27 research outputs found

    Mothering After Suicide: The Poetry of Susan J. Woitas

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    A Review of Peer Support for Suicide Bereavement as a Postvention Alternative

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    Peer support is acknowledged as a cornerstone in recovery from mental illness and addictions; yet its applicability for survivors of suicide has not been explored. Most postvention programs consist of professionally led individual and group counseling services. Alternatives to traditional professional counseling interventions are reported in the mental health peer support literature. We examine the postvention literature and the related mental health literature on peer support programs to determine their relevance and applicability. This report considers peer support provided as a postvention option or supplied in tandem with conventional professional services. Finally, we examine this as an intervention that also needs to be documented by quantitative and qualitative methods so that the presumptions and hesitations about its efficaciousness with suicide survivors can be documented

    Performance Benchmarks for Screening Mammography

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    PURPOSE: To retrospectively evaluate the range of performance outcomes of the radiologist in an audit of screening mammography by using a representative sample of U.S. radiologists to allow development of performance benchmarks for screening mammography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained, and study was HIPAA compliant. Informed consent was or was not obtained according to institutional review board guidelines. Data from 188 mammographic facilities and 807 radiologists obtained between 1996 and 2002 were analyzed from six registries from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC). Contributed data included demographic information, clinical findings, mammographic interpretation, and biopsy results. Measurements calculated were positive predictive values (PPVs) from screening mammography (PPV(1)), biopsy recommendation (PPV(2)), biopsy performed (PPV(3)), recall rate, cancer detection rate, mean cancer size, and cancer stage. Radiologist performance data are presented as 50th (median), 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles and as graphic presentations by using smoothed curves. RESULTS: There were 2 580 151 screening mammographic studies from 1 117 390 women (age range, /=80 years). The respective means and ranges of performance outcomes for the middle 50% of radiologists were as follows: recall rate, 9.8% and 6.4%-13.3%; PPV(1), 4.8% and 3.4%-6.2%; and PPV(2), 24.6% and 18.8%-32.0%. Mean cancer detection rate was 4.7 per 1000, and the median [corrected] mean size of invasive cancers was 13 mm. The range of performance outcomes for the middle 80% of radiologists also was presented. CONCLUSION: Community screening mammographic performance measurements of cancer outcomes for the majority of radiologists in the BCSC surpass performance recommendations. Recall rate for almost half of radiologists, however, is higher than the recommended rate

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Compte rendu de "Cultural Variations in Psychopathology: From Research to Practice"

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    This is an edited book that aims to enhance understanding about the intersection of migration, culture, and psychopathology. The book presents research projects, literature reviews, and theoretical frameworks that address cultural variations in psychopathology. This review will provide a summary and critical analysis of the various chapters that address topics related to neuroscience, emotion regulation, diagnosis, and intervention. While the chapters in the book are rich in information and present detailed background literature that is current and relevant, the limitation o fthe book is its underrepresentation of discussions by the authors on how the research findings can be translated into practice.Cet ouvrage édité vise à mieux faire comprendre l’intersection entre migration, culture, et psychopathologie. On y présente des projets de recherche, des recensements de la littérature, et des cadres théoriques portant sur des variations culturelles de la psychopathologie. Ce compte rendu sert de résumé et d’analyse critique des divers chapitres sur des sujets ayant trait à la neuroscience, à la régulation des émotions, au diagnostic, et à l’intervention. Bien que les chapitres de l’ouvrage soient riches en information et qu’on y présente en détail de la littérature d’appui à jour et pertinente, les limites du livre resident dans le manque de discussion de la part des auteurs sur la façon de traduire dans la pratique ces résultats de recherche

    Mothering as a Psychlogical Process: A Grounded Theory Exploration

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize the psychological experience of mothering. By asking the broad research question, "What are the psychological processes women experience as they move from childlessness through the first twelve years of mothering?," a grounded theory was developed representing the processes of mothering. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 11 mothers who had one or more children under 12 years of age. The grounded theory is comprised of two linear time dimensions, Engagement and Immersion. Predominant psychological processes associated with each dimension were identified and counselling implications are discussed.Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire l'expérience psychologique du maternage. En posant la question—dans son sens le plus large "Quels sont les processus psychologiques vécus par les femmes lorsqu'elles se trouvent confrontées aux changements apportés par le maternage des douze premières années," on a pu élaborer une théorie à base empirique représentant les processus du maternage. O n a soumis à des interviews non structurées 11 mères ayant un enfant ou plus âgé de moins de 12 ans. Cette théorie à base empirique comprend deux dimensions à temps linéaire, l'Engagement et l'Immersion. Les processus psychologiques prédominants associés à chaque dimension ont été identifiés et les implications pour le counseling sont discutées

    Delivering Counsellor Training to First Nations: Emerging Issues

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    This paper reports on the preliminary findings of a review of the outcomes of counsellor training programs on two First Nations communities in southern Alberta. Two general themes emerged as prevalent, namely, the continuing influence of the past, and the struggle for cultural survival. This study has indicated that significant modifications are required to the curriculum delivered. However, the data challenge the assumption of a deficit in the relevance and quality of counsellor training provided to First Nations students, suggesting cause for optimism and ongoing collaboration in counsellor education and training between post-secondary institutions and First Nations communities.Cet article étudie les conclusions préliminaires d'une étude sur les résultats des programmes de formation de conseillers dans deux communautés autochtones du sud de l'Alberta. Deux thèmes généraux principaux se dégagent : l'influence continue du passé et le combat pour la survie culturelle. Cette étude indique que des modifications substantielles devront être apportées au curriculum proposé. Néanmoins, les données remettent en question la présomption d'une qualité et d'une pertinence insuffisantes de la formation de conseiller offerte aux étudiants autochtones. Ceci est de bon augure pour une collaboration continue entre les institutions du postsecondaire et les communautés autochtones, en ce qui concerne l'éducation et la formation des conseillers

    Peer Collaboration: A Model to Support Counsellor Self-Care

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    In the context of a larger case study on how continuous learning in the workplace could be achieved through the implementation of peer collaboration, the process of how counsellors engaged in self-care within a large health care organization became clearer. This article isbased on data derived from a qualitative analysis of nine transcribed audiotaped meetings of the Counselling Trio, a group of three grief counsellors in a large urban health region. By describing the formation of the peer collaboration groups, the processes that led to the Counselling Trio’s successful collaboration, and the impact of the experience on the three participants, we attempt to illustrate how peer collaboration can be used as a forum for self-care among grief counsellors. We conclude with a critical reflection on the potentialof peer collaboration as a vehicle for organizational support of counsellor self-care.Dans le contexte d'une plus vaste étude de cas sur la façon de réaliser l'apprentissage continu dans le milieu de travail en appliquant une collaboration entre pairs, le processus expliquant comment les conseillers s'engagent dans l’autotraitement au sein d'une vaste organisation de soins de santé est devenu plus clair. Cet article est basé sur des données dérivées d'une analyse qualitative de neuf transcriptions audio de rencontres du Counselling Trio, un groupe de conseillers de personnes en deuil dans une vaste région urbaine de soins de santé. En décrivant la formation des groupes de collaboration entre pairs, les processus qui ont mené à une collaboration réussie entre les membres du Counselling Trio, et les effets de l'expérience sur les trois participants, nous tentons d'illustrer comment la collaboration entre pairs peut être utilisée comme forum d'autotraitement parmi des conseillers de personnes en deuil. Nous concluons par une réflexion critique sur le potentiel de la collaboration entre pairs comme véhicule du soutien organisationnel de l'autotraitement des conseillers