3,795 research outputs found

    The Experience of Traumatic Stress among Urban Firefighters

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    Findings provide evidence that it is possible for emergency responders to become ‘locked into’ a regular cycle of trauma exposure that includes rapid returns to operationally ready status (i.e. being made available for another turnout immediately, or soon after returning from a previous emergency situation). Without the opportunity to interrupt the emotional reaction of an earlier traumatic response, a downward spiral of inescapable stress response may be instigated and with ongoing exposure. This paper details evidence suggesting the existence of a relationship between the work tasks of the fire fighters and a propensity for certain physiological responses and stress reactions noted during on-the-job research. Sensitivity to such processes may be gradually built up among emergency responders as their career progresses. The work suggests that in addition to instances of critical incident stress, that could be expected among emergency workers, the turn-out mechanism used actually pre-disposes the fire fighters to ongoing traumatic responses

    Activation mechanisms in sodium-doped Silicon MOSFETs

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the conductivity of a silicon MOSFET containing sodium ions in the oxide above 20 K. We find the impurity band resulting from the presence of charges at the silicon-oxide interface is split into a lower and an upper band. We have observed activation of electrons from the upper band to the conduction band edge as well as from the lower to the upper band. A possible explanation implying the presence of Hubbard bands is given.Comment: published in J. Phys. : Condens. Matte

    Evidence for multiple impurity bands in sodium-doped silicon MOSFETs

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    We report measurements of the temperature-dependent conductivity in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor that contains sodium impurities in the oxide layer. We explain the variation of conductivity in terms of Coulomb interactions that are partially screened by the proximity of the metal gate. The study of the conductivity exponential prefactor and the localization length as a function of gate voltage have allowed us to determine the electronic density of states and has provided arguments for the presence of two distinct bands and a soft gap at low temperature.Comment: 4 pages; 5 figures; Published in PRB Rapid-Communication

    The Color-Period Diagram and Stellar Rotational Evolution - New Rotation Period Measurements in the Open Cluster M34

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    We present results from a 5-month photometric survey for stellar rotation periods combined with a 4-year radial-velocity survey for membership and binarity in the 220Myr open cluster M34. We report surface rotation periods for 120 stars, 83 of which are late-type cluster members. A comparison to previous work serves to illustrate the importance of high cadence long baseline photometric observations and membership information. The new M34 periods are less biased against slow rotation and cleaned for non-members. The rotation periods of the cluster members span more than an order of magnitude from 0.5 day up to 11.5 days, and trace two distinct rotational sequences - fast (C) and moderate-to-slow (I) - in the color-period diagram. The sequences represent two different states in the rotational evolution of the late-type cluster members. We use the color-period diagrams for M34 and for younger and older clusters to estimate the timescale for the transition from the C to the I sequence and find ~<150Myr, ~150-300Myr, and ~300-600Myr for G, early-mid K, and late K dwarfs, respectively. The small number of stars in the gap between C and I suggest a quick transition. We estimate a lower limit on the maximum spin-down rate (dP/dt) during this transition to be ~0.06 days/Myr and ~0.08 days/Myr for early and late K dwarfs, respectively. We compare the I sequence rotation periods in M34 and the Hyades for G and K dwarfs and find that K dwarfs spin down slower than the Skumanich rate. We determine a gyrochronology age of 240Myr for M34. We measure the effect of cluster age uncertainties on the gyrochronology age for M34 and find the resulting error to be consistent with the error estimate for the technique. We use the M34 I sequence to redetermine the coefficients in the expression for rotational dependence on color used in gyrochronology (abridged).Comment: 47 pages (12pt, preprint), 14 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ, format of RA coordinates in Table 2 corrected in latest versio

