69 research outputs found

    Using data assimilation to study extratropical Northern Hemisphere climate over the last millennium

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    Climate proxy data provide noisy, and spatially incomplete information on some aspects of past climate states, whereas palaeosimulations with climate models provide global, multi-variable states, which may however differ from the true states due to unpredictable internal variability not related to climate forcings, as well as due to model deficiencies. Using data assimilation for combining the empirical information from proxy data with the physical understanding of the climate system represented by the equations in a climate model is in principle a promising way to obtain better estimates for the climate of the past. <br><br> Data assimilation has been used for a long time in weather forecasting and atmospheric analyses to control the states in atmospheric General Circulation Models such that they are in agreement with observation from surface, upper air, and satellite measurements. Here we discuss the similarities and the differences between the data assimilation problem in palaeoclimatology and in weather forecasting, and present and conceptually compare three data assimilation methods that have been developed in recent years for applications in palaeoclimatology. All three methods (selection of ensemble members, Forcing Singular Vectors, and Pattern Nudging) are illustrated by examples that are related to climate variability over the extratropical Northern Hemisphere during the last millennium. In particular it is shown that all three methods suggest that the cold period over Scandinavia during 1790–1820 is linked to anomalous northerly or easterly atmospheric flow, which in turn is related to a pressure anomaly that resembles a negative state of the Northern Annular Mode

    The impact of climate change on the critical weather conditions at Schiphol airport (Impact)

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    Schiphol is van groot belang voor de economische positie van Nederland. De luchthaven is erg gevoelig voor kritieke weersomstandigheden zoals mist, intensieve neerslag en hevige wind. Als gevolg van klimaatverandering verwachten we dat ook de variabiliteit van het weer op de luchthaven en de frequentie en intensiteit van kritieke weersomstandigheden zullen veranderen, maar een precieze kwantificering daarvan ontbreekt. De belangrijkste doelstelling van dit project is daarom het verstrekken en demonstreren van het volgende generatie weer‐ en klimaatmodel HARMONIE. Dit is een nieuw model dat beter geschikt lijkt om het effect van klimaatverandering op lokale kritieke weersomstandigheden op de luchthaven te kwantificeren en te begrijpen. Bovendien zal kennis uit dit project worden gebruikt om de kwaliteit van onze huidige en toekomstige weersvoorspellingen te verbeteren. In dit project wordt het potentieel van het HARMONIE model, om meer gedetailleerdere en nauwkeurigere weersvoorspellingen voor luchthaven Schiphol te leveren dan ons huidige operationele weermodel HIRLAM, nagegaan in het huidige klimaat

    Circulation dynamics and its influence on European and Mediterranean January–April climate over the past half millennium: results and insights from instrumental data, documentary evidence and coupled climate models

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    Computing Optimal Model Perturbations: A Constraint Optimization Problem

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    1 Introduction In this paper we discuss the efficient numerical solution of the following constraint optimization problem. Let A be a linear map from X = Rnp into Y = Rn. The linear map A can be written in block form A = \Gamma A1 A2... Ap \Delta. (1) We think of the space X as p copies of Rn, and write vectors in X as x = (xT1, xT2,..., xTp)T, where all xi are in Rn. Now we would like to find the maximum value of xT AT Ax over all vectors x 2 X that satisfy the constraint ||xi| | < = 1 for i = 1,..., p. We are particularly interested in cases where n is large. The constraint optimization problem can also be formulated in the following way: fin