96 research outputs found

    Influence of Geological Structure on Dam Behavior and Case Studies

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    Complex engineering projects including large dams require extensive reconnaissance. The study of geological relationships is therefore of major importance, with emphasis on the characteristics of the geological structures. Accordingly, geologic structure affects dam site and reservoir behavior in three ways: (1) its impact on the geomechanical properties of rocks; (2) the importance of geologic structures in the identification and assessment of karst hydrogeology; and (3) its role in seismotectonic and seismic risk analysis of dam projects. Site geology and availability of various geologic data obtained from site investigation are key points in dam construction. Geological structure plays an important role in dam site geology and imposes major limitations on dam behavior during and after construction stages. This role has its own effect on major subjects such as: morphotectonics of rivers; geotechnical properties and engineering geology of dam sites; and hydrogeology of dam abutments and reservoir. The variability and complexity of geological structures regarding their tectonic situation result in different scenarios regarding dam’s behavior. This chapter examines the link between geological structure and dam behavior during and after construction period by describing four dam case examples: two earth (Marun and Gotvand) and two concrete (Karun-1 and -3) dams in Iran


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    This study compared two swimming start techniques of GI (hands between the feet grab start technique) and GO (hands outside the feet) utilizing 3D simultaneous and synchronized kinematic and kinetic analysis. Eight experienced university swimmers were subjects of a series of specified trials. The comparison has consequently been made through evaluation of 46 variables obtained from force plate and motion analyzer. The results indicate that greater reaction force, resultant force in CM. and resultant moment about CM were produced in the GO than in GI. However, significantly higher values in reaction moment about horizontal axis and CM vertical coordinates were associated with GI. It has been shown that although GO will result in lower performance

    Enhancement of Asphalt Performance by Graphene-Based Bitumen Nanocomposites

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    As the State of California continues to grow, demand for enhanced infrastructure such as roadways and highways escalates. In view of the current average highway lifespan of 15–20 years, the improvement of asphalt binders leads to material sustainability by decreasing required maintenance and increasing the lifespan of roadways. In the present investigation, enhancement of asphalt binder properties was achieved by different methods of mixing varying compositions of graphene nanoparticles with an SBS polymer and asphalt binder. Additionally, experimental evaluation and comparison of the rheological and mechanical properties of each specimen is presented. Graphene nanoparticles have attracted great curiosity in the field of highway materials due to their incredible rigidity, even in small quantities. Addition of as little as 1.0%nanoparticles in combination with polymers in an asphalt binder is expected to increase the rigidity of the material while also maintaining the beneficial polymer characteristics. Evaluation of the effect of the mixing design established that the methods for application of graphene to the polymer-modified asphalt binder are critical in the improvement of a roadway, resulting in resistance to premature aging and strain from constant road operation

    Effect of Eight Weeks of Resistance Training with Limitation of Blood Flowing on Insulin-1 Factor, Agerin C Cerpinal Perpetrate and Elderly Composition

