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    The Ursinus Weekly, September 24, 1928

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    Formal college opening celebrated by exercises in Bomberger, Thursday • Governor Fisher expects to visit Ursinus Thursday and speak to Rotarians • Thirty frosh gridders report for first practice • Sophs easily lick lowly frosh in tug of war, Thursday • Y.M. and Y.W. play hosts at annual reception, Saturday • Hockey season to open soon • Coach Kichline sending big squad through hard drills to prep for Penn • Mrs. John W. Clawson • Swarthmore Chautauqua • Seniors elect officers • The Robert and Henrietta Patterson prize • The enquiring mind • Y.W.C.A. holds sing • One hundred forty-four students enroll as froshhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2157/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 8, 1929

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    C. D. Yost, Jr., \u2730 elected editor-in-chief of Weekly at control board meeting • Commencement events keep originally scheduled dates • Tennis team to play thru thirteen match schedule • Philadelphia alumni banquet at Adelphia on Friday • Track season to open with inter-class meet • Color ceremony to take place in Bomberger tonight • Drexel Dragons down the bears by single run in opening fracas Saturday • Bears to open home season with Haverford Saturday • University tour of Indies and Central America July 6 • High school hero to show in gym Wednesday night • Dramatic Club to give skits in gym Friday • Recording orchestra booked for senior ball, April 26 • Young chosen cage leader for \u2729-\u2730 by letter men • New extinguishers placed • Facts and fancies of the faculty • Doyle survey shows facts concerning collegiateshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2179/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 11, 1929

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    Atwater Kent Company announces new prizes in 1929 radio contest • Frosh lassies trounce sophs in inter-class fray • Harrisburg alumni meet at Penn Harris Saturday • Many events scheduled for the month of April • Seniors win from juniors 15-12 in game Thursday • Gifford Gordon gives talk in chapel Wednesday, using prohibition as subject • Miss Reber and Mr. Buchert chosen honor students of \u2729 class by the faculty • Dr. Keigwin speaks over WABC • Chimney at South Hall meets with tragic end • College students want business educationhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2178/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 11, 1928

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    College year closes with fifty-eighth commencement exercises: Dr. James Francis Cooke delivers address at annual commencement • Class of 1928 frolics at annual Class Day events in Bomberger • Baccalaureate sermon given by Rev. Albert Edwin Keigwin, D.D. • Junior oratorical contest held on Friday evening • Board of Directors holds annual meeting • Battling bears tamed alumni in annual game • The Creation by Haydn given by college chorus • Alumni Athletic Club holds annual luncheon • Honorary degrees conferred at annual commencement • Financial statement of the Ursinus Weekly • Dr. Clinton A. Strong guest at tennis team banquet • Annual business meeting of Alumni Association • Seventy-four graduates receive their degrees • President\u27s reception held in memorial library • Baseball squad given banquet by coach Kichline • The new science building • Alumni banquets on Saturday evening • Annual business meeting of Woman\u27s Club • Dr. Irvine, Mercersburg dieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2221/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 21, 1929

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    Girls\u27 Glee Club gave splendid concert at Upper Darby, Thursday • Members of the Ursinus faculty attend meeting of Wyomissing club • Frosh win from Philadelphia Normal; but drop game to Temple yearlings • Ursinus debaters hold first dual contest of season with NYU • Ursinus bears defeat Schuylkill; but lose game to Temple passers • Literary Club holds an interesting meeting, Thursday • Co-eds easily defeat Collegeville High 51-15 • Men\u27s faculty club guests of professor N. E. McClure • Olevian girls entertain at tea Tuesday afternoon • Student council sponsors pre-exam dance Saturday night • Senior ball to be held March 15 in gymnasium • English Club meets at Glenwood Hall, Monday • Sophomore co-eds trip junior girls, score 19-14 • An open letter from the sophomore class to the editor of the Weekly • Frosh co-eds become inter-class champions • National intercollegiate oratoricals held this yearhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2173/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 14, 1928

