24,980 research outputs found

    A square-well model for the structural and thermodynamic properties of simple colloidal systems

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    A model for the radial distribution function g(r)g(r) of a square-well fluid of variable width previously proposed [S. B. Yuste and A. Santos, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 101}, 2355 (1994)] is revisited and simplified. The model provides an explicit expression for the Laplace transform of rg(r)rg(r), the coefficients being given as explicit functions of the density, the temperature, and the interaction range. In the limits corresponding to hard spheres and sticky hard spheres the model reduces to the analytical solutions of the Percus-Yevick equation for those potentials. The results can be useful to describe in a fully analytical way the structural and thermodynamic behavior of colloidal suspensions modeled as hard-core particles with a short-range attraction. Comparison with computer simulation data shows a general good agreement, even for relatively wide wells.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; Figs. 4 and 5 changed, Fig. 6 new; to be published in J. Chem. Phy

    Theoretical three-and four-axis gimbal robot wrists

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    In high-performance flight simulations, a four-axis gimbal system allows all possible rotations with acceptable gimbal angle rates while it avoids the so-callled 'gimbal lock' that occurs when gimbal rotational axes are colinear. In this paper, pertinent equations (including quaternions) are assembled for a hypothetical robot wrist, functionally equivalent to this four-axis gimbal system, and also for a true three-axis gimbal robot wrist. These equations are used to simulate the rotation of a robot hand by the robot wrist in response to operator rotational velocity commands to the robot hand. Near gimbal lock (wrist singularity), excessive rotational rates occur. Scaling the rates, which is necessary for the three-gimbal robot wrist to prevent rate limiting, introduces an undesirable time delay in the robot hand rotation with respect to the commanded rotation. However, the merit of the four-gimbal robot wrist is that the fourth gimbal angle keeps the robot wrist away from the singularity so that the robot hand moves exactly as commanded. It appears that in a 'worst-type' maneuver of the robot hand, the fourth gimbal angle can be defined so that none of the gimbal angle rates exceed about twice the commanded rates

    Heat capacity of square-well fluids of variable width

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    We have obtained by Monte Carlo NVT simulations the constant-volume excess heat capacity of square-well fluids for several temperatures, densities and potential widths. Heat capacity is a thermodynamic property much more sensitive to the accuracy of a theory than other thermodynamic quantities, such as the compressibility factor. This is illustrated by comparing the reported simulation data for the heat capacity with the theoretical predictions given by the Barker-Henderson perturbation theory as well as with those given by a non-perturbative theoretical model based on Baxter's solution of the Percus-Yevick integral equation for sticky hard spheres. Both theories give accurate predictions for the equation of state. By contrast, it is found that the Barker-Henderson theory strongly underestimates the excess heat capacity for low to moderate temperatures, whereas a much better agreement between theory and simulation is achieved with the non-perturbative theoretical model, particularly for small well widths, although the accuracy of the latter worsens for high densities and low temperatures, as the well width increases.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; figures now include additional perturbation data; to be published in Mol. Phy

    A design study of hydrazine and biowaste resistojets

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    A generalized modeling program was adapted in BASIC on a personal computer to compare the performance of four types of biowaste resistojets and two types of hydrazine augmenters. Analyzed biowaste design types were: (1) an electrically conductive ceramic heater-exchanger of zirconia; (2) a truss heater of platinum in cross flow; (3) an immersed bicoiled tubular heater-exchanger; and (4) a nonexposed, refractory metal, radiant heater in a central cavity within a heat exchanger case. Concepts 2 and 3 are designed to have an efficient, stainless steel outer pressure case. The hydrazine design types are: (5) an immersed bicoil heater exchanger and (6) a nonexposed radiant heater now with a refractory metal case. The ceramic biowaste resistojet has the highest specific impulse growth potential at 2000 K of 192.5 (CO2) and 269 s (H2O). The bicoil produces the highest augmenter temperature of 1994 K for a 2073 K heater giving 317 s at .73 overall efficiency. Detailed temperature profiles of each of the designs are shown. The scaled layout drawings of each are presented with recommended materials and fabrication methods

    Photometry, spectrophotometry and polarimetry of comet P/Encke during fall of 1979

