7,046 research outputs found

    Evolution of correlation strength in KxFe(2-y)Se2 superconductor doped with S

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    We report the evolution of thermal transport properties of iron-based superconductor Kx_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 with sulfur substitution at Se sites. Sulfur doping suppresses the superconducting TcT_c as well as the Seebeck coefficient. The Seebeck coefficient of all crystals in the low temperature range can be described very well by diffusive thermoelectric response model. The zero-temperature extrapolated value of Seebeck coefficient divided by temperature S/TS/T gradually decreases from 0.48μV/K2-0.48 \mu V/K^2 to a very small value \sim 0.03 μ\muV/K2^2 where TcT_c is completely suppressed. The normal state electron Sommerfeld term (γn\gamma_n) of specific heat also decreases with the increase of sulfur content. The dcrease of S/TS/T and γn\gamma_n reflects a suppression of the density of states at the Fermi energy, or a change in the Fermi surface that would induce the suppression of correlation strength.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 figures, 1 Table; submitted to Physical Review

    The X-ray Properties of M101 ULX-1 = CXOKM101 J140332.74+542102

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    We report our analysis of X-ray data on M101 ULX-1, concentrating on high state Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. We find that the high state of M101 ULX-1 may have a preferred recurrence timescale. If so, the underlying clock may have periods around 160 or 190 days, or possibly around 45 days. Its short-term variations resemble those of X-ray binaries at high accretion rate. If this analogy is correct, we infer that the accretor is a 20-40 Msun object. This is consistent with our spectral analysis of the high state spectra of M101 ULX-1, from which we find no evidence for an extreme (> 10^40 ergs/s) luminosity. We present our interpretation in the framework of a high mass X-ray binary system consisting of a B supergiant mass donor and a large stellar-mass black hole.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Nernst effect in the electron-doped cuprates

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    We calculate the normal state Nernst signal in the cuprates resulting from a reconstruction of the Fermi surface due to spin density wave order. An order parameter consistent with the reconstruction of the Fermi surface detected in electron-doped materials is shown to sharply enhance the Nernst signal close to optimal doping. Within a semiclassical treatment, the obtained magnitude and position of the enhanced Nernst signal agrees with Nernst measurements in electron-doped cuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, revised version as accepted by Phys. Rev. B, changed several citations and reference

    Thermoelectric studies of KxFe2-ySe2: weakly correlated superconductor

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    We report thermal transport measurement of KxFe2-ySe2 superconducting single crystal. Significant peak anomaly in thermal conductivity is observed at nearly TC/2 indicating a large phonon mean-free-path in the superconducting state. The zero-temperature extrapolated thermoelectric power is smaller than the value in typical strongly correlated superconductors, implying large normalized Fermi temperature. In contrast to other iron superconductors, thermoelectric power in our sample does not exhibit significant anomalies. These findings indicate that KxFe2-ySe2 is a weakly or intermediately correlated superconductor without significant Fermi surface nesting.Comment: Revised version, 5 pages, 5 figures, Will appear in Physical Review

    Thrombin-induced changes in platelet membrane glycoproteins Ib, IX, and IIb-IIIa complex

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    Platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) and the GPIIb-IIIa complex have central roles in the interaction of platelets with the plasma coagulation system, damaged vessel walls, and other platelets. We investigated the effects of thrombin on these glycoproteins. Monoclonal antibodies were used to assess platelet surface glycoproteins by flow cytometry, total platelet glycoprotein content by immunoassay, and glycoproteins released from platelets, also by immunoassay. Five new observations were made with regard to thrombin-induced changes in platelet membrane glycoproteins: (a) The marked decrease in platelet surface binding of antibodies directed at GPIb was not confined to antibodies directed at the von Willebrand factor binding site. (b) There was a marked decrease in platelet surface binding of an antibody directed at GPIX, with maintenance of the 1:1 ratio of platelet surface binding of antibodies directed at GPIb and GPIX. (c) Changes in platelet surface binding of antibodies were not restricted to a distinct subpopulation of platelets. (d) There was no associated platelet release of glycocalicin (a proteolytic fragment of GPIb). (e) There was no associated platelet release of the GPIIb-IIIa complex. These thrombin-induced changes may be important in modulating the reactivity of platelets with the damaged vessel wall and with each other