    Distinguishing Among Strong Decay Models

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    Two competing models for strong hadronic decays, the 3P0^3P_0 and 3S1^3S_1 models, are currently in use. Attempts to rule out one or the other have been hindered by a poor understanding of final state interactions and by ambiguities in the treatment of relativistic effects. In this article we study meson decays in both models, focussing on certain amplitude ratios for which the relativistic uncertainties largely cancel out (notably the S/DS/D ratios in b1πωb_1\rightarrow\pi\omega and a1πρa_1\rightarrow\pi\rho), and using a Quark Born Formalism to estimate the final state interactions. We find that the 3P0^3P_0 model is strongly favoured. In addition, we predict a P/FP/F amplitude ratio of 1.6±.21.6\pm .2 for the decay π2πρ\pi_2\rightarrow\pi\rho. We also study the parameter-dependence of some individual amplitudes (as opposed to amplitude ratios), in an attempt to identify a ``best'' version of the 3P0^3P_0 model.Comment: 20 pages, uuencoded postscript file with 7 figures, MIT-CTP-2295; CMU-HEP94-1

    A Comparison of Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation and Evolution on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic and Disordered Graphite Negative Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    The presence and stability of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on graphitic electrodes is vital to the performance of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, the formation and evolution of SEI remain the least understood area in LIBs due to its dynamic nature, complexity in chemical composition, heterogeneity in morphology, as well as lack of reliable in situ/operando techniques for accurate characterization. In addition, chemical composition and morphology of SEI are not only affected by the choice of electrolyte, but also by the nature of the electrode surface. While introduction of defects into graphitic electrodes has promoted their electrochemical properties, how such structural defects influence SEI formation and evolution remains an open question. Here, utilizing nondestructive operando electrochemical atomic force microscopy (EChem-AFM) the dynamic SEI formation and evolution on a pair of representative graphitic materials with and without defects, namely, highly oriented pyrolytic and disordered graphite electrodes, are systematically monitored and compared. Complementary to the characterization of SEI topographical and mechanical changes during electrochemical cycling by EChem-AFM, chemical analysis and theoretical calculations are conducted to provide mechanistic insights underlying SEI formation and evolution. The results provide guidance to engineer functional SEIs through design of carbon materials with defects for LIBs and beyond

    Variation of the hopping exponent in disordered silicon MOSFETs

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    We observe a complex change in the hopping exponent value from 1/2 to 1/3 as a function of disorder strength and electron density in a sodium-doped silicon MOSFET. The disorder was varied by applying a gate voltage and thermally drifting the ions to different positions in the oxide. The same gate was then used at low temperature to modify the carrier concentration. Magnetoconductivity measurements are compatible with a change in transport mechanisms when either the disorder or the electron density is modified suggesting a possible transition from a Mott insulator to an Anderson insulator in these systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Fully Inkjet-Printed Multilayered Graphene-Based Flexible Electrodes for Repeatable Electrochemical Response

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    Graphene has proven to be useful in biosensing applications. However, one of the main hurdles with printed graphene-based electrodes is achieving repeatable electrochemical performance from one printed electrode to another. We have developed a consistent fabrication process to control the sheet resistance of inkjet-printed graphene electrodes, thereby accomplishing repeatable electrochemical performance. Herein, we investigated the electrochemical properties of multilayered graphene (MLG) electrodes fully inkjet-printed (IJP) on flexible Kapton substrates. The electrodes were fabricated by inkjet printing three materials – (1) a conductive silver ink for electrical contact, (2) an insulating dielectric ink, and (3) MLG ink as the sensing material. The selected materials and fabrication methods provided great control over the ink rheology and material deposition, which enabled stable and repeatable electrochemical response: bending tests revealed the electrochemical behavior of these sensors remained consistent over 1000 bend cycles. Due to the abundance of structural defects (e.g., edge defects) present in the exfoliated graphene platelets, cyclic voltammetry (CV) of the graphene electrodes showed good electron transfer (k = 1.125 × 10−2 cm s−1) with a detection limit (0.01 mM) for the ferric/ferrocyanide redox couple, [Fe(CN)6]−3/−4, which is comparable or superior to modified graphene or graphene oxide-based sensors. Additionally, the potentiometric response of the electrodes displayed good sensitivity over the pH range of 4–10. Moreover, a fully IJP three-electrode device (MLG, platinum, and Ag/AgCl) also showed quasi-reversibility compared to a single IJP MLG electrode device. These findings demonstrate significant promise for scalable fabrication of a flexible, low cost, and fully-IJP wearable sensor system needed for space, military, and commercial biosensing applications