1,387 research outputs found

    Coupled simulations of the NACIE facility using RELAP5 and ANSYS FLUENT codes

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    This work deals with the development and preliminarily assessment of a coupling methodology between a modified version of RELAP5/Mod3.3 STH code and FLUENT commercial CFD code, applied to the NACIE (natural circulation experiment) LBE (lead bismuth eutectic) experimental loop (built and located at the ENEA Brasimone research centre). The coupling tool is used to simulate experiments representative of both natural circulation conditions and isothermal gas enhanced (assisted) circulation. Furthermore, an accidental test reproducing an Unprotected Loss of Flow (ULOF) scenario is also simulated and the outcomes are presented. A preliminary sensitivity analysis has shown that, to guarantee a suitable numerical convergence, the assisted circulation tests require a time step one order of magnitude lower compared to natural circulation ones. The comparison between the RELAP5 stand-alone simulations and RELAP5/FLUENT coupled simulations proved the capability to simulate the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of a loop experimental facility for all the examined conditions

    Experimental campaign on the upgraded He-FUS3 facility

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    An extensive thermal-hydraulic experimental campaign was conducted on He-FUS3 helium loop facility to support the conceptual design of HCLL and HCPB Test Blanket System. The experiments were divided into three distinct phases. The first one was dedicated to the evaluation of the new ATEKO Turbo Circulator (TC) performances, identifying its operating limits in terms of supplied helium mass flow as a function of rotational speed, cold by-pass opening and loop pressure. The outcomes were compared with the manufacturer theoretical performance map and with a RELAP5-3D pre-test computation. In the second phase, experiments were carried out to analyze the facility dynamic response in hot conditions and to characterize its main components (TC, heaters, economizer, cooling system and valves). The wide amount of collected data will serve for the development and validation of a numerical model of the facility at TBS conditions. For the third phase, the tests were designed to investigate He-FUS3 behavior in accidental conditions representative of LOFAs and LOCAs scenarios

    STH-CFD codes coupled calculations applied to HLM loop and pool systems

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    This work describes the coupling methodology between a modified version of RELAP5/Mod3.3 and ANSYS Fluent CFD code developed at the University of Pisa. The described coupling procedure can be classified as "two-way," nonoverlapping, "online" coupling. In this work, a semi-implicit numerical scheme has been implemented, giving greater stability to the simulations. A MATLAB script manages both the codes, oversees the reading and writing of the boundary conditions at the interfaces, and handles the exchange of data. A new tool was used to control the Fluent session, allowing a reduction of the time required for the exchange of data. The coupling tool was used to simulate a loop system (NACIE facility) and a pool system (CIRCE facility), both working with Lead Bismuth Eutectic and located at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre. Some modifications in the coupling procedure turned out to be necessary to apply the methodology in the pool system. In this paper, the comparison between the obtained coupled numerical results and the experimental data is presented. The good agreement between experiments and calculations evinces the capability of the coupled calculation to model correctly the involved phenomena

    Development of a SIMMER\RELAP5 coupling tool

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    Abstract The In-Box Loss Of Coolant (LOCA) postulated accident is considered a major concern for the safety connected with the development of EU-DEMO fusion reactor. Relating to the renewed interest in the Water-Cooled Lithium Led blanket concept, an innovative experimental campaign is under development at ENEA Brasimone laboratories aiming at investigating the consequences related to the In-Box LOCA applied to the WCLL breeding blanket. In this frame, a new coupling tool between the SIMMER-III (modified version to implement the PbLi/water chemical interaction) and the RELAP5/Mod3.3 codes (modified version to implement PbLi thermo-physical properties) has been developed together with its preliminary application to simple test cases with water as working fluid. The coupling procedure can be defined as a "two-way", "non-overlapping", "online" technique aiming at investigating multi-physics and multi-scales phenomena in support of the development of fusion reactor technologies

