524 research outputs found

    Reply to "Comment on "Some implications of the quantum nature of laser fields for quantum computations''''

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    In this revised reply to quant-ph/0211165, I address the question of the validity of my results in greater detail, by comparing my predictions to those of the Silberfarb-Deutsch model, and I deal at greater length with the beam area paradox. As before, I conclude that my previous results are an (order-of-magnitude) accurate estimate of the error probability introduced in quantum logical operations by the quantum nature of the laser field. While this error will typically (for a paraxial beam) be smaller than the total error due to spontaneous emission, a unified treatment of both effects reveals that they lead to formally similar constraints on the minimum number of photons per pulse required to perform an operation with a given accuracy; these constraints agree with those I have derived elsewhere.Comment: A reply to quant-ph/0211165. Added more calculations and discussion, removed some flippanc

    Auxiliary particle theory of threshold singularities in photoemission and X-ray absorption spectra: Test of a conserving T-matrix approximation

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    We calculate the exponents of the threshold singularities in the photoemission spectrum of a deep core hole and its X-ray absorption spectrum in the framework of a systematic many-body theory of slave bosons and pseudofermions (for the empty and occupied core level). In this representation, photoemission and X-ray absorption can be understood on the same footing; no distinction between orthogonality catastrophe and excitonic effects is necessary. We apply the conserving slave particle T-matrix approximation (CTMA), recently developed to describe both Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behavior systems with strong local correlations, to the X-ray problem as a test case. The numerical results for both photoemission and X-ray absorption are found to be in agreement with the exact infrared powerlaw behavior in the weak as well as in the strong coupling regions. We point out a close relation of the CTMA with the parquet equation approach of Nozi{\`e}res et al.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Oxidation and fragmentation of plastics in a changing environment; from UV-radiation to biological degradation

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    Understanding the fate of plastics in the environment is of critical importance for the quantitative assessment of the biological impacts of plastic waste. Specially, there is a need to analyze in more detail the reputed longevity of plastics in the context of plastic degradation through oxidation and fragmentation reactions. Photo-oxidation of plastic debris by solar UV radiation (UVR) makes material prone to subsequent fragmentation. The fragments generated following oxidation and subsequent exposure to mechanical stresses include secondary micro- or nanoparticles, an emerging class of pollutants. The paper discusses the UV-driven photo-oxidation process, identifying relevant knowledge gaps and uncertainties. Serious gaps in knowledge exist concerning the wavelength sensitivity and the dose-response of the photo-fragmentation process. Given the heterogeneity of natural UV irradiance varying from no exposure in sediments to full UV exposure of floating, beach litter or air-borne plastics, it is argued that the rates of UV-driven degradation/fragmentation will also vary dramatically between different locations and environmental niches. Biological phenomena such as biofouling will further modulate the exposure of plastics to UV radiation, while potentially also contributing to degradation and/or fragmentation of plastics independent of solar UVR. Reductions in solar UVR in many regions, consequent to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments for protecting stratospheric ozone, will have consequences for global UV-driven plastic degradation in a heterogeneous manner across different geographic and environmental zones. The interacting effects of global warming, stratospheric ozone and UV radiation are projected to increase UV irradiance at the surface in localized areas, mainly because of decreased cloud cover. Given the complexity and uncertainty of future environmental conditions, this currently precludes reliable quantitative predictions of plastic persistence on a global scale

    On the Spin Gap Phase of Strongly-Correlated Electrons

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    We discuss the possible existence of a spin-gap phase in the low-doping regime of strongly-correlated two-dimensional electrons within the gauge field description of the t-J model. The spin-gap phase was recently shown by Ubbens and Lee to be destroyed by gauge field quantum fluctuations for a single-layer 2D system in the absence of disorder and for a full gap. We show that the same conclusion applies both in the dirty limit and for the case of a gapless spinon condensate.Comment: 7 pages, uuencoded Postscript, including 1 figur