    Submerged in the mainstream? A case study of an immigrant learner in a New Zealand primary classroom

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    Immigrant children from diverse language backgrounds face not only linguistic challenges when enrolled in mainstream English-medium classrooms, but also difficulties adjusting to an unfamiliar learning community. The culture of primary school classrooms in New Zealand typically reflects conventions across three dimensions: interactional, instructional task performance and cognitive-academic development. All three dimensions are underpinned by the culturally specific discourse conventions involved in language socialisation. New learners may be helped by classmates or their teacher to understand and successfully use these conventions, but left on their own they may sink rather than swim. This is a case study of one Taiwanese 11-year old boy, 'John', who entered a New Zealand primary classroom midway through the school year. John's basic conversational ability was sound, but he did not possess the interactive classroom skills needed to operate in the new culture of learning. Selected from a wider study of the classroom, transcript data from audio-recorded excerpts of John's interactions over several months with his teacher and classmates are interpreted from perspectives derived from sociocultural and language socialisation theories. The article concludes with a brief consideration of the extent to which John constructed, or was constrained from constructing meaningful learning experiences, and suggestions for further research and reflection

    Identification of diverse database subsets using property-based and fragment-based molecular descriptions

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    This paper reports a comparison of calculated molecular properties and of 2D fragment bit-strings when used for the selection of structurally diverse subsets of a file of 44295 compounds. MaxMin dissimilarity-based selection and k-means cluster-based selection are used to select subsets containing between 1% and 20% of the file. Investigation of the numbers of bioactive molecules in the selected subsets suggest: that the MaxMin subsets are noticeably superior to the k-means subsets; that the property-based descriptors are marginally superior to the fragment-based descriptors; and that both approaches are noticeably superior to random selection

    Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification

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    Grammar convergence is a method that helps discovering relationships between different grammars of the same language or different language versions. The key element of the method is the operational, transformation-based representation of those relationships. Given input grammars for convergence, they are transformed until they are structurally equal. The transformations are composed from primitive operators; properties of these operators and the composed chains provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the relationships between the grammars at hand. We describe a refined method for grammar convergence, and we use it in a major study, where we recover the relationships between all the grammars that occur in the different versions of the Java Language Specification (JLS). The relationships are represented as grammar transformation chains that capture all accidental or intended differences between the JLS grammars. This method is mechanized and driven by nominal and structural differences between pairs of grammars that are subject to asymmetric, binary convergence steps. We present the underlying operator suite for grammar transformation in detail, and we illustrate the suite with many examples of transformations on the JLS grammars. We also describe the extraction effort, which was needed to make the JLS grammars amenable to automated processing. We include substantial metadata about the convergence process for the JLS so that the effort becomes reproducible and transparent

    When to stay, when to go: trade-offs for southern African arid-zone birds in times of drought

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    Arid environments remind one of the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution : they experience long periods of stasis and low productivity, interrupted with episodic rainfall which spurs reproduction and movement. Birds, as highly dispersive organisms, are among the most dramatic indicators of these fluctuations. Here we review birds' two main strategies, residency and nomadism, and the trade-offs faced by individuals in uncertain times. In general, wet years stimulate higher densities of nests (i.e. smaller territories), larger clutch sizes, unseasonal breeding, and at some times of year, higher breeding success. Rainfall above a certain threshold triggers breeding in resident species and an influx of nomadic species which breed and then move on. The environmental cues which trigger nomadism are sometimes poorly understood, but include distant thunderstorms for aquatic species, and perhaps for insectivores. Environmental cues that draw nomadic granivores to areas that have had recent rain are not known