272 research outputs found

    Update of Indicator PCB Levels in Food in Southern Italy: Assessment of the Dietary Exposure for Adult and Elderly Population

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    The levels of non-dioxin-like PCB indicators (iPCBs 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, and 180) were determined in food samples (seafood, meat and processed meat, milk and dairy products, hen eggs, olive oil, and other fats) to evaluate the exposure of adult and elderly population. iPCB levels in samples were in the following order: fishery products > meat and processed meat > milk and dairy products > olive oil and other fats. None of the samples had concentrations above the maximum permissible limits for human consumption established by the European Union legislation, except for salami samples. The dietary intake for the total population was 12.33 ng·kg−1 bw·d−1, while depending on the sex/age groups, exposure was estimated between 9.60 and 12.11 ng·kg−1 bw·d−1, with seafood being the major contributor. The exposure scenario indicates that further efforts must still be carried out to protect the consumer from these harmful chemicals

    Levels of Mercury, Methylmercury and Selenium in Fish: Insights into Children Food Safety

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    Total mercury (THg), methylmercury (MeHg), and selenium (Se) concentrations were measured in various commercially important fish species. The benefit–risk binomial associated with these chemicals was assessed in children through the probability of exceeding the provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWIs) of the contaminants and the Se recommended dietary allowance (RDA). The Se:Hg molar ratios, selenium health benefit values (HBVSe), and monthly consumption rate limits (CRmm) for each species were also calculated. THg and Se were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Milan, Italy), while MeHg was determined by Trace Ultra gas chromatograph connected with a PolarisQ MS (Thermo Fisher Scientific,Waltham, MA, USA). None of the analyzed fish had Hg levels above the European Community regulatory limits, while most large predators had MeHg levels over the threshold concentration set by US EPA. The estimated weekly intakes of THg and MeHg exceeded in many cases the PTWIs and the Se estimated daily intakes were provided from 0.71% to 2.75% of the RDA. Se:Hg molar ratios above 1 and positive HBVSe index suggested that Se in fish could be enough to alleviate the potential toxic effect of Hg. However, high-risk groups as children should consume fish in moderation because a large consumption pattern, especially of swordfish and tunas, might be of concern for health

    An ascorbic acid-enriched tomato genotype to fight UVA-induced oxidative stress in normal human keratinocytes

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    UVA radiations contribute up to 95% of the total UV exposure and are known to induce cell damage, leading to apoptosis. Since the benefic effects of ascorbic acid on human health are well known, a new tomato genotype (namedDHO4), highly rich in ascorbic acid, has been recently obtained. Here,we compared the effects of ascorbic acid and hydrophilic DHO4 extracts in protecting human keratinocytes exposed to UVA stress. Keratinocytes were pre-incubated with ascorbic acid or with extracts from the ascorbic acid enriched tomato genotype and irradiated with UVA light. Then, ROS production, intracellular GSH and lipid peroxidation levels were quantified. Western blots were carried out to evaluate mitogen-activated protein kinases cascade, activation of caspase-3 and inflammation levels. We demonstrated that ROS, GSH and lipid peroxidation levels were not altered in cell exposed to UVA stress when cellswere pre-treatedwith ascorbic acid or with tomato extracts. In addition, no evidence of apoptosis and inflammationwere observed in irradiated pre-treated cells. Altogether,we demonstrated the ability of an ascorbic acid enriched tomato genotype to counteract UVA-oxidative stress on human keratinocytes. This protective effect is due to the high concentration of vitamin C that acts as free radical scavenger. This novel tomato genotype may be used as genetic material in breeding schemes to produce improved varieties with higher antioxidant levels

    Synchronic macrophage response and <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> malaria

