7,400 research outputs found

    Peierls distorted chain as a quantum data bus for quantum state transfer

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    We systematically study the transfer of quantum state of electron spin as the flying qubit along a half-filled Peierls distorted tight-binding chain described by the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, which behaves as a quantum data bus. This enables a novel physical mechanism for quantum communication with always-on interaction: the effective hopping of the spin carrier between sites AA and BB connected to two sites in this SSH chain can be induced by the quasi-excitations of the SSH model. As we prove, it is the Peierls energy gap of the SSH quasi-excitations that plays a crucial role to protect the robustness of the quantum state transfer process. Moreover, our observation also indicates that such a scheme can also be employed to explore the intrinsic property of the quantum system.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    High-Temperature Expansions of Bures and Fisher Information Priors

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    For certain infinite and finite-dimensional thermal systems, we obtain --- incorporating quantum-theoretic considerations into Bayesian thermostatistical investigations of Lavenda --- high-temperature expansions of priors over inverse temperature beta induced by volume elements ("quantum Jeffreys' priors) of Bures metrics. Similarly to Lavenda's results based on volume elements (Jeffreys' priors) of (classical) Fisher information metrics, we find that in the limit beta -> 0, the quantum-theoretic priors either conform to Jeffreys' rule for variables over [0,infinity], by being proportional to 1/beta, or to the Bayes-Laplace principle of insufficient reason, by being constant. Whether a system adheres to one rule or to the other appears to depend upon its number of degrees of freedom.Comment: Six pages, LaTeX. The title has been shortened (and then further modified), at the suggestion of a colleague. Other minor change

    Electron-phonon interaction in ultrasmall-radius carbon nanotubes

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    We perform analysis of the band structure, phonon dispersion, and electron-phonon interactions in three types of small-radius carbon nanotubes. We find that the (5,5) can be described well by the zone-folding method and the electron-phonon interaction is too small to support either a charge-density wave or superconductivity at realistic temperatures. For ultra-small (5,0) and (6,0) nanotubes we find that the large curvature makes these tubes metallic with a large density of states at the Fermi energy and leads to unusual electron-phonon interactions, with the dominant coupling coming from the out-of-plane phonon modes. By combining the frozen-phonon approximation with the RPA analysis of the giant Kohn anomaly in 1d we find parameters of the effective Fr\"{o}lich Hamiltonian for the conduction electrons. Neglecting Coulomb interactions, we find that the (5,5) CNT remains stable to instabilities of the Fermi surface down to very low temperatures while for the (5,0) and (6,0) CNTs a CDW instability will occur. When we include a realistic model of Coulomb interaction we find that the charge-density wave remains dominant in the (6,0) CNT with TCDWT_{\rm CDW} around 5 K while the charge-density wave instability is suppressed to very low temperatures in the (5,0) CNT, making superconductivity dominant with transition temperature around one Kelvin.Comment: 20 pages. Updated 7/23/0

    Manipulating the quantum information of the radial modes of trapped ions: Linear phononics, entanglement generation, quantum state transmission and non-locality tests

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    We present a detailed study on the possibility of manipulating quantum information encoded in the "radial" modes of arrays of trapped ions (i.e., in the ions' oscillations orthogonal to the trap's main axis). In such systems, because of the tightness of transverse confinement, the radial modes pertaining to different ions can be addressed individually. In the first part of the paper we show that, if local control of the radial trapping frequencies is available, any linear optical and squeezing operation on the locally defined modes - on single as well as on many modes - can be reproduced by manipulating the frequencies. Then, we proceed to describe schemes apt to generate unprecedented degrees of bipartite and multipartite continuous variable entanglement under realistic noisy working conditions, and even restricting only to a global control of the trapping frequencies. Furthermore, we consider the transmission of the quantum information encoded in the radial modes along the array of ions, and show it to be possible to a remarkable degree of accuracy, for both finite-dimensional and continuous variable quantum states. Finally, as an application, we show that the states which can be generated in this setting allow for the violation of multipartite non-locality tests, by feasible displaced parity measurements. Such a demonstration would be a first test of quantum non-locality for "massive" degrees of freedom (i.e., for degrees of freedom describing the motion of massive particles).Comment: 21 pages; this paper, presenting a far more extensive and detailed analysis, completely supersedes arXiv:0708.085

    f_B with lattice NRQCD including O(1/m_Q^2) corrections

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    We calculate the heavy-light meson decay constant using lattice NRQCD action for the heavy quark and Wilson quark action for the light quark over a wide range in the heavy quark mass. Simulations are carried out on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with 120 quenched gauge configurations generated with the plaquette action at beta=5.8. For the heavy quark part of the calculation, two sets of lattice NRQCD action and current operator are employed. The first set includes terms up to O(1/m_Q) both in the action and the current operator, and the second set up to O(1/m_Q^2), where m_Q is the bare mass of the heavy quark. Tree-level values with tadpole improvement are employed for the coefficients in the expansion. We compare the results obtained from the two sets in detail and find that the truncation error of higher order relativistic corrections for the decay constant are adequately small around the mass of the b quark. We also calculate the 1S hyperfine splitting of B meson, M_{B_s} - M_B and f_{B_s}/f_B with both sets and find that the 1/m_Q^2 corrections are negligible. Remaining systematic errors and the limitation of NRQCD theory are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, RevTex, psfig.sty require

