167 research outputs found

    Comment on "The origin of eucrites, diogenites, and olivine diogenites: magma ocean crystallization and shallow magma processes on Vesta" by B.E. Mandler and L.T. Elkins-Tanton

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    International audienceMandler and Elkins-Tanton () recently proposed an upgraded magma ocean model for the differentiation history of the giant asteroid 4 Vesta. They show that a combination of both equilibrium crystallization and fractional crystallization processes can reproduce the major element compositions of eucritic melts and broadly the range of mineral compositions observed in diogenites. They assert that their model accounts for all the howardites, eucrites, and diogenites (HEDs), and use it to predict the crustal thickness and the proportions of the various lithologies. Here, we show that their model fails to explain the trace element diversity of the diogenites, contrary to their claim. The diversity of the heavy REE enrichment exhibited by the orthopyroxenes in diogenites is inconsistent with crystallization of these cumulates in either shallow magma chambers replenished by melts from a magma ocean or in a magma ocean. Thus, proportions of the various HED lithologies and the crustal thickness predicted from this model are not necessarily valid

    Petrogenesis of Yamato-75032 type diogenites

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [OA] Antarctic meteorites, Thur. 5 Dec. / 3F Multipurpose conference room, National Institute of Polar Researc

    Trace element distributions in the Yamato 000593000749,NWA 817 and NWA 998 nakhlites: Implications for their petrogenesis and mantle source on Mars

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    We report here results of ion microprobe analyses of rare earth element abundances in various phases in the new Antarctic (paired) nakhlites Yamato 000593 and Yamato 000749, as well as in two additional nakhlites recovered from the Saharan desert, NWA 817 and NWA 998. Although these nakhlites are all composed predominantly of augite and some olivine, they differ from each other, and from the three previously known nakhlites, in the abundance and degree of crystallinity of the interstitial mesostasis. Trace element abundances in various phases in these new nakhlites indicate that they are petrogenetically related to (and comagmatic with) each other and the previously known nakhlites. The calculated parent melt compositions (in equilibrium with augite core compositions) are LREE-enriched and have REE patterns parallel to those of their whole rocks. This suggests that subsequent to accumulation of the olivine and augite, the intercumulus trapped melt evolved in a closed system. The similarity in the estimated parent melt compositions and trace element zonation in the augites of the various nakhlites indicates that these rocks are likely to have formed within a single lithologic unit on Mars. In this scenario, the differences among these nakhlites may be explained in terms of differences in the depth of crystallization within the cumulus pile, represented by different horizons within the same lithologic unit. Based on the partitioning of Eu in their augite cores, the magmatic redox conditions for the nakhlites are estimated to be relatively oxidizing (QFM), implying an oxidized source reservoir in the martian mantle. Late metasomatism of their mantle source by LREE-enriched, oxidizing fluids is suggested to be responsible for the LREE-enrichment and oxidation condition of the nakhlite parent melts

    Evidence for K-rich terranes on Vesta from impact spherules

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    International audienceThe howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) clan is a group of meteorites that probably originate from the asteroid Vesta. Some of them are complex breccias that contain impact glasses whose compositions mirror that of their source regions. Some K-rich impact glasses (up to 2 wt% K2O) suggest that in addition to basalts and ultramafic cumulates, K-rich rocks are exposed on Vesta's surface. One K-rich glass (up to 6 wt% K2O), with a felsic composition, provides the first evidence of highly differentiated K-rich rocks on a large asteroid. They can be compared to the rare lunar granites and suggest that magmas generated in a large asteroid are more diverse than previously thought

    Posteucritic magmatism on Vesta: Evidence from the petrology and thermal history of diogenites

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    International audienceWe report on the petrology and the thermal histories of 13 diogenites in order to constrain the formation processes of the Vestan crust. We classify diogenites into unequilibrated and equilibrated diogenites in a scheme similar to that for basaltic eucrites. Pyroxenes in unequilibrated diogenites are chemically zoned, indicating that they crystallized rapidly from melts and escaped from global crustal metamorphism. The presence of unequilibrated diogenites casts doubt on the fact that all the diogenites formed at depth in the parent body, as commonly thought. Some diogenites probably crystallized in shallow intrusions or were extruded on the surface. These facts strengthen the geochemical evidence that diogenites and eucrites are not directly cogenetic and suggest that at least some diogenites have intruded the early formed eucritic crust. Thus, diogenites are certainly not the products of the crystallization of the magma ocean that triggered the differentiation of Vesta but are more likely cumulates associated with a later stage of magmatism. Furthermore, the intrusion of diogenites could have significantly thickened the early formed crust, making it difficult to excavate deep‐seated olivine mantle by moderate impact events

    Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes along the Pacific Antarctic Ridge from 41 to 53°S