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    Colorful May Day festivities draw large crowds to Ursinus campus • Thomas Elliott dies in Larne County, Ireland • Varsity track team places fourth in Bucknell meet • Bear ball tossers win one and lose two games • Swarthmore and Rutgers defeat Ursinus netmen • Spring dance held for women\u27s dorm benefit • Combined Glee Clubs sing to appreciative audience • Seniors take Carnegie test • Frosh beat Perkiomen fourth straight victory • Sh! Don\u27t tell anybody! • Seniors entertained • Ursinus director hurt • Frosh elect councilmen • Yearlings place at F. & M.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2217/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 10, 1928

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    Sophs nose out yearling gridders in annual tile • Schaff play and dance to feature this week-end • Girls basketball team begins daily practices • Rev. John Lentz \u2702 begins work as pastor of Trinity Reformed Church, Collegeville • All college dinner at PSEA meeting December 27 • Firemen drop opening tilt to Penn, by 35 to 21 count • Letter-men choose Randy Helffrich to lead \u2729 team • Seven members of faculty named in \u2728-\u2729 Who\u27s who • Members of staff of 1930 Ruby appointed recently • Conference officials meet in Harrisburg Saturday • Girls\u27 Glee Club sings in Philadelphia Tuesday • New book of sermons by W. R. Gobrecht published • Coach Kichline to speak in Philadelphia on Saturday • Chorus at Trinity Sunday • Reception for Rev. Lentz • Webster Forensic Club • YW bazaar • Bears to play Osteopathy and Princeton this week • Frosh basketeers lose opener to Penn jayveeshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2168/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 4, 1929

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    Ursinus represented at luncheon given in honor of Mary E. Wooley • Contracts awarded for 1930 Ruby work • Week of prayer led by Mr. Phillips Elliott an inspiring event • Co-eds basketball team bows to Cedar Crest college • College under quarantine for several weeks due to scarlet fever epidemic • Extra-curricular program suffers due to epidemic • Graduates offered prizes for college experiences • From the pen of a misogynist • Guggenheim School gives first aero-scholarship • Editorial comment: Let\u27s have a college magazine • Yale college seniors vote preferences • Le Cercle Francois meeting • Financial and otherwisehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2177/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 21, 1928

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    Glee Club at Philadelphia • Ursinus loses track meet • Ball tossers win 2; lose 1 • Ursinus netmen again conquer PMC team • Sophs to hold dance and reception for seniors • Crystal Bird addresses joint YM & YW meeting • Editorial staff of 1929 Ruby completed • Girls track and archery contest Friday, May 25 • Annual frosh-sophomore baseball game this week • Frosh complete season without suffering defeat • Women\u27s tennis contest won by Evelyn Lake \u2730 • Editorial and business staff picked for Y handbook • Olevian girls entertain • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club hold card party Friday • Brotherhood of St. Paul holds last business session • Bears cross bats with U. of P. Wednesday afternoon • Senior class farewell banquet held Thursday • Sophomores elect councilmen for ensuing year • Annual meeting of INA held at Stevens Tech. • Green Lane conference held week of June 14-21https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2218/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 29, 1928

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    Chapel addresses will begin Thursday morning • Extra-curricular board elects officers for year • Excellent program given in season\u27s first concert • Ursinus bears again meet defeat at hands of Dickinson, score 7-6 • Ursinus wins Eastern Pennsylvania conference meet • Frosh bow to Allentown Prep gridiron warriors • Freshman class hold first successful social event • Y.W. presents three act missionary romance • Ursinus co-eds defeat Beaver College at hockey • Dad\u27s day to be observed Saturday, November 10 • Muhlenberg to be next victim of the grizzlies • Editorial comment: The revised constitution • Brotherhood of St. Paul banqueted at Lancaster • Girls\u27 hockey schedule • President Coolidge issues Thanksgiving proclamation • Non-partisan political rally on Tuesday nighthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2162/thumbnail.jp
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