822 research outputs found

    The typical developmental trajectory of social and executive functions in late adolescence and early adulthood.

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    Executive functions and social cognition develop through childhood into adolescence/early adulthood and are important for adaptive goal-oriented behaviour (Apperly, Samson & Humphreys, 2009; Blakemore & Choudhury, 2006). These functions are attributed to frontal networks known to undergo protracted maturation into early adulthood (Barker, Andrade, Morton, Romanowski & Bowles, 2010; Lebel, Walker, Leemans, Phillips & Beaulieu, 2008) although social cognition functions are also associated with widely distributed networks. Previously, non-linear development has been reported around puberty on an emotion match to sample task (McGivern, Andersen, Byrd, Mutter & Reilly, 2002) and for IQ in mid adolescence (Ramsden et al., 2011). However, there are currently little data on the typical development of social and executive functions in late adolescence and early adulthood. In a cross sectional design, 98 participants completed tests of social cognition and executive function, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999), Positive and Negative Affect Scale (Watson, Clark & Tellegan, 1988), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983) and measures of pubertal development and demographics at age 17, 18 and 19. Non-linear age differences for letter fluency and concept formation executive functions were found, with a trough in functional ability in 18 year olds compared to other groups. There were no age group differences on social cognition measures. Gender accounted for differences on one scale of concept formation, one dynamic social interaction scale and two empathy scales. The clinical, developmental and educational implications of these findings are discussed

    Enhancing drought monitoring and early warning for the UK through stakeholder co-enquiries

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    Drought is widely written about as a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon, with complexity arising not just from biophysical drivers, but also human understanding and experiences of drought and its impacts. This has led to a proliferation of different drought definitions and indicators, creating a challenge for the design of drought monitoring and early warning (MEW) systems, which are a key component of drought preparedness. Here, we report on social learning workshops conducted in the UK aimed at improving the design and operation of drought MEW systems, as part of a wider international project including parallel events in the USA and Australia. We highlight key themes for MEW design and use: ‘types’ of droughts; indicators and impacts; uncertainty; capacity and decision-making; communications; and governance. We shed light on the complexity of drought through the multiple framings of the problem by different actors, and how this influences their needs for MEW. Our findings suggest that MEW systems need to embrace this complexity and strive for consistent messaging while also tailoring information for a wide range of audiences in terms of the drought characteristics, temporal and spatial scales, and impacts that are important for their particular decision-making processes. We end with recommendations to facilitate this approach

    Eating locally: Australasian gannets increase their foraging effort in a restricted range

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    During the breeding season, seabirds adopt a central place foraging strategy and are restricted in their foraging range by the fasting ability of their partner/chick and the cost of commuting between the prey resources and the nest. Because of the spatial and temporal variability of marine ecosystems, individuals must adapt their behaviour to increase foraging success within these constraints. The at-sea movements, foraging behaviour and effort of the Australasian gannet (Morus serrator) was determined over three sequential breeding seasons of apparent differing prey abundance to investigate how the species adapts to inter-annual fluctuations in food availability. GPS and tri-axial accelerometer data loggers were used to compare the degree of annual variation within two stages of breeding (incubation and chick rearing) at a small gannet colony situated between two larger, nearby colonies. Interestingly, neither males nor females increased the total distance travelled or duration of foraging trip in any breeding stage (P>0.05 in all cases) despite apparent low prey availability. However, consistently within each breeding stage, mean vectorial dynamic body acceleration (an index of energy expenditure) was greater in years of poorer breeding success (increased by a factor of three to eight), suggesting birds were working harder within their range. Additionally, both males and females increased the proportion of a foraging trip spent foraging in a poorer year across both breeding stages. Individuals from this colony may be limited in their ability to extend their range in years of low prey availability due to competition from conspecifics in nearby colonies and, consequently, increase foraging effort within this restricted foraging area

