14 research outputs found

    Pratiques du site, Ă©cologie du lieu

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    Les pratiques actuelles de l’in situ, dans la continuité des réalisations du Land Art des années 1960-1970, rejoignent un projet de mise en chantier du site. Le projet d’une écologie du lieu se manifeste par un processus de déconstruction et de construction, suivant une tension dialectique entre une culture du milieu et un milieu de culture. À terme, le site modelé ou redéfini donne la possibilité à celui qui en fait usage de réaliser ou de renouveler l’expérience d’un lieu/milieu de vie.Today in situ ecological artistic interventions share common traits with the practice of the Land Art of the 60s and 70s. Constructed spaces and invented landscapes are characterized by a dialectical tension between the site itself and its cultural environment, the model and what is modified. This active dialectic relates to an artistic and aesthetical line which pays tribute to deconstruction, fragmentation and heterogeneity, allowing tensions with a constituted whole. Users are involved in these constructed spaces and add their own personal experience to the site

    L’espace architectural en pli

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    Les espaces d’architecture fluide se rapportent à des chantiers centrés sur une valorisation des matériaux, sur une redéfinition des paramètres d’expériences et sur un renouvellement des outils de conception, ouverts à des dynamiques plastiques innovantes organisées autour d’une relation entre modèle et modelé. Ces constructions délivrent à l’échelle de l’espace architectural et de l’espace urbain des jeux perspectifs et perceptifs qui instaurent une tension permanente entre le flux et le lieu. Les sites investis, les territoires marqués rejoignent de nouvelles manières d’habiter ou de vivre l’espace et encouragent de nouvelles expériences sociales.Fluid architectural spaces refer to approaches based on the raising of the value of materials, the redefinition of the parameters of the experiments and the renewal of the tools of conception. These approaches are open to innovative plastic dynamics. The architectural buildings motivate new approaches based on the relationship between the movement and the place. At an architectural and urban scale, these buildings give you a sense of perspective and feeling. This interplay implies a permanent relationship between our movement and the locale by encouraging and stimulating new social experiences thus creating new ways of living and feeling the space

    Boîte noire, une « scène d’invention totale »

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    La boîte noire constitue une pièce maîtresse du dispositif perspectif. Elle participe, suivant les voies géométriques projectives qui en règlent le fonctionnement, au théâtre d'instauration de la représentation. Les relations topographiques entre le lieu de visée et le plan de projection se coordonnent suivant deux lignes : autour d'un rayon lumineux dans la camera obscura, autour d'un rayon imaginaire dans les modèles de construction perspective d'Alberti, de Dürer, de Vinci ou de Bosse. Les artistes des avant-gardes historiques des années 1920 se démarquent des dispositifs de la Renaissance et rejettent la logique figurative, en instaurant une tension dialectique entre la transparence et l'opacité, entre les ressources géométriques de la perspective et les ressorts physiques du lieu d'exercice, et en introduisant au cœur du dispositif des motifs d'instabilité, des marques d'altération et des signes de fragmentation. La boîte noire devient dès lors un terrain d'expérience de la plasticité et de renouvellement des paramètres du chantier de création.Des artistes contemporains, engagés dans des formes d'expression variées et souvent croisées, en prolongent le trait. Nous proposons de réunir autour de cette problématique l'installation du Théâtre d'ombres de Christian Boltanski (1984), les réalisations cinématographiques expérimentales de Stan Brakhage (des années 1990), le film performance Black Box de William Kentridge (2005) et le film Le Petit Hérisson dans le brouillard de Youri Norstein (1975).The black box constitutes a centerpiece of the perspective device. It participates in the theater of introduction of the representation, following the projective geometrical paths which regulate its functioning,. The topographical relations between the point of view and the projection plane are coordinated along two lines: around a light ray in the camera obscura, around an imaginary ray in the perspective construction models of Alberti, Dürer, Vinci or Bosse. Historical avant-garde artists of the 1920s distinguished themselves from Renaissance devices and rejected figurative logic by establishing a dialectical tension between transparency and opacity between the geometric resources of perspective and the physical springs of the place of exercise origin. In addition, they introduce into the heart of the device, patterns of instability, marks of alteration and signs of fragmentation. The black box thus becomes a field of experience of plasticity and renewal of the parameters of the créative process. Engaged in various and often crossed forms of expression, contemporary artists extend the line. We propose to bring together The Theater of shadows by Christian Boltanski (1984), the experimental cinematographic works by Stan Brakhage (from the 1990s), the performance film Black Box by William Kentridge (2005) and the film The Little Hedgehog in the fog of Youri Norstein (1975)

    Les topographies de la frontière dans qu’ils reposent en révolte (sylvain george)

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    Avec Qu’ils reposent en révolte (Noir Production, 2011), Sylvain George livre un film de longue durée consacré aux errances et aux séjours de migrants de la ville de Calais. Réalisé sur trois ans (de juillet 2007 à juillet 2010), le film témoigne de la complexité de cet espace frontière, en bord de ville et de mer, où s’expriment des tensions et se refonde du lien social, comme s’y confrontent des états d’architecture et s’y redessinent des topographies. Sylvain George souligne ces différents..


