177 research outputs found

    Resiliensi Pada Remaja Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan proses serta faktor yang mempengaruhi resiliensi pada remaja yang menjadi korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Fokus dalam penelitian ini yaitu pada remaja yang menjadi korban kekerasan fisik yang dilakukan oleh orangtua kandungnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan studi kasus. Proses pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti berupa wawancara kepada partisipan yang berjumlah sebanyak dua orang. Hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan teknik tematik, dengan cara mengelompokkan hasil wawancara dalam sebuah daftar tema yang memiliki keterkaitan pada kasus yang diteliti. Data diuji peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan membercheck untuk mengetahui tingkat konsistensi dan keseuaian data yang diperoleh. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kemampuan remaja dalam melakukan resiliensi bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. Remaja yang menjadi korban kekerasan memiliki perbedaan dalam memandang permasalahan yang menimpa dirinya. Kedua remaja yang menjadi patisipan ini memiliki sumber resiliensi yang berbeda walaupun dalam proses melakukannya melalui fase yang hampir sama. Adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi semua pihak terutama bagi partisipan penelitian supaya dapat memahami resiliensi lebih mendalam dan mengetahui cara untuk menghindari dampak negatif ketika menghadapi suatu kesulitan atau permasalahan berat dalam dirinya. Kata kunci: Resiliensi, Kekerasan Dalam rumah Tangga, Remaja Abstract This study is a qualitative study that aims to determine the forms, the processes, and the factors which affect resilience of adolescents who are victims of domestic violence. The focus in this study is on adolescents who are victims of physical violence committed by their biological parents. The method used in this research is a case study. The data collection process used by the writer is an interview with participants as many as two people. The results of interview are analyzed using thematic techniques, by grouping the results of interview in a list of themes that have relevance to the case under study. The data are analyzed by the writer using triangulation of data sources and membercheck to determine the level of consistency and suitability of the data obtained. The results of this study found that the ability of adolescents to conduct resilience is not an easy thing. The adolescents who are victims of domestic violence have differences to view of the problems that befall them. The two adolescents who participated have different sources of resilience ability even though the process of doing it through almost the same. The existence of this study is expected to provide some benefits for all parties, especially for research participants in order that they can understand a resilience more deeply and know how to avoid negative impacts when facing a difficulty or severe problem in themselves. Keywords: Resilience, Domestic Violence, Adolescent


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    Problem emocionalnog zlostavljanja kao izdvojenog, samostalnog ili popratnog oblika koji prati druge vidove zlostavljanja tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća postaje sve aktualniji. Rezultati istraživanja i klinička praksa pokazali su da emocionalno zlostavljanje može imati vrlo teÅ”ke posljedice na djetetovu budućnost, iako drugačije od onih koje uzrokuje fizičko zlostavljanje, no zato ne manje ozbiljnih. Stoga mnogobrojni praktičari i teoretičari usmjeravaju svoju pažnju na poteÅ”koće definiranja, prevencije, lokacije, manifestacije i intervencije kod tog vida zlostavljanja. U ovom radu bit će iznesene neke poteÅ”koće definiranja, specifičnosti ponaÅ”anja zlostavljača, načini suočavanja djece i mladih sa emocionalnim zlostavljanjem, te problemi intervencije u tim slučajevima.The problem of emotional abuse as a separate, independent abuse, or one that accompanies other forms of maltreatment, has become increasingly common in the last decade. The results of research and clinical practice have shown that emotional abuse can have a very severe impact on the child\u27s future. Although the effect might be different from that caused by physical abuse, it is no less serious. Therefore, many practitioners and theoreticians focus their attention on the difficulties in defining, preventing, and locating this form of abuse. Attention is also given to manifestation and intervention in this aspect of abuse. This work will present some difficulties in defining the specific behaviours of abusers, the ways that children and young people cope with emotional abuse, and the problems of intervention in such cases

    The effects of cumulative victimization on psychological distress.