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    International audienceMajor, trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data in basalts collected along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR) axis between 53 and 41°S, far from any hotspot influence, reveal tight coherent geochemical variations within the depleted MORB mantle. All samples are located below the Pacific reference line defining two sub-oceanic mantle domains on each side of the Easter microplate. The data extend the PAR 66-53°S field towards more radiogenic Sr (0.70264), less radiogenic Nd (ɛ = 7.7) and Hf (ɛ = 11.4) values. The along ridge geochemical variability is closely related to the morphological segmentation of the ridge. Anomalous geochemical features are attributed to the atypical morphology of two segments due to the presence of off-axis magmatism. The first order ridge discontinuity defined by the Menard transform fault separates two slightly different mantle domains, each with its own history

    Noble gases in the NWA2737: a new chassignite signature

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    International audienceWe report noble gas data for the second chassignite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737, which was recently found in the Moroccan desert. The cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age based on cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar around 10-11 Ma is comparable to the CRE ages of Chassigny and the nakhlites and indicates ejection of meteorites belonging to these two families during a discrete event, or a suite of discrete events having occurred in a restricted interval of time. In contrast, U-Th/He and K/Ar ages <0.5 Ga are in the range of radiometric ages of shergottites, despite a Sm-Nd signature comparable to that of Chassigny and the nakhlites (Misawa et al. 2005). Overall, the noble gas signature of NWA 2737 resembles that of shergottites rather than that of Chassigny and the nakhlites: NWA 2737 does not contain, in detectable amount, the solar-like xenon found in Chassigny and thought to characterize the Martian mantle nor apparently fission xenon from 244Pu, which is abundant in Chassigny and some of the nakhlites. In contrast, NWA 2737 contains Martian atmospheric noble gases trapped in amounts comparable to those found in shergottite impact glasses. The loss of Martian mantle noble gases, together with the trapping of Martian atmospheric gases, could have occurred during assimilation of Martian surface components, or more likely during shock metamorphism, which is recorded in the petrology of this meteorite

    Iron isotope fractionation in planetary crusts

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    International audienceWe present new high precision iron isotope data (δ56Fe vs. IRMM-014 in per mil) for four groups of achondrites: one lunar meteorite, 11 martian meteorites, 32 howardite-eucrite-diogenite meteorites (HEDs), and eight angrites. Angrite meteorites are the only planetary materials, other than Earth/Moon system, significantly enriched in the heavy isotopes of Fe compared to chondrites (by an average of +0.12‰ in δ56Fe). While the reason for such fractionation is not completely understood, it might be related to isotopic fractionation by volatilization during accretion or more likely magmatic differentiation in the angrite parent-body. We also report precise data on martian and HED meteorites, yielding an average δ56Fe of 0.00 ± 0.01‰. Stannern-trend eucrites are isotopically heavier by +0.05‰ in δ56Fe than other eucrites. We show that this difference can be ascribed to the enrichment of heavy iron isotopes in ilmenite during igneous differentiation. Preferential dissolution of isotopically heavy ilmenite during remelting of eucritic crust could have generated the heavy iron isotope composition of Stannern-trend eucrites. This supports the view that Stannern-trend eucrites are derived from main-group eucrite source magma by assimilation of previously formed asteroidal crust. These new results show that iron isotopes are not only fractionated in terrestrial and lunar basalts, but also in two other differentiated planetary crusts. We suggest that igneous processes might be responsible for the iron isotope variations documented in planetary crusts

    A low δ7Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (Chaîne des Puys, French Massif Central)

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    International audienceThe intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (206Pb/204Pb > 19.6; 87Sr/86Sr + 4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust. The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high δ7Li (> + 7‰) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas (down to δ7Li ≈ 0‰). The mantle component, expressed in the least evolved lavas, has a heavy Li isotopic signature, in good agreement with previous δ7Li measurements of OIB lavas with HIMU affinities. The evolution of Li isotopic compositions throughout the volcanic series is in agreement with the AFC model suggested by the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systems. Although the behavior of Li isotopes during assimilation processes is currently poorly constrained, our calculations suggest that at least a portion of the lower crust beneath the Chaîne des Puys is characterized by a light Li isotopic composition (δ7Li < − 5‰)

    Homogeneous distribution of Fe isotopes in the early solar nebula

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    International audienceTo examine the iron (Fe) isotopic heterogeneities of CI and ordinary chondrites, we have analyzed several large chips (approximately 1 g) from three CI chondrites and three ordinary chondrites (LL5, L5, and H5). The Fe isotope compositions of five different samples of Orgueil, one from Ivuna and one from Alais (CI chondrites), are highly homogeneous. This new dataset provides a δ56Fe average of 0.02 ± 0.04‰ (2SE, n = 7), which represents the best available value for the Fe isotopic composition of CI chondrites and probably the best estimate of the bulk solar system. We conclude that the homogeneity of CI chondrites reflects the initial Fe isotopic homogeneity of the well-mixed solar nebula. In contrast, larger (up to 0.26‰ in δ56Fe) isotopic variations have been found between separate approximately 1 g pieces of the same ordinary chondrite sample. The Fe isotope heterogeneities in ordinary chondrites appear to be controlled by the abundances of chondritic components, specifically chondrules, whose Fe isotope compositions have been fractionated by evaporation and recondensation during multiple heating events