    Opposing actions of c-ets/PU.1 and c-myb protooncogene products in regulating the macrophage-specific promoters of the human and mouse colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (c-fms) genes

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    The receptor for macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1), the c- fms gene product, is a key determinant in the differentiation of monocytic phagocytes. Dissection of the human and mouse c-fms proximal promoters revealed opposing roles for nuclear protooncogenes in the transcriptional regulation of this gene. On the one hand, c-ets-1, c- ets-2, and the macrophage-specific factor PU.1, but not the ets-factor PEA3, trans-activated the c-fms proximal promoter. On the other hand c- myb repressed proximal promoter activity in macrophages and blocked the action of c-ets-1 and c-ets-2. Basal c-fms promoter activity was almost undetectable in the M1 leukaemia line, which expressed high levels of c- myb, but was activated as cells differentiated in response to leukemia inhibitory factor and expressed c-fms mRNA. The repressor function of c- myb depended on the COOH-terminal domain of the protein. We propose that ets-factors are necessary for the tissue-restricted expression of c-fms and that c-myb acts to ensure correct temporal expression of c- fms during myeloid differentiation

    States for phase estimation in quantum interferometry

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    Ramsey interferometry allows the estimation of the phase ϕ\phi of rotation of the pseudospin vector of an ensemble of two-state quantum systems. For ϕ\phi small, the noise-to-signal ratio scales as the spin-squeezing parameter ξ\xi, with ξ<1\xi<1 possible for an entangled ensemble. However states with minimum ξ\xi are not optimal for single-shot measurements of an arbitrary phase. We define a phase-squeezing parameter, ζ\zeta, which is an appropriate figure-of-merit for this case. We show that (unlike the states that minimize ξ\xi), the states that minimize ζ\zeta can be created by evolving an unentangled state (coherent spin state) by the well-known 2-axis counter-twisting Hamiltonian. We analyse these and other states (for example the maximally entangled state, analogous to the optical "NOON" state ψ>=(N,0>+0,N>)/2|\psi> = (|N,0>+|0,N>)/\sqrt{2}) using several different properties, including ξ\xi, ζ\zeta, the coefficients in the pseudo angular momentum basis (in the three primary directions) and the angular Wigner function W(θ,ϕ)W(\theta,\phi). Finally we discuss the experimental options for creating phase squeezed states and doing single-shot phase estimation.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Engineering cavity-field states by projection synthesis

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    We propose a reliable scheme for engineering a general cavity-field state. This is different from recently presented strategies,where the cavity is supposed to be initially empty and the field is built up photon by photon through resonant atom-field interactions. Here, a coherent state is previously injected into the cavity. So, the Wigner distribution function of the desired state is constructed from that of the initially coherent state. Such an engineering process is achieved through an adaptation of the recently proposed technique of projection synthesis to cavity QED phenomena.Comment: 5 ps pages plus 3 included figure

    Study of relativistic nuclear collisions at AGS energies from p+Be to Au+Au with hadronic cascade model

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    A hadronic cascade model based on resonances and strings is used to study mass dependence of relativistic nuclear collisions from p+Be to Au+Au at AGS energies (\sim 10\AGeV) systematically. Hadron transverse momentum and rapidity distributions obtained with both cascade calculations and Glauber type calculations are compared with experimental data to perform detailed discussion about the importance of rescattering among hadrons. We find good agreement with the experimental data without any change of model parameters with the cascade model. It is found that rescattering is of importance both for the explanation of high transverse momentum tail and for the multiplicity of produced particles.Comment: 27 pages, 30 figure

    Octet Baryon Magnetic Moments in the Chiral Quark Model with Configuration Mixing

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    The Coleman-Glashow sum-rule for magnetic moments is always fulfilled in the chiral quark model, independently of SU(3) symmetry breaking. This is due to the structure of the wave functions, coming from the non-relativistic quark model. Experimentally, the Coleman-Glashow sum-rule is violated by about ten standard deviations. To overcome this problem, two models of wave functions with configuration mixing are studied. One of these models violates the Coleman-Glashow sum-rule to the right degree and also reproduces the octet baryon magnetic moments rather accurately.Comment: 22 pages, RevTe