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    Efecto de la variaci贸n del pH en un medio de cultivo a base de salvado de trigo para la producci贸n de amilasa por Paecilomyces lilacinus

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    En el presente trabajo se evalu贸 el efecto de la variaci贸n del pH en cultivos a base de聽salvado de trigo para la producci贸n de amilasa por Paecilomyces lilacinus, los cultivos se聽realizaron en botellas planas de 250 mL conteniendo 20 gramos de salvado de trigo, soluci贸n聽tamp贸n Acetato 0.1 M pH 5, Fosfato 0.1 M pH 7 y Carbonato 0.1 M pH 9; control谩ndose聽las variables temperatura, tiempo y contenido de humedad. Las amilasas producidas en el聽medio se extrajeron con 80 mL de la soluci贸n buffer respectiva, agitando durante 30 minutos聽a temperatura ambiente. Luego se filtr贸 al vac铆o y se conserv贸 el eluato. La actividad聽amil谩sica se determin贸 usando una soluci贸n de almid贸n tamponada (0.05 % almid贸n, 0.15 M聽NaCl, 0,1 M acetato de sodio pH 5.0) como sustrato. Las lecturas se hicieron en un聽espectrofot贸metro a 540 nm para obtener las unidades enzim谩ticas. En valores promedios se聽determin贸 que a pH 5 se obtuvo la mayor producci贸n de unidades amilol铆ticas con un valor de聽614.94 UA/dL, en contraste con los obtenidos a pH 7 y pH 9 que fueron de 508.77 y 488.86UA/dL respectivamente. Los resultados del an谩lisis de varianza, determinaron que existe聽diferencia altamente significativa en el tratamiento a pH 5 en comparaci贸n con los otros聽tratamientos ensayados.Palabras clave: Amilasa, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Almid贸n, Salvado de trigo, pH.ABSTRACTThis work was aimed at determining the effect of the change in pH in a culture聽medium based on wheat bran for the production of amylase by Paecilomyces lilacinus underexperimental conditions, crops were flat in bottles of 250 mL containing 20 grams Wheat聽bran, 0.1 M acetate buffer pH 5, phosphate and carbonate PH 7 M0.1 M 0.1 pH 9; thevariables of temperature, time and moisture content were managed in their values more聽suitable for this process. The amylases produced in the middle were extracted with 80 mL ofthe respective buffer solution, stirring for 30 minutes at room temperature. It then leaked to聽the vacuum and the eluate was retained. The amylase activity was determined using a starch聽solution buffered (0.05% starch, 0.15 M NaCl, 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0) as a substrate.The readings were performed in a spectrophotometer to an absorbance of 540 nm to obtain the聽units enzyme. On average values are determined that at pH 5 was obtained by the increased聽production of amilolytic units with a value of 614.94 AU / dL, higher than those obtained at聽pH 7 and pH 9, which were 508.77 and 488.86 AU/dL respectively. The results of all聽experiments were analyzed by the statistical method analysis of variance determined that聽there is a highly significant difference in treatment at pH 5 compared with the other聽treatments tested.Key words: Amylase, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Starch, Wheat Bran, pH