods are applied in a first step. Simplified FE models (with shell elements and an axisymmetric model) that take into account non linearities existing in the test are presented and a 3d solid model is detailed. Results in terms of calculation time, stress distribution, adjustment to the tests and fitting to a Weibull distribution are compare