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    Broadband S-20, B and V magnitudes of P/Encke were obtained with the digital area photometer, using an Image Dissector Scanner (IDS) detector on the 2.7 m telescope at McDonald Observatory during August 1979. The notation V(S-20) is used for S-20 magnitudes transformed to V magnitudes. The variation in the V(S20) magnitudes (26, 5 minute integrations) on the best photometric night (21 August) was small and random indicating either a lack of rotational albedo variations or, more likely, a masking of the nucleus by the outburst activity. A spectrum covering the region from 3630 to 4900 A at a resolution of 5 A was obtained on 27 August with the IDS spectrograph. The spectrum was featureless, showing no emission at the CN or CO+ wavelengths

    Prelaunch absolute radiometric calibration of the reflective bands on the LANDSAT-4 protoflight Thematic Mapper

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    The results of the absolute radiometric calibration of the LANDSAT 4 thematic mapper, as determined during pre-launch tests with a 122 cm integrating sphere, are presented. Detailed results for the best calibration of the protoflight TM are given, as well as summaries of other tests performed on the sensor. The dynamic range of the TM is within a few per cent of that required in all bands, except bands 1 and 3. Three detectors failed to pass the minimum SNR specified for their respective bands: band 5, channel 3 (dead), band 2, and channels 2 and 4 (noisy or slow response). Estimates of the absolute calibration accuracy for the TM show that the detectors are typically calibrated to 5% absolute error for the reflective bands; 10% full-scale accuracy was specified. Ten tests performed to transfer the detector absolute calibration to the internal calibrator show a 5% range at full scale in the transfer calibration; however, in two cases band 5 showed a 10% and a 7% difference

    Prelaunch absolute radiometric calibration of LANDSAT-4 protoflight Thematic Mapper

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    Results are summarized and analyzed from several prelaunch tests with a 122 cm integrating sphere used as part of the absolute radiometric calibration experiments for the protoflight TM sensor carried on the LANDSAT-4 satellite. The calibration procedure is presented and the radiometric sensitivity of the TM is assessed. The internal calibrator and dynamic range after calibration are considered. Tables show dynamic range after ground processing, spectral radiance to digital number and digital number to spectral radiance values for TM bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and for channel 4 of band 6

    Pain modulation by illusory body rotation: A new way to disclose the interaction between the vestibular system and pain processing

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    Background Clinical and experimental evidence advocates a structural and functional link between the vestibular and other sensory systems. For instance, visuo‐vestibular and vestibular–somatosensory interactions have been widely reported. However, whether visual inputs carrying vestibular information can modulate pain is not yet clear. Recent evidence using natural vestibular stimulation or moving visual stimuli, points at an unspecific effect of distraction. Methods By using immersive virtual reality (VR), we created a new way to prompt the vestibular system through the vision of static visual cues, studying the possible interaction with pain. Twenty‐four healthy participants were visually immersed in a virtual room which could appear with five different degrees of rotation in the sagittal axis, either towards the right, left or with no rotation. Participants' heat pain thresholds and subjective reports of perceived body rotation, sense of presence and attention were measured. Results ‘Being’ in a tilted room induced the sensation of body rotation in our participants, even though they were always in an upright position. We also found that rotating the visual scenario can modulate the participants' pain thresholds, determining a significant increase when a left tilt is displayed. In addition, a positive correlation between the perceived body midline rotation and pain threshold was found when the virtual room was titled 15 degrees toward the left. Importantly, all VR conditions were found to be equally distractive. Conclusions Vestibular information present in static visual cues can modulate experimentally‐induced acute pain according to a side‐dependent manner and bypassing supramodal attentional mechanisms. These findings may help refining pain management approaches based on multimodal stimulation. Significance This study explored how the visualization of static environments in immersive virtual reality can lead to pain threshold modulation through the activation of the vestibular system. Immersion into rotated virtual environments led to the illusory sensation of body rotation, and this sensation was found to be related with a modulation of pain perception. Possible analgesic effects due to distraction could be ruled out. These results expand our current knowledge about how the visual, vestibular and somatosensory (pain) systems interact. These findings may influence future pain treatment strategies based on multisensory stimulation