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    سابقه و هدف: تغییرات در دوره سالمندی باعث ایجاد برخی مشکلات در افراد سالمند می‌شود که این تغییرات می‌تواند آناتومیکی یا فیزیولوژیکی باشد. هدف‌پژوهش حاضرتاثیر هشت‌هفته تمرینات مقاومتی با و بدون محدودیت‌جریان خون بر فاکتورشبه‌انسولین-1، پپتید قطعه اگرین‌C ترمینال و ترکیب بدن سالمندان بود. روش‌ بررسی:روش پژوهش‌حاضر نیمه‌تجربی وباطرح پیش‌آزمون- پس‌آزمون بود. جامعه آماری دراين تحقيق، مردان شهرمشهد بودند که براساس معیارهای ورودبه تحقیق پس از غربالگری اولیه، تعداد 45 نفر به صورت تصادفی با دامنه سنی 83/2 ±11/64‌(سال) و قد 36/5 ± 44/173(سانتیمتر)، وزن 99/5  ± 34/81(کیلوگرم)، شاخص توده‌بدنی 51/1 ± 03/27، توده‌جربی 26/2  ± 68/26 (درصد) وتوده عضلانی 07/4 ± 36/53  درسه گروه‌تمرین مقاومتی با(15نفر) و بدون(15نفر) محدودیت‌ جریان ‌خون و گروه کنترل (15نفر) تقسیم شدند. داده‌ها بااستفاده ازآزمون تحلیل واریانس یک‌طرفه وآزمون‌تعقیبی‌توکی در‌سطح معنی‌داری 05/0≥P ونرم افزار SPSS نسخه 21 تحلیل شدند. یافته ها: نتایج پژوهش حاضر نشان داد میزان سرمی IGF-1 افزایش معنی داری بین‌گروه‌های تمرین مقاومتی با و بدون محدودیت جریان خون نسبت به گروه کنترل داشت (001/0=P، 02/49=F). همچنین تمرین مقاومتی بامحدودیت جریان‌خون تاثیربیشتری بر افزایش سطوح 1-IGF(41/253=ES ، 61/22=PC) نسبت به‌گروه تمرین مقاومتی بدون محدودیت جریان خون داشت(200=ES ، 31/1=PC). نتایج همچنین نشان داد میزان سرمی پپتیدC بین گروه‌های تمرین مقاومتی باوبودن محدودیت جریان خون با گروه کنترل کاهش معناداری وجودداشت (001/0=P ، 93/39=F) اما بین گروه‌های تجربی تفاوتی معنی‌داری وجود نداشت (493/0=F، 09/0=P). نتایج همچنین نشان داد تمرین با و بدون محدودیت جریان خون سبب کاهش توده چربی ( 001/0=P، 95/16=F) و شاخص توده بدن (001/0=P، 30/44=F) نسبت به گروه کنترل شد اما بین گروه‌های تجربی تفاوتی وجود نداشت (00/1=P، 46/0=F). نتیجه گیري: تمرینات مقاومتی با و بدون محدودیت جریان‌خون سبب افزایش1- IGF و کاهش پپتید CAF، توده چربی و شاخص توده بدن سالمندان می‌شود. How to cite this article: Zoraqi MR, Barjaste Yazdi A, Khajei R, Rashidlamir A. Effect of Eight Weeks of Resistance Training with Limitation of Blood Flowing on Insulin-1 Factor, Agerin C Cerpinal Perpetrate and Elderly Composition. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2021;9(2):153-64.Background and Objectives: Changes in old age cause some problems in the elderly that these changes can be anatomical or physiological. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of eight weeks of resistance training without blood flow on insulin-like factor (IGF-1), C-terminal agrin fragment peptide (CAF) and body composition of the elderly. Materials and Methods: The present research method is quasi-experimental and pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population in this study is the men of Mashhad. According to the inclusion criteria, after initial screening by the researcher, 45 people were randomly selected. ), Weight 81.34 ±5.99 (kg), body mass index 27.03 ± 1.51, experimental mass 26.26 ± 2.26 (percent) and muscle mass 53.36 ±4.07 in three groups Resistance training with (15 people) and without (15 people) restriction of blood flow و and control group (15 people) were divided. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test at the significance level of P /0.05 and SPSS software version 21. Results: The results of the present study showed that the serum level of IGF-1 had a significant increase between the groups of resistance training with and without restriction of blood flow compared to the control group (P = 0.001, F = 49.02). Also, resistance training with limited blood flow had a greater effect on increasing IGF-1 levels (ES = 352.14, PC = 22.61) than the resistance training group without blood flow restriction (ES = 200, PC = 1.31). The results also showed that there was a significant decrease in serum C-peptide level between resistance training groups with limited blood flow and control group (P = 0.001, F = 39.93) but there was no significant difference between experimental groups (493 / 0 = F, 09/0 = P). The results also showed that exercise with and without restriction of blood flow reduced fat mass (P = 0.001, F = 16.95) and body mass index (P = 0.001, F = 44.30) compared to the control group. But there was no difference between the experimental groups (P = 1.00, F = 0.46). Conclusion: Resistance training without blood flow