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    Justice-involved women experience significantly higher rates of victimization and psychological distress when compared to the general population. While both childhood victimization and adult Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) both directly contribute to psychological distress, scant research examines the effects of cumulative victimization (both child and adult IPV) across a womanā€™s lifetime on psychological distress. Additionally, a gap in the literature is the investigation of behavior specific mechanisms (self-esteem, social support, coping, and substance use) that may mediate the relationship between victimization and psychological distress. As such, the primary aim of this dissertation was to explore the relationship between cumulative victimization (childhood and adult IPV), the hypothesized mediators (self-esteem, social support, coping, and substance use), and psychological distress among a sample of 406 victimized women on probation and parole. Results of the Structural Equation Model (SEM) indicated a partial mediation model with both direct and indirect effects from the victimization to psychological distress when mediated by self-esteem and coping. Based upon the results of this research, implications for practice are explored specifically regarding targeted treatment models for justice-involved women who are highly victimized and experience significant levels of psychological distress, as both have been found to contribute to womenā€™s involvement in the CJ system

    A Study of Domestic Violence Legislation in Lusaka-Zambia

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    Domestic Violence (DV) against children is a huge concern in Zambia today. It is a violation of rights while negative effects are well established. One way to ensure children are protected is through legislation as it punishes offenders, and protects victims. We assessed the extent to which legislation has achieved the above goals in Lusaka District using qualitative and quantitative methods. Open ended interviews and document analysis were used for data collection. The results showed that; legislation presently does not adequately protect child victims, is not versatile as a deterrent measure; law and policy do not complement and not enough to guarantee protection. Implications include; less confidence in the justice system, increased under reporting and a message sent to perpetrators that DV is acceptable while poverty increases among families because violence makes it harder for them to get out. Key words, Domestic Violence. Legislation. Protect. Children. Victim

    Community Plans to Address Domestic Violence: An Overview of Domestic Violence within the Context of Family and Community Violence

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    The purpose of this article is to review the various conceptual components of the issue of domestic violence by first explicating the numerous challenges to understanding the complexity of this issue. The societal costs from domestic violence within the broader purview of sexual assault, family violence and other violence in the community are described, as well as the challenges of developing community collaboration initiatives to comprehensively address family violence. Highlights are presented from a process evaluation from one community\u27s efforts to develop a community plan for a comprehensive and collaborative family violence approach that encompasses governmental, for-profit and nonprofit sectors. There are three essential components of community system development that are emphasized in addition to sufficient funding levels. They include the need for one specific organization to lead the collaborative effort and the dedication of the leaders of both that organization and other leaders within the community. Also, a cultural shift in attitudes is required from an organizational to a community focus for all persons involved with the effort

    The Moderating Effect of Impression Management on Dating Couplesā€™ Reporting Concordance of Intimate Partner Violence

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    Researchers examining intimate partner violence (IPV) typically collect only one memberā€™s report of both perpetration and victimization of violence. The research that has included both membersā€™ reports of IPV has consistently indicated low levels of agreement between partners on the presence of specific acts of violence. Impression management, which is a respondentā€™s intentional attempt at projecting a positive self-image through minimization of negative aspects of oneself, may be one factor that is contributing to the low level of agreement between partners on the presence of violence. In the current study, both dyad membersā€™ reports of IPV were used to examine the overall level of agreement on reports of psychological and physical IPV and examined whether impression management moderated the level of agreement. Participants included 100 heterosexual dating couples (N = 200). Multilevel modeling demonstrated that the sample of dating college student couples typically agreed about the amount of physical and psychological aggression that occurred in their relationship, and that perpetrator impression management was negatively related to coupleā€™s mean level aggression. Overall, impression management was not related to couple concordance. Implications for future research and treatment are discussed

    Community Plans to Address Domestic Violence: An Overview of Domestic Violence within the Context of Family and Community Violence

