15 research outputs found

    Association of a non-synonymous substitution in the condensin NCAPG gene with traits of eggs in laying hens

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    One of the most important areas of research in the biology and genetics of farmed animals is one of identification of genes controlling the expression of traits with practical importance for animal breeding. For most of these characteristic features, wide variation in gene expression in specific loci, which are called quantitative trait loci (QTL), is typical. Eggs have been researched for decades due to their importance for the reproduction of birds, as well as for its widespread use in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Breeding hens and cross-lines is a necessary step for producing eggs with desired quality. The results of this work are recommended for use to create systems of molecular markers for marker selection of layers and obtain new lines and cross hens with larger mass eggs. Compared to existing conventional systems of selecting layers on this basis, this will eliminate the assessment of the genotype of male progeny, which will significantly reduce breeding time. The system of markers will appear as a set of primers for detection of gene alleles that have a significant impact on the characteristics as above. The use of the molecular markers of high-performance systems for direct selection on the basis of domestic chicken eggs would lead to substantial progress in biotechnology poultry and help avoid having to purchase similar systems from outside the country. The association of the condensin NCAPG gene with the egg traits of domestic chicken has been studied. Associations of the SNP alleles of the rs14491030 marker localized in exon 8 of the NCAPG gene with the trait “the weight eggs”, p < 0.001, as well as with the elastic deformation of the egg shell, p < 0.026, have been found. It has been found that a single nucleotide nonsynonymous A G substitution leads to a significant increase in egg weight. The marker SNP rs14491030 with the observed significant effect on the trait «egg weight» can be recommended for use in breeding of laying hens. Calculations of the relative fitness of genotypes of the marker SNP rs14491030  suggest natural selection for heterozygotes. The results obtained are discussed in connection with the role of the canonical condensin complex in the compaction of chromatin and segregation of chromosomes


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    The  ?ndings  of  this  research  suggest  that  there  are  different  points  of  view  on  the interpretation outcomes of emotions experienced in juvenility as appraised by foreign and native psychologists. One of the essential questions analyzed in this paper is the role of interpersonal relationships in the individual’s life activity. The authors emphasize that juvenility is the age of inner power growth of the personality which manifests itself as a sign of the individuality. It was demonstrated that one of the most vivid indicants of the ef?cacy of the relations is the stability of emotional manifestations.  To observe the type of correlations between emotions and relations a sample of 30 young boys and girls was selected. These participants were assessed with the help of the following tests: “the diagnostics of the obstacles in the emotional establishing contacts” and “the diagnostics of interpersonal relationships”. The analysis of the research ?ndings proved the hypothesis that emotional manifestations are linked to certain relationships in the group. It was also found that the most signi?cant obstacles in establishing the emotional contacts are the lack of the ability to manage one’s emotions and an inadequate manifestation of emotions. The authors state that a more emotionally balanced personality maintains contacts easily with surrounding people.Рассмотрена проблема особенностей проявления характеристик эмоциональной сферы личности в межличностных отношениях в юношеском возрасте. Освещены вопросы  понимания  эмоций  на  основании  подходов  разных  зарубежных  и отечественных  психологов,  а  также  особенностей  формирования  межличностных отношений  юношей.  Выявление  механизмов  и  характера  связи  эмоциональной сферы личности с её межличностными взаимоотношениями рассматривается на материале исследования эмоциональной сферы 30 юношей и девушек.Розглянуто проблему особливостей прояву характеристик емоційної сфери особистості в міжособистісних стосунках у юнацькому віці. Висвітлено питання розуміння емоцій на підставі підходів різних зарубіжних та вітчизняних психологів, а також особливостей формування міжособистісних стосунків юнаків. Виявлення механізмів та характеру зв’язку емоційної сфери особистості з її міжособистісними відносинами розглядається на матеріалі дослідження емоційної сфери 30 юнаків та дівчат


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    The issues related to the use of RFID technology in the supply chains of the fashion industry have been considered. The prospects of using this technology in the supply chains of the fashion industry are related to a number of features that characterize the industry. Such features include a high product range and its rapid turnover, rapid changes in purchasing preferences, and the need to respond quickly to changes in consumer demand. Traditionally, RFID technology is used to identify data in warehouse logistics or company distribution system, but the scope of application of this technology in the fashion industry is constantly expanding. The technology can be used to increase the transparency and security of supply chains, marketing research and in other areas. It has been also emphasized that the joint application of RFID technology with other digital technologies, such as blockchain, is promising. Some restrictions related to the application of technology in the industry have been also highlighted

    Порівняльна характеристика адаптаційних можливостей серцево-судинної системи при різних методах знеболювання у хворих із скелетною травмою на догоспітальному етапі

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    According to the results of a retrospective analysis of 53 victims with orthopedic trauma there was found out that the number of patients who had not been anaesthetized during the pre-hospital period was 19.9 %. There were also patients who had different kinds of anesthesia. 49.0 % - non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 11.3% - narcotic analgesics, 20.8 % - multimodalanalgesia. Hemodynamic parameters in a group of patients who hadn’t been anaesthetized and in NSAIDs groupwere determined by hyperdynamic type. It indicates about insufficient pain relief at this stage of care.За результатами ретроспективного аналізу 53 потерпілих із скелетною травмою виявлено, що кількість хворих, які не отримували знеболювальних препаратів на догоспітальному етапі, склала 19,9 %. Серед тих, які отримували знеболювальні препарати, 49,0 % хворих – нестероїдні протизапальні засоби (НПЗЗ), 11,3 % пацієнтів – наркотичні анальгетики, 20,8 % хворих – мультимодальну аналгезію. Гемодинамічні показники у групі хворих, які не отримували знеболювальних препаратів, та у групі знеболювання НПЗЗ визначались за гіпердинамічним типом, що свідчить про недостатній рівень знеболювання на даному етапі допомоги