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    International audienceABSTRACT A novel methodology for characterizing the morphology distribution of filler agglomerates in elastomer composites is presented based on laboratory-sourced X-ray tomography. Various feature extraction methods (via, e.g., image-processing filters, segmentation) and selection tools (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient) combined with K-means unsupervised clustering algorithm were developed for identifying the distinct morphological classes in model materials (carbon-filled ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber). The interest of this methodology was demonstrated by precisely differentiating the materials compounded with different processing parameters. For instance, in this example, thanks to this analysis, it was found that introducing the filler before the elastomer in internal mixer tends to favor more structured agglomerates

    Crack propagation in filled elastomers: 3D study of mechanisms involving the filler agglomerates

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    This paper presents the impact of Carbon Blacks agglomerates, at different concentrations, on crack propagation mechanisms in a Carbon black (CB) filled Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) elastomer. As shown by Transmission electron microscopy, these CB agglomerates (CBaggl_{aggl}) consist of aggregates clusters with interpenetrating elastomer, and for this reason, are soft and deformable. Crack tip observation using X-ray tomography demonstrates that these CBaggl_{aggl} can either undergo fracture or arrest/ deviate a crack during its propagation. This causes higher energy dissipation at the crack tip, which contributes to the dissipative component of the strain energy release rate G. For this reason, it is found that among the two materials tested with a significant amount of CBaggl_{aggl} (more than 3%), the material with the highest concentration has a slower crack propagation speed at high G

    In situ observation of microscopic damage and crack initiation mechanisms in a filled EPDM

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    The paper presents a precise 3D quantification of damage evolution and eventual crack initiation due to metallic oxide particles and filler agglomerates in a peroxide crosslinked filled EPDM during uniaxial solicitation, thanks to synchrotron radiation X-ray Tomography. An in-situ tensile study using this technique reveals polymer debonding at the poles of all metallic oxide particles upon stretching. The cavities caused by this decohesion do not lead to crack initiation since they grow parallel to the applied stress direction. Conversely, crack always initiates from carbon black agglomerates (CBaggl). The crack initiation mechanism is a three step process that begins with the nucleation of cavities inside the CBaggl upon stretching. This is followed by the growth of these cavities which brings about the fracture of the agglomerates. Finally, this fracture can lead to the creation of a matrix crack at the origin of the material rupture. It is also confirmed that CBaggl that initiate the critical crack in the material are the biggest sized CBaggl and are located close to the edges of the sample

    Pachydermodactyly of a single finger

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    Pachydermodactyly is a non-inflammatory swelling which involves the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the fingers, at the level of proximal phalanges and interphalangeal joints. In the majority of cases 3 fingers are affected (only 3 cases of pachydermodactyly localized to a single finger have been described). The disorder is much more common in males (only 4 women have been reported). We present a clinical, histopathological and ultrastructural study of a woman with pachydermodactyly localized exclusively to one finger

    In situ observation of microscopic damage and crack initiation mechanisms in a filled EPDM

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    International audienceThe paper presents a precise 3D quantification of damage evolution and eventual crack initiation due to metallic oxide particles and filler agglomerates in a peroxide crosslinked filled EPDM during uniaxial solicitation, thanks to synchrotron radiation X-Ray Tomography. An insitu tensile study using this technique reveals polymer debonding at the poles of all metallic oxide particles upon stretching. The cavities caused by this decohesion do not lead to crack initiation since they grow parallel to the applied stress direction. Conversely, crack always initiates from carbon black agglomerates (CBaggl). The crack initiation mechanism is a three step process that begins with the nucleation of cavities inside the CBaggl upon stretching. This is followed by the growth of these cavities which brings about the fracture of the agglomerates. Finally, this fracture can lead to the creation of a matrix crack at the origin of the material rupture. It is also confirmed that CBaggl that initiate the critical crack in the material are the biggest sized CBaggl and are located close to the edges of the sample