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    The purpose of this article is to review the various conceptual components of the issue of domestic violence by first explicating the numerous challenges to understanding the complexity of this issue. The societal costs from domestic violence within the broader purview of sexual assault, family violence and other violence in the community are described, as well as the challenges of developing community collaboration initiatives to comprehensively address family violence. Highlights are presented from a process evaluation from one community\u27s efforts to develop a community plan for a comprehensive and collaborative family violence approach that encompasses governmental, for-profit and nonprofit sectors. There are three essential components of community system development that are emphasized in addition to sufficient funding levels. They include the need for one specific organization to lead the collaborative effort and the dedication of the leaders of both that organization and other leaders within the community. Also, a cultural shift in attitudes is required from an organizational to a community focus for all persons involved with the effort


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    U radu je izneseno nekoliko problema vezanih uz teorijsko obrađivanje pojma emocionalnog zlostavljanja s obzirom na poteÅ”koće definiranja ovog, prema nekim autorima, najsloženijeg oblika zlostavljanja, te s obzirom na poteÅ”koće razgraničavanja, "mjerenja" i kategoriziranja pojedinih pojavnih oblika roditeljskog ponaÅ”anja koja možemo opisati kao emocionalno zlostavljanje. Osim toga u radu su iznesene neke osobitosti emocionalnog zlostavljanja u obiteljima adolescenata, kao i mehanizmi obrane selfa prilikom zlostavljanja djece i adolescenata. Na kraju autor govori o nekim aspektima uloge profesionalnih pomagača u radu s roditeljima čiji odnos s adolescentima ima obilježja emocionalnog zlostavljanja.The paper presents several problems related to the theoretical elaboration of the term emotional abuse regarding the difficulties connected with defining this abuse, which is according to some authors, the most difficult form of abuse and considering the difficulties of its classification, ā€˜measuringā€™ and categorisation of individual manifestations of parental behaviour that can be described as emotional abuse. Apart from that, the paper presents some specific features of emotional abuse in adolescentsā€™ families, as well as the mechanisms of self-defence during the abuse of children and adolescents. In the end the author discusses some aspects of the role of professional helpers in the work with parents whose relation with adolescents shows characteristics of emotional abuse

    Cultural Contexts of Domestic and Juvenile Violence: A Cross-Cultural Perspective from Germany, Turkey and Norway

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    The use of violence by parents in child rearing and acts of juvenile violence, which are often intertwined, up to the present day represent serious developmental, cultural and practical challenges, although the rates of domestic violence show a slight decrease in many European countries. This study examines three selected countries, Norway, Germany and Turkey, on the extent to which experiences of domestic violence and harsh parenting are associated with juvenile violence. For this purpose, 386 German, 386 Turkish and 322 Norwegian juveniles (aged 13 to 20 years) were interviewed at schools in Magdeburg, Germany (in the former GDR), Kayseri (Turkey), and Oslo and Tƶnsberg (Norway) from June 2001 to April 2002, using a standardised questionnaire with 5-point Likert-rating scales. The scales measured maternal violence within the home, family climate, personal and familial risks and variables of juvenile violence (e.g., acceptance of violence, perpetrating violence, and victimisation). The results of this cross-cultural study show significant differences between the three countries examined here regarding both active juvenile violence and the acceptance of violence. Furthermore, both the experience of domestic violence as well as the climate within the family unit points out remarkable differences. Lastly, the results of multiple regression analyses reveals that the proposed model, in which maternal domestic violence, irritability and gender were the predictors of juvenile violence, could explain a great range of variance, especially among German juveniles

    Elderly Welfare and Quality of Life: A qualitative inquiry

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    As the elderly population increases in Malaysia, media-reported spates on elderly abuse and neglect formed the motivation for the study. The objectives of this paper are to showcase the findings on elderly welfare and neglect via two-phase, qualitative design inquiry. The findings revealed that home-cared elderly parents reported a steady quality of life with isolated incidences of neglect. Culture, tradition, and religion play essential roles in elderly care and emotional well-being. Implications from the study evidenced the importance of elderly welfare for societal inclusion and quality of life. Gazetting new policies on elderly welfare are recommended.Keywords: Elderly welfare; Geriatrics; Neglect; Elderly AbuseeISSN: 2398-4287 Ā© 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peerā€“review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i12.174
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