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    The non-commodity exports development issues from the Russian Federation to foreign countries have been considered. The main barriers, constraining the development of non-commodity exports have been analyzed. Also the classification of such “barriers of ignorance” has been developed and the measures, allowing to reduce the impact of these barriers have been proposed: creation of an electronic commercial site; creation of multifunctional centers, in which certification and licensing procedures would be carried out, customs and tax сonsultancy to potential exporters, advice and assistance in obtaining the necessary permission documentation in foreign countries; сounselling on the correct execution of foreign economic contracts to avoid double taxation and transfer pricing and other measures

    Haplotype structure and copy number polymorphism of the beta-defensin 7 genes in diverse chicken breeds

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    Beta-defensins is a family of avian peptides related to the innate immune system. Copy number variation was recently reported for the avian beta-defensin 7 gene (AvBD7) between the highly inbred Leghorn and Fayoumi lines. Here, we examined copy number variants in 35 different chicken breeds and found that 31 of them have at least the same representation of the duplicated AvBD7 allele. We also found haplotypes upstream of the AvBD6 regions that are strongly linked to the AvBD7 duplication. We observed a strong linkage disequilibrium spanning of the upstream region of the AvBD6 gene, with two SNPs being flanking markers to detect duplication of the AvBD7

    Unmanned aerial vehicles: potential for use in the storage systems of industrial companies

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    In the article, the authors investigate the problem of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in company warehouses and consider their use as one of the ways to optimize the logistics business processes of companies. Technologies are considered, on the basis of which modern unmanned aerial vehicles, drone models of various companies, the main functionality of drone’s work. The authors high-light the strengths and weaknesses of unmanned aerial vehicles, key factors determining the success of the use of drones, and favorable conditions for their use in warehouses. The authors are considering the possibility of sharing drones and RFID technology. Barriers to the active introduction of drones into the logistics business processes of warehousing systems and requirements for warehouse complexes planning the use of unmanned aerial objects have been identified. Promising areas of application of technology in warehouse logistics are also considered: creation of anti-theft and fire protection systems, using drones to read CIS marks. The authors used data from analytical reports and data collected by the authors themselves, as well as empirical research methods


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    The study was conducted to evaluate the activity parameters of local and systemic inflammation in women suffering from bronchial asthma (BA). 119 women with asthma were studied, and 48 with a regular menstrual cycle and 71 in menopause; 38,7% of BA was mild, 61,3% – moderate severity. All patients were examined in the remission phase of the disease. On the background of normal values of conventional indicators of inflammation it was showed a significant increase of IL 1 alpha and IL 8 more in the group of women with regular menstrual cycles and normal body weight, IL1 alpha amounted to 489±80 pg/ml and IL8 – 631±122 pg/ml (p<0.05), which emphasizes the role of hormonal status of patients, and also the necessity of using the basic anti-inflammatory therapy during remission of BA.Исследование проведено с целью оценки активности параметров местного и системного воспаления у женщин, страдающих бронхиальной астмой (БА). Исследованы 119 больных БА женщин, из них 48 с регулярным менструальным циклом и 71 в менопаузе, у 38,7% БА была легкой степени; у 61,3% - средней тяжести. Все больные обследовались в фазу ремиссии заболевания. На фоне нормальных значений общепринятых показателей воспаления выявлено значительное повышение IL 1альфа и IL8 больше, в группе женщин с регулярным менструальным циклом и нормальной массой тела, IL1 альфа составил 489±80 pg/ml, а IL8- 631±122 pg/ml p<0,05, что подчеркивает роль гормонального статуса пациенток, а также необходимость использования базисной противовоспалительной терапии во время ремиссии БА

    Overview of genes associated with egg productivity and resistance of domestic hen

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    At present, the most poorly understood factor affecting the quality of the eggs is the condition of the intestinal microflora and its changes under the influence of various feed additives. As candidate genes for expression analysis in real-time under different feeding regime were chosen genes influencing immunity and productivity of poultry largely associated with egg productivity. To study the expression profiles in the tissues of the oviduct and intestine were selected genes that are positional candidates for performance traits of laying hens, such as egg weight, egg production, elastic deformation of the eggshell, eggshell thickness encoding the following proteins : apocalixis-32 (OCX32), vocalising-36 (OCX-36), ovocleidin-116 (OC-116), the receptor of very low density lipoproteins (VLDLR), vitellogenin (VTG), Riboflavin-binding protein (RBP), cellular retinolbinding proteins (CRBPs), avidin (AVD), ovalbumin, CaBP-D28k. To study the effects of probiotics and phytobiotic on the immune system of laying hens has been selected genes encoding defense peptides (HDPS), comprising a large group of natural broad-spectrum antibiotics and play an important role in the immune response in almost all forms of life

    Investigation of pseudoautosomal and bordering regions in avian Z and W chromosomes with the use of large insert genomic BAC clones

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    To study pseudoautosomal and bordering regions in the avian Z and W chromosomes, we used seven BAC clones from genomic libraries as DNA probes of fragments of different gametologs of the ATP5A1 gene located close to the proximal border of the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of sex chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail. Localization of BAC clones TAM31-b100C09, TAM31-b99N01, TAM31-b27P16, and TAM31-b95L18 in the short arm of Z chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail (region Zp23-p22) and localization of the BAC clones CHORI-261-CH46G16, CHORI-261-CH33F10, and CHORI-261-CH64F22 on W chromosomes of these species and in the short arm of Z chromosomes (region Zp23-p22) were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with the use of W-specific probes. The difference in the localization of the BAC clones on the Z and W chromosomes is probably explained by divergence of the nucleotide sequences of different sex chromosomes located beyond the pseudoautosomal region