138 research outputs found

    Lunar Simple Crater Impact Melt Volumes

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    Impact melt is observed in simple lunar craters having diameters as small as less than 200 m. The presence of ponds of impact melt on the floor of such small craters is interpreted to indicate vertical impacts. Data from the LRO LROC and LOLA experiments allow quantitative estimates of the volume of impact melt in simple crater. Such estimates allow for validation of theoretical models of impact melt generation and examination of target effects. Preliminary data have considerable scatter but are broadly consistent with the models

    Ejecta entrainment by impact-generated ring vortices: theory and experiments

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    Abstract. Laboratory experiments indicate that an advancing ejecta curtain displaces the atmosphere and creates strong winds that entrain large amounts of fine-grained ejecta. A theoretical model describing the interaction between an atmosphere and the outward moving ejecta curtain allows one to estimate the magnitude and velocity of the winds in the induced ring vortex in order to establish the importance of such winds at planetary scales. Model estimates for the initial magnitude of the flow within the basal vortex match experimental results within observational uncertainty and reveal that the flow in the ring vortex is turbulent. Successful comparisons of the vortex generation model with experiments allow preliminary applications to be made at much broader scales. Curtain generated winds by a 30-km-diameter crater should entrain ejecta particle diameters smaller than 5 mm on Mars, 30 cm on Earth, and 8 m on Venus

    Ejecta- and Size-Scaling Considerations from Impacts of Glass Projectiles into Sand

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    One of the most promising means of learning how initial impact conditions are related to the processes leading to the formation of a planetary-scale crater is through scaling relationships.1,2,3 The first phase of deriving such relationships has led to great insight into the cratering process and has yielded predictive capabilities that are mathematically rigorous and internally consistent. Such derivations typically have treated targets as continuous media; in many, cases, however, planetary materials represent irregular and discontinuous targets, the effects of which on the scaling relationships are still poorly understood.4,5 We continue to examine the effects of varying impact conditions on the excavation and final dimensions of craters formed in sand. Along with the more commonly treated variables such as impact speed, projectile size and material, and impact angle,6 such experiments also permit the study of changing granularity and friction angle of the target materials. This contribution presents some of the data collected during and after the impact of glass spheres into a medium-grained sand

    Impact Melt in Small Lunar Highlands Craters

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    Impact-melt deposits are a typical characteristic of complex impact craters, occurring as thick pools on the crater floor, ponds on wall terraces, veneers on the walls, and flows outside and inside the rim. Studies of the distribution of impact melt suggested that such deposits are rare to absent in and around small (km to sub-km), simple impact craters. noted that the smallest lunar crater observed with impact melt was approximately 750 m in diameter. Similarly, theoretical models suggest that the amount of melt formed is a tiny fraction (<1%) of the total crater volume and thus significant deposits would not be expected for small lunar craters. LRO LROC images show that impact-melt deposits can be recognized associated with many simple craters to diameters down to approximately 200 m. The melt forms pools on the crater floor, veneer on the crater walls or ejecta outside the crater. Such melt deposits are relatively rare, and can be recognized only in some fresh craters. These observations indicate that identifiable quantities of impact melt can be produced in small impacts and the presence of such deposits shows that the material can be aggregated into recognizable deposits. Further, the present of such melt indicates that small craters could be reliably radiometrically dated helping to constrain the recent impact flux

    Crater Morphometry and Scaling in Coarse, Rubble-Like Targets: Insights from Impact Experiments

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    Spacecraft images reveal that the asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu, and Bennu are covered with coarse, boulder-rich material [13]. Impactors that collide with these bodies encounter a target with extreme physical heterogeneity. Other bodies can also possess significant physical heterogeneity (e.g., megaregolith, layering, etc.). Such heterogeneities establish free surfaces and impedance contrasts that can affect shock propagation and attenuation. Therefore, such heterogeneities may also affect crater formation and excavation [4], melt generation [57] and crater scaling [4]. As described by [8,9], the extent to which target heterogeneity affects crater formation likely depends on how the length scale, d, of the heterogeneity (e.g., boulder size on a rubble-pile asteroid) compares to the width of the shock, w, generated by impact. Here we further test this hypothesis using impact experiments across a broad range of impact velocities and target grain sizes to systematically vary the ratio between the width of the shock and the diameter of target grains

    Global Patterns of Recent Mass Movement on Asteroid (101955) Bennu

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    The exploration of near‐Earth asteroids has revealed dynamic surfaces characterized by mobile, unconsolidated material that responds to local geophysical gradients, resulting in distinct morphologies and boulder distributions. The OSIRIS‐REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security‐Regolith Explorer) mission confirmed that asteroid (101955) Bennu is a rubble pile with an unconsolidated surface dominated by boulders. In this work, we documented morphologies indicative of mass movement on Bennu and assessed the relationship to slope and other geologic features on the surface. We found globally distributed morphologic evidence of mass movement on Bennu up to ~70° latitude and on spatial scales ranging from individual boulders (meter scale) to a single debris flow ~100 m long and several meters thick. The apparent direction of mass movement is consistent with the local downslope direction and dominantly moves from the midlatitudes toward the equator. Mass movement appears to have altered the surface expression of large (≥30m diameter) boulders, excavating them in the midlatitudes and burying them in the equatorial region. Up to a 10 ± 1 m depth of material may have been transported away from the midlatitudes, which would have deposited a layer ~5 ± 1 m thick in the equatorial region assuming a stagnated flow model. This mass movement could explain the observed paucity of small (\u3c50‐m diameter) craters and may have contributed material to Bennu\u27s equatorial ridge. Models of changes in slope suggest that the midlatitude mass movement occurred in the past several hundred thousand years in regions that became steeper by several degrees

    After DART: Using the First Full-scale Test of a Kinetic Impactor to Inform a Future Planetary Defense Mission

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    NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is the first full-scale test of an asteroid deflection technology. Results from the hypervelocity kinetic impact and Earth-based observations, coupled with LICIACube and the later Hera mission, will result in measurement of the momentum transfer efficiency accurate to ∼10% and characterization of the Didymos binary system. But DART is a single experiment; how could these results be used in a future planetary defense necessity involving a different asteroid? We examine what aspects of Dimorphos’s response to kinetic impact will be constrained by DART results; how these constraints will help refine knowledge of the physical properties of asteroidal materials and predictive power of impact simulations; what information about a potential Earth impactor could be acquired before a deflection effort; and how design of a deflection mission should be informed by this understanding. We generalize the momentum enhancement factor β, showing that a particular direction-specific β will be directly determined by the DART results, and that a related direction-specific β is a figure of merit for a kinetic impact mission. The DART β determination constrains the ejecta momentum vector, which, with hydrodynamic simulations, constrains the physical properties of Dimorphos’s near-surface. In a hypothetical planetary defense exigency, extrapolating these constraints to a newly discovered asteroid will require Earth-based observations and benefit from in situ reconnaissance. We show representative predictions for momentum transfer based on different levels of reconnaissance and discuss strategic targeting to optimize the deflection and reduce the risk of a counterproductive deflection in the wrong direction