26 research outputs found

    Inscriptions urbaines, autorités publiques et contestations : le cas du rayado à Santiago du Chili

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    Between censorship and promotion, the Chilean mural maintains complex relationships with the Santiago’s municipal public authority. If, today, a lot of practices benefit from the support and from the help of the capital, in the name of the conservation of the heritage and from the cultural dynamism, some are always object of an active repression. What about the rayado, traditional popular practice become today a generic word denoting all the unwanted inscriptions ? Isn’t the rayado a victim of its own communications strategies ? In confrontation with it’s recipients, these citizens’ scream are rejected by public authorities and by an important part of the Chilean society. The purpose is to highlight the paradoxes which characterize and lead the contemporary relation between these wall inscriptions and the public authority, by taking as example the Catedral Metropolitana and Puente Matta’s envents

    Introduction au dossier « Inscriptions urbaines américaines : rapports d’autorités »

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    This issue is dedicated to the contemporary American urban space through the experience of inscriptions on walls and their social connections. This also highlights : some conflicts between several actors (writers, inhabitants, institutions) but also different initiatives of negotiations. Whether they are graffitis, tags, pixação or mural, these writings reveal several lines of tension, even conflict. However the studies united here, both multidisciplinary and transmediatic, allow us to point out fractures in perpetual evolution and oscillation between violence and recognition ; reflections that erase national o local frontiers ; orientations and answers thathelp us to model part of the urban popular culture (including music and cinema) on the entire American continent

    Introduction au dossier « Inscriptions urbaines américaines : rapports d’autorités »

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    Ce numéro est consacré à l’espace urbain américain contemporain à travers l’expérience des inscriptions murales et des rapports sociaux qu’elle génère et met également en évidence : dans le sens d’une confrontation entre différents acteurs (graffeurs, habitants, institutions) mais aussi dans celui d’une négociation possible. Qu’elles soient graffitis, tags, pixação ou fresques, ces écritures agissent comme révélatrices de tensions, voire de conflits. Cependant les études réunies ici, dans une optique à la fois pluridisciplinaire et transmédiatique, permettent de mieux situer des fractures qui évoluent et se nuancent sans cesse entre violence et reconnaissance ; des réflexions qui effacent les frontières nationales et/ou locales ; des orientations et des réponses qui tentent de remodeler une partie de la culture populaire urbaine (incluant la musique et le cinéma) sur l’ensemble du continent américain.This issue is dedicated to the contemporary American urban space through the experience of inscriptions on walls and their social connections. This also highlights : some conflicts between several actors (writers, inhabitants, institutions) but also different initiatives of negotiations. Whether they are graffitis, tags, pixação or mural, these writings reveal several lines of tension, even conflict. However the studies united here, both multidisciplinary and transmediatic, allow us to point out fractures in perpetual evolution and oscillation between violence and recognition ; reflections that erase national o local frontiers ; orientations and answers thathelp us to model part of the urban popular culture (including music and cinema) on the entire American continent.Este número viene dedicado al espacio urbano americano contemporáneo a través de la experiencia de las inscripciones murales y de las relaciones sociales que genera y evidencia : tanto en el sentido de una confrontación entre diferentes actores (grafiteros, habitantes, instituciones) como en el sentido de una negociación posible. Ya sean grafiti, rayado, pixação o mural, estas escrituras actúan como reveladoras de tensiones y hasta de conflictos. Sin embargo los estudios que reunimos aquí, en una perspectiva a la vez transdisciplinaria y transmediática, permiten de situar mejor fracturas que no dejan de evolucionar y matizarse, entre violencia y reconocimiento ; reflexiones que borran fronteras nacionales y/o locales ; orientaciones y respuestas que intentan remodelar parte de la cultura popular urbana (incluyendo a la música y al cine) en el conjunto del continente americano

    The obtaining of the Label Reliability Measure for gravity measurement by the LSBB underground lab

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    International audienceThe Low-Noise Underground Research Laboratory (LSBB URL) in Rustrel (near Avignon, Southern France) is born from the reconversion of a command firing post of nuclear rocket. Since 1996, the site has been transformed in an international scientific facility for interdisciplinary research. Scientists working on different fields and from different countries are supervised by the engineer team of the LSBB. The LSBB URL wanted to point the competences of the lab and prove that their measures could be trusted. The accreditation according to the ISO 17025 didn’t appear suitable. Indeed, this well-known standard is not really suited to the needs of research lab and the work to set up for a first accreditation is consistent and costly. Working with partners in the field of public and private research, the CT2M has developed a new quality system fully compatible with the ISO 17025 but more suitable to establish with the concerned academic labs and private companies: The “Label Fiabilité Mesure”. The LSBB URL has obtained the graduation for the Label for its activity of measurement of gravity

    The obtaining of the

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    The Low-Noise Underground Research Laboratory (LSBB URL) in Rustrel (near Avignon, Southern France) is born from the reconversion of a command firing post of nuclear rocket. Since 1996, the site has been transformed in an international scientific facility for interdisciplinary research. Scientists working on different fields and from different countries are supervised by the engineer team of the LSBB. The LSBB URL wanted to point the competences of the lab and prove that their measures could be trusted. The accreditation according to the ISO 17025 didn’t appear suitable. Indeed, this well-known standard is not really suited to the needs of research lab and the work to set up for a first accreditation is consistent and costly. Working with partners in the field of public and private research, the CT2M has developed a new quality system fully compatible with the ISO 17025 but more suitable to establish with the concerned academic labs and private companies: The “Label Fiabilité Mesure”. The LSBB URL has obtained the graduation for the Label for its activity of measurement of gravity

    Mean activations in route, slanted and survey perspective conditions during encoding and shortcut tasks compared to baseline.

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    <p>The statistical threshold was set at (FWE-corrected) p<0.05 and cluster size at 10 voxels (L: left; R: right).</p

    Cerebral differences between route and survey perspectives during both encoding and shortcut tasks compared to baseline.

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    <p>The statistical threshold was set at (FWE-corrected) p < 0.05 and cluster size at 10 voxels (L: left; R: right).</p

    Cerebral differences between encoding and shortcut tasks regardless of perspective.

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    <p>The statistical threshold was set at (FWE-corrected) p<0.05 and cluster size at 10 voxels (L: left; R: right).</p

    Cerebral differences observed in the interaction between task (encoding, shortcut) and perspective (route, slanted, and survey minus their baselines).

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    <p>The statistical threshold was set at (FWE-corrected) p<0.05 and cluster size at 10 voxels. The percentage signal change (scaled beta weight) for each condition is given for the regions of interest. Pairwise comparisons were performed using Tukey HSD tests. Error bars reflect the standard error of the mean.</p