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    Human Chitotriosidase (CHIT), produced by activated macrophage, is a member of the chitinase family, a group of enzymes with the capability to hydrolyze chitin. Recently plasma CHIT activity was found elevated in children with acute P. falciparum malaria compared with healthy African children, as a consequence of macrophage activation due to the presence of parasites. In this study we recruited at the local Centre Medical Saint Camille (CMSC) of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, 62 African children (30 males and 32 females, aged 2–140 months; median 16.5 months), affected by acute P. falciparum malaria, born and living in Burkina Faso. Control subjects included 140 healthy African children (79 males and 61 females) with age ranging from 10 to 100 months (median 22 months) at evaluation time. They did not show signs of acute infectious disease and their blood smears for P. falciparum were negative. This study was approved by the local Ethical Committees of CMSC. Parents of the participating children in the study were orally informed of the scope of this research. For plasma CHIT assay, 3 ml of EDTA-blood was centrifuged and plasma samples were stored at –40°C determination by fluorimetric method at the Centre for Metabolic Diseases— University of Catania, Italy

    Sensory phenomena in children with Tourette syndrome or autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundTourette syndrome (TS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two neurodevelopmental disorders with an onset before the age of 18 years. TS patients frequently reported atypical sensory phenomena (SP). Sensory processing abnormalities are also particularly frequent in ASD individuals.ObjectivesConsidering the higher rate of atypical sensory behaviours in both neurodevelopmental disorders, in the present study we analysed sensory experiences in patients with ASD and in patients with TS.MethodsWe enrolled patients with a primary diagnosis of TS or ASD. All participants were assessed for primary diagnosis and associated comorbidities. The presence of sensory behaviours was investigated using the University of Sao Paulo’s Sensory Phenomena Scale (USP-SPS).ResultsSP were significantly more represented in the ASD-group versus TS-group, except for sound just-right perceptions and energy to released. ASD participants presented higher mean scores in all fields of USP-SPS severity scale respect on TS patients and healthy controls. The USP-SPS total score had significant positive correlations with the CYBOCS and MASC total scores in the TS cohort. In the ASD group, the USP-SPS total score was significantly negative correlated with the total IQ and marginally positive correlated with ADOS total score.ConclusionSP are a frequently reported characteristic both of ASD and TS. Future studies are needed to better evaluate the differences on their phenomenology in patients with TS and ASD

    Deferiprone versus Deferoxamine in Sickle Cell Disease: Results from a 5-year long-term Italian multi-center randomized clinical trial.

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    Blood transfusion and iron chelation currently represent a supportive therapy to manage anemia, vasculopathy and vaso-occlusion crises in Sickle-Cell-Disease. Here we describe the first 5-year long-term randomized clinical trial comparing Deferiprone versus Deferoxamine in patients with Sickle-Cell-Disease. The results of this study show that Deferiprone has the same effectiveness as Deferoxamine in decreasing body iron burden, measured as repeated measurements of serum ferritin concentrations on the same patient over 5-years and analyzed according to the linear mixed-effects model (LMM) (p=0.822). Both chelators are able to decrease, significantly, serum ferritin concentrations, during 5-years, without any effect on safety (p=0.005). Moreover, although the basal serum ferritin levels were higher in transfused compared with non-transfused group (p=0.031), the changes over time in serum ferritin levels were not statistically significantly different between transfused and non-transfused cohort of patients (p=0.389). Kaplan-Meier curve, during 5-years of study, suggests that Deferiprone does not alter survival in comparison with Deferoxamine (p=0.38). In conclusion, long-term iron chelation therapy with Deferiprone was associated with efficacy and safety similar to that of Deferoxamine. Therefore, in patients with Sickle-Cell-Disease, Deferiprone may represent an effective long-term treatment option

    Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 expression in fibroblasts of Down syndrome subjects

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    Abstract Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder. It is featured by intellectual disability and is caused by trisomy 21. People with DS can develop some traits of Alzheimer disease at an earlier age than subjects without trisomy 21. Apoptosis is a programmed cell death process under both normal physiological and pathological conditions. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 is a mediator of programmed-necrotic cell death and appears to be also involved in the apoptosis. The aim of the present work was to detect the intracellular distribution of PARP-1 protein using immunofluorescence techniques and the expression of PARP-1 mRNA in culture of fibroblasts of DS subjects. The analysis of the intracellular distribution of PARP-1 show a signal at the nuclear level in about 75 % of the cells of DS subjects with a slight uniformly fluorescent cytoplasm. In contrast, in about 65% of the analyzed fibroblasts of the normal subjects only a slight fluorescent was found. These observations have been confirmed by PARP-1 gene mRNA expression evaluation. The data obtained from this study strengthen the hypothesis that the over-expression of PARP-1 gene could have a role in the activation of the apoptotic pathways acting in the neurodegenerative processes in DS

