130 research outputs found

    Different ways of using space: traces of domestic and ritual activities at a Late Neolithic settlement at Sormás-Török-földek

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    The present paper studies questions of the use of space in various ways on the basis of data obtained from a site at Sormás-Török-földek. The significance of this site lies in the fact that two enclosures were excavated here which differ in character, but which are in a close relationship physically and chronologically. They demonstrate precisely the radical change, which took place in the mode of space-use, representing two important stages of the progression as a result of which the separation of territories used for domestic and ritual activities were physically manifested.V članku predstavljamo različna vprašanja o rabi prostora na različne načine, in sicer na podlagi podatkov iz najdišča Sormás-Török-földek. Najdišče ima poseben pomen predvsem zato, ker sta bili tukaj odkriti dve ogradi, ki imata različne značilnosti, vendar sta v tesni povezavi tako fizično kot kronološko. Predstavljata natanko tisto radikalno spremembo, ki se je zgodila v načinu rabe prostora, in dve pomembni fazi napredovanja, zaradi katerega se kažejo dejanske ločitve prostorov za gospodinjske in ritualne dejavnosti

    Milyen két CODA gyermek siket szülőjének lenni?

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    Ebben a cikkben arról mesélek, milyen érzés CODA gyermekek édesanyjának lenni. Miben más számunkra, Siket emberek számára a gyereknevelés? Milyen szépségei és milyen nehézségei vannak a szülői létnek

    A nemzetközi adásvételi szerződések joggyakorlatának aktuális kérdései

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    Az alternatív vitarendezés helye a jogrendszerben

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    The beneficial effects of rosmarinic acid on a non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of rosmarinic acid (RA) on a porcine, non-tumorigenic IPEC-J2 enterocyte cell line. The cell viability was tested with MTS assay and the transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) values were measured to determine the changes of the membrane integrity. The extracellular H2O2 production was analyzed with Amplex Red assay. The results show that the RA was not cytotoxic in low concentrations up to 100 uM. At 50 uM concentration RA promoted cell proliferation and did not cause significant increase in H2O2 production

    Cryopreservation of gander semen in cryovials – Comparative study

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    The aim of the study was to find a practical and inexpensive method for freezing goose semen for use in routine inseminations under farm conditions. Two basic freezing protocols [(1) dynamic, programmable freezing and (2) static, nitrogen vapour method] were evaluated with varying concentrations of dimethylformamide (DMF) plus additional osmoprotectants such as betaine, trehalose, and sucrose, using cryovials as containers. Altogether eight different treatments were compared. sperm viability before freezing and after thawing was examined by in vitro tests and, in the case of the simplest effective method, also by in vivo fertility test. There were no significant differences in sperm survival either in the dynamic (48–50%) or in the static protocol (43–46%), except for the treatment where the lowest DMF concentration was used without any osmoprotectant in the dynamic protocol (42.6%). The addition of osmoprotectants did not improve thawed sperm viability in any case. Fertility with frozen/thawed sperm using the simplest method was 58.5%, while that obtained with fresh, diluted semen was 66.9%. The study proved that the simple freezing of gander semen in nitrogen vapour with 9% DMF in cryovials could produce acceptable fertility. The newly elaborated method can be successfully used for routine inseminations by small- and large-scale goose breeders