    RICH: Research and Innovation for Cultural Heritage

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    This paper describes RICH: a new architecture conceived and developed at the Scuola Normale Superiore, for collecting, promoting and sharing cultural heritage data. Starting with the observation that cultural heritage is a cross-cutting field of research where needs are often poorly integrated with each other, a new architecture is required, aimed at solving this integration issue. RICH provides a first step in this direction by addressing several needs in this field through state-of-the-art technologies such as 3D vision and virtualization. The paper outlines the principal building blocks of the architecture by planning and explaining each step in terms of functionality. We also report some preliminary experiences that are being carried out using this architecture. Riassunto In questo articolo descriviamo RICH: una nuova architettura concepita e sviluppata dalla Scuola Normale Superiore per la raccolta, la promozione e la condivisione dati relativi ai beni culturali. Iniziamo con l’osservazione che i beni culturali rappresentano un campo di ricerca trasversale con tante necessità a poco integrate tra di loro. Ne deriva la necessità a di una nuova architettura volta a risolvere questo problema di integrazione. RICH risolve molteplici bisogni di differenti mediante l’utilizzo delle più moderne tecnologie allo stato dell’arte come la visione 3D e la virtualizzazione. Si tratta di una prima risposta verso questa nuova direzione. Abbiamo tracciato le parti principali dell’architettura, progettando e spiegando ogni singolo blocco in termini di funzionalità. Riportiamo inoltre alcune esperienze preliminari che stiamo portando avanti con questa architettura.RésuméDans cet article nous décrivons le RICH : une nouvelle architecture conçue et développée par la Scuola Normale Superiore pour la récolte, la promotion et le partage de données relatives aux biens culturels. Nous commençons par l’observation que les biens culturels représentent un domaine de recherche transversale avec de nombreuses nécessités peu intégrées entre elles. Il en dérive la nécessité d’une nouvelle architecture qui se tourne vers la résolution de ce problème d’intégration. RICH résout de multiples besoins différents moyennant l’utilisation des plus modernes technologies à l’état de l’art comme la vision en 3D et la virtualisation. Il s’agit d’une première réponse vers cette nouvelle direction. Nous avons tracé les parties principales de l’architecture, projetant et expliquant chaque bloc en termes de fonctionnalité. Nous reportons en outre quelques expériences préliminaires que nous continuons avec cette architecture. Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir RICH: eine neue, von der “Universität Scuola Normale Superiore für die Sammlung, Förderung und Teilung von an Kulturgüter gebundenen Daten” konzipierte und entwickelte Architektur. Wir beginnen mit der Beobachtung, das Kulturgüter ein transversales Forschungsfeld mit vielen, untereinander wenig integrierten Erfordernissen repräsentieren. Hieraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, einer neuen, auf dieses Integrationsproblem abzielenden Architektur. RICH löst von unterschiedlichen Seiten auftretende vielfache Bedürfnisse durch die Anwendung modernster und fachgerechter Technologien wie die 3D-Darstellung und Virtualisierung. Dies ist eine erste, in diese neue Richtung gehende Antwort. Wir haben die wichtigsten Teile der Architektur skizziert und hierbei jeden einzelnen Block hinsichtlich seiner Funktionalität entworfen und erklärt. Darüber hinaus möchten wir einige Voraberfahrungen anführen, die auf der Grundlage dieser Architektur weiter verfolgt werden.Resumen En este artículo se describe RICH: una nueva arquitectura concebida y desarrollada por la Scuola Normale Superiore para recoger, promover y compartir datos relativos a los bienes culturales. Empezamos observando que los bienes culturales representan un campo de investigación transversal con muchas necesidades poco integradas entre sí. Por tanto hace falta nueva arquitectura dirigida a solucionar este problema de integración. RICH satisface múltiples exigencias diferentes mediante el uso de las más modernas tecnologías como la visión 3D y la virtualización. Se trata de una primera respuesta hacia esta nueva dirección. Hemos definido las partes principales de la arquitectura, diseñando y explicando cada bloque desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad. Se ilustran además algunas experiencias preliminares que estamos realizando con esta arquitectura.РезюмеВ данной статье описывается новая архитектура, рожденная и разработанная в “Скуола Нормале Супериоре” для сбора, продвижения и обмена данных относительно культурного наследия. Начинаем с наблюдения о том, что культурное наследие представляет собой поле межпредметного поиска с многочисленными потребностями слабо интегрированными между собой. Отсюда вытекает необходимость новой архитектуры, призванной разрешить проблему этой интеграции. RICH отвечает многочисленным и разнообразным нуждам благодаря использованию современейших технологий, таких как 3D и виртуализация. Речь идет о первом предложении в области этого нового направления. Нами намечены главные части архитектуры, спроектирован и объяснен каждый отдельный блок в плане его функциональности. Мы приводим также некоторый предварительный опыт, который продолжаем разрабатывать в этой архитектуре.ԱմփոփումԱյս հոդվածում մենք նկարագրում ենք RICH-ը, մի նոր ճարտարապետություն մտածված և մշակված Բարձրագույն Նորմալ Դպրոցի կողմից (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) այն տվյալների հավաքման համար, որոնք նպաստում են մշակութային ժառանգության արդյունքների փոխանակման, աջակցության: Մենք սկսում ենք քննարկելով, որ մշակութային ժառանգությունը ներկայացնում է բազմաթիվ կարիքների մի ընդմիջական հետազոտության գիծ որոնք վատ ինտեգրված են միմյանց հետ: Հետ և աբար անհրաժեշտ է մի նոր ճարտարապետություն այս խնդիրը լուծելու և ինտեգրման համար: ՌԻՉը (RICH) լուծում է բազմաթիվ տարբեր կարիքները, օգտագործելով արվեստի տեխնոլոգիաների վերջին նորությունները, ինչպիսիք են 3D տեսիլքը եւ վիրտուալիզացիոն. Սա առաջին արձագանքն է այս նոր ուղղությամբ: Մենք ուղեգծեցինք ճարտարապետության հիմնական մասերը, պլանավորելով և բացատրելով ամեն մի առանձին կտորի գործունեությունը: Բերում ենք նաև որոշ նախնական փորձարկումների օրինակներ օգտագործելով  այդ ճարտարապետությունը:

    Heme oxygenase-1 in central nervous system malignancies

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    Central nervous system tumors are the most common pediatric solid tumors and account for 20%-25% of all childhood malignancies. Several lines of evidence suggest that brain tumors show altered redox homeostasis that triggers the activation of various survival pathways, leading to disease progression and chemoresistance. Among these pathways, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) plays an important role. HO-1 catalyzes the enzymatic degradation of heme with the simultaneous release of carbon monoxide (CO), ferrous iron (Fe2+), and biliverdin. The biological effects of HO-1 in tumor cells have been shown to be cell-specific since, in some tumors, its upregulation promotes cell cycle arrest and cellular death, whereas, in other neoplasms, it is associated with tumor survival and progression. This review focuses on the role of HO-1 in central nervous system malignancies and the possibility of exploiting such a target to improve the outcome of well-established therapeutic regimens. Finally, several studies show that HO-1 overexpression is involved in the development and resistance of brain tumors to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, suggesting the use of HO-1 as an innovative therapeutic target to overcome drug resistance. The following keywords were used to search the literature related to this topic: nuclear factor erythroid 2 p45-related factor 2, heme oxygenase, neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, meningioma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, glioblastoma multiforme, and gliomas

    Use of Kluyveromyces marxianus to Increase Free Monoterpenes and Aliphatic Esters in White Wines

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    An increasing interest in novel wine productions is focused on non-Saccharomyces yeasts due to their potential in improving sensory profiles. Although Kluyveromyces marxianus has been originally isolated from grapes and its enzymatic activities are used in oenology, rarely it has been used as co-starter. The K. marxianus Km L2009 strain has been characterized here and selected as a co-starter both at laboratory- and winery-scale fermentation. The Km L2009 strain showed growth of up to 40 (mg/L) of sulfites and 6% (v/v) of ethanol. Gas chromatographic analysis demonstrates that wines produced by mixed fermentation contain remarkably higher quantities of free monoterpenes and aliphatic esters than wines produced only by commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Differences in the volatile organic compound composition produced sensorially distinct wines. In light of these results, it is possible to state that even within the K. marxianus species it is possible to select strains capable of improving the aromatic quality of wines