    Defective IGF-1 prohormone N-glycosylation and reduced IGF-1 receptor signaling activation in congenital disorders of glycosylation

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    none14sìThe insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling pathway is crucial for the regulation of growth and development. The correct processing of the IGF-1Ea prohormone (proIGF-1Ea) and the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) peptide precursor requires proper N-glycosylation. Deficiencies of N-linked glycosylation lead to a clinically heterogeneous group of inherited diseases called Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG). The impact of N-glycosylation defects on IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling components is largely unknown. In this study, using dermal fibroblasts from patients with different CDG [PMM2-CDG (n = 7); ALG3-CDG (n = 2); ALG8-CDG (n = 1); GMPPB-CDG (n = 1)], we analyzed the glycosylation pattern of the proIGF-1Ea, IGF-1 secretion efficiency and IGF-1R signaling activity. ALG3-CDG, ALG8-CDG, GMPPB-CDG and some PMM2-CDG fibroblasts showed hypoglycosylation of the proIGF-1Ea and lower IGF-1 secretion when compared with control (CTR). Lower IGF-1 serum concentration was observed in ALG3-CDG, ALG8-CDG and in some patients with PMM2-CDG, supporting our in vitro data. Furthermore, reduced IGF-1R expression level was observed in ALG3-CDG, ALG8-CDG and in some PMM2-CDG fibroblasts. IGF-1-induced IGF-1R activation was lower in most PMM2-CDG fibroblasts and was associated with decreased ERK1/2 phosphorylation as compared to CTR. In general, CDG fibroblasts showed a slight upregulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress genes compared with CTR, uncovering mild ER stress in CDG cells. ER-stress-related gene expression negatively correlated with fibroblasts IGF-1 secretion. This study provides new evidence of a direct link between N-glycosylation defects found in CDG and the impairment of IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling components. Further studies are warranted to determine the clinical consequences of reduced systemic IGF-1 availability and local activity in patients with CDG.openDi Patria, Laura; Annibalini, Giosuè; Morrone, Amelia; Ferri, Lorenzo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Galluzzi, Luca; Diotallevi, Aurora; Bocconcelli, Matteo; Donati, Maria Alice; Barone, Rita; Guerrini, Renzo; Jaeken, Jaak; Stocchi, Vilberto; Barbieri, ElenaDi Patria, Laura; Annibalini, Giosuè; Morrone, Amelia; Ferri, Lorenzo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Galluzzi, Luca; Diotallevi, Aurora; Bocconcelli, Matteo; Donati, Maria Alice; Barone, Rita; Guerrini, Renzo; Jaeken, Jaak; Stocchi, Vilberto; Barbieri, Elen

    FLASH radiotherapy with electrons: issues related to the production, monitoring, and dosimetric characterization of the beam

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    Various in vivo experimental works carried out on different animals and organs have shown that it is possible to reduce the damage caused to healthy tissue still preserving the therapeutic efficacy on the tumor tissue, by drastically reducing the total time of dose delivery (&lt;200 ms). This effect, called the FLASH effect, immediately attracted considerable attention within the radiotherapy community, due to the possibility of widening the therapeutic window and treating effectively tumors which appear radioresistant to conventional techniques. Despite the experimental evidence, the radiobiological mechanisms underlying the FLASH effect and the beam parameters contributing to its optimization are not yet known in details. In order to fully understand the FLASH effect, it might be worthy to investigate some alternatives which can further improve the tools adopted so far, in terms of both linac technology and dosimetric systems. This work investigates the problems and solutions concerning the realization of an electron accelerator dedicated to FLASH therapy and optimized for in vivo experiments. Moreover, the work discusses the saturation problems of the most common radiotherapy dosimeters when used in the very high dose-per-pulse FLASH conditions and provides some preliminary experimental data on their behavior