    What distinguishes high and low-lethality suicide attempts in older adults? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Those making suicide attempts with highly lethal medical consequences are arguably the best proxy for those who die by suicide and represent a qualitatively different population from those making lower lethality attempts. Different factors influence the likelihood of a suicide attempt occurring and the lethality of that attempt. Both are important dimensions of risk. Older adults represent a distinct group in suicide research with unique risk factors that influence the lethality of their suicide attempts. This systematic review and meta-analysis summarises factors distinguishing those making high and low-lethality suicide attempts in older adulthood. Databases PsycINFO, PubMed (MEDLINE), Embase and CINAHL were systematically searched with seven of 1182 unique records included. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted on 18 variables in addition to a narrative synthesis regarding executive function. Only increased suicidal intent and planning meaningfully distinguished high from low-lethality attempters in meta-analyses. A large effect size was additionally observed for white ethnicity. Diminished alcohol use disorder prevalence and depression severity, and greater cognitive impairment, may be associated with high lethality attempters but further research is needed. Age and gender were not associated with lethality, contrary to adult populations. A narrative synthesis of studies exploring differences in executive functioning suggested high-lethality attempters were less likely to impulsively act on suicidal urges, allowing them to better plan suicide attempts that are more lethal, and are less likely to alter suicidal plans. Key limitations were that meta-analyses were underpowered to detect small effect sizes, and samples were largely white and limited to the USA

    Association between MAPT haplotype and memory function in patients with Parkinson's disease and healthy aging individuals.

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    Genetic variation is associated with differences in the function of the brain as well as its susceptibility to disease. The common H1 haplotypic variant of the microtubule-associated protein tau gene (MAPT) has been related to an increased risk for Parkinson's disease (PD). Furthermore, among PD patients, H1 homozygotes have an accelerated progression to dementia. We investigated the neurocognitive correlates of MAPT haplotypes using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Thirty-seven nondemented patients with PD (19 H1/H1, 18 H2 carriers) and 40 age-matched controls (21 H1/H1, 19 H2 carriers) were scanned during performance of a picture memory encoding task. Behaviorally, H1 homozygosity was associated with impaired picture recognition memory in PD patients and control subjects. These impairments in the H1 homozygotes were accompanied by an altered blood-oxygen level-dependent response in the medial temporal lobe during successful memory encoding. Additional age-related differences in blood-oxygen level-dependent response were observed in the medial temporal lobes of H1 homozygotes with PD. These results suggest that common variation in MAPT is not only associated with the dementia of PD but also differences in the neural circuitry underlying aspects of cognition in normal aging.This work was funded by Parkinson's UK, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust (088324), and the NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre (RG64473). The BCNI is co-funded by the MRC and Wellcome Trust. Sophie E. Winder-Rhodes received PhD funding from a Merck Sharp and Dohme studentship.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2014.12.006

    A common polymorphism in SNCA is associated with accelerated motor decline in GBA-Parkinson's disease.

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    A growing number of genetic susceptibility factors have been identified for Parkinson’s disease (PD). The combination of inherited risk variants is likely to affect not only risk of developing PD but also its clinical course. Variants in the GBA gene are particularly common, being found in approximately 5 to 10% of patients, and they lead to more rapid disease progression1. However, the effect of concomitant genetic risk factors on disease course in GBA-PD is not known.The CamPaIGN study has received financial support from the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council, Parkinson’s UK and the Patrick Berthoud Trust. CHWG is supported by an RCUK/UKRI Innovation Fellowship awarded by the Medical Research Council. RAB is supported by the Wellcome Trust Stem Cell Institute (Cambridge). TBS received financial support from the Cure Parkinson’s Trust. The study is also supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Dementia and Neurodegeneration Theme (reference number 146281). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. CRS' work is supported in part by NIH grants R01AG057331, U01NS100603, R01AG057331, and the American Parkinson Disease Association. Illumina MEGA Chip genotyping was made possible by a philanthropic investment from Dooley LLC (to Brigham & Women's Hospital and CRS)