    Josephson Current in the Presence of a Precessing Spin

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    The Josephson current in the presence of a precessing spin between various types of superconductors is studied. It is shown that the Josephson current flowing between two spin-singlet pairing superconductors is not modulated by the precession of the spin. When both superconductors have equal-spin-triplet pairing state, the flowing Josephson current is modulated with twice of the Larmor frequency by the precessing spin. It was also found that up to the second tunneling matrix elements, no Josephson current can occur with only a direct exchange interaction between the localized spin and the conduction electrons, if the two superconductors have different spin-parity pairing states.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Magnetic and lattice polaron in Holstein-t-J model

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    We investigate the interplay between the formation of lattice and magnetic polaron in the case of a single hole in the antiferromagnetic background. We present an exact analytical solution of the Holstein-t-J model in infinite dimensions. Ground state energy, electron-lattice correlation function, spin bag dimension as well as spectral properties are calculated. The magnetic and hole-lattice correlations sustain each other, i.e. the presence of antiferromagnetic correlations favors the formation of the lattice polaron at lower value of the electron-phonon coupling while the polaronic effect contributes to reduce the number of spin defects in the antiferromagnetic background. The crossover towards a spin-lattice small polaron region of the phase diagram becomes a discontinuous transition in the adiabatic limit.Comment: revtex, 8 eps figures included NEW version. Appendix with a full proof include

    Holes in the t-J_z model: a thorough study

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    The t-J_z model is the strongly anisotropic limit of the t-J model which captures some general properties of the doped antiferromagnets (AF). The absence of spin fluctuations simplifies the analytical treatment of hole motion in an AF background and allows us to calculate the single- and two-hole spectra with high accuracy using regular diagram technique combined with real-space approach. At the same time, numerical studies of this model via exact diagonalization (ED) on small clusters show negligible finite size effects for a number of quantities, thus allowing a direct comparison between analytical and numerical results. Both approaches demonstrate that the holes have tendency to pair in the p- and d-wave channels at realistic values of t/J. The interactions leading to pairing and effects selecting p and d waves are thoroughly investigated. The role of transverse spin fluctuations is considered using perturbation theory. Based on the results of the present study, we discuss the pairing problem in the realistic t-J-like model. Possible implications for preformed pairs formation and phase separation are drawn.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    Quantum railroads and directed localization at the juncture of quantum Hall systems

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    The integer quantum Hall effect (QHE) and one-dimensional Anderson localization (AL) are limiting special cases of a more general phenomenon, directed localization (DL), predicted to occur in disordered one-dimensional wave guides called "quantum railroads" (QRR). Here we explain the surprising results of recent measurements by Kang et al. [Nature 403, 59 (2000)] of electron transfer between edges of two-dimensional electron systems and identify experimental evidence of QRR's in the general, but until now entirely theoretical, DL regime that unifies the QHE and AL. We propose direct experimental tests of our theory.Comment: 11 pages revtex + 3 jpeg figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Charge and spin configurations in the coupled quantum dots with Coulomb correlations induced by tunneling current

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    We investigated the peculiarities of non-equilibrium charge states and spin configurations in the system of two strongly coupled quantum dots (QDs) weakly connected to the electrodes in the presence of Coulomb correlations. We analyzed the modification of non-equilibrium charge states and different spin configurations of the system in a wide range of applied bias voltage and revealed well pronounced ranges of system parameters where negative tunneling conductivity appears due to the Coulomb correlations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Why could Electron Spin Resonance be observed in a heavy fermion Kondo lattice?

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    We develop a theoretical basis for understanding the spin relaxation processes in Kondo lattice systems with heavy fermions as experimentally observed by electron spin resonance (ESR). The Kondo effect leads to a common energy scale that regulates a logarithmic divergence of different spin kinetic coefficients and supports a collective spin motion of the Kondo ions with conduction electrons. We find that the relaxation rate of a collective spin mode is greatly reduced due to a mutual cancelation of all the divergent contributions even in the case of the strongly anisotropic Kondo interaction. The contribution to the ESR linewidth caused by the local magnetic field distribution is subject to motional narrowing supported by ferromagnetic correlations. The developed theoretical model successfully explains the ESR data of YbRh2Si2 in terms of their dependence on temperature and magnetic field.Comment: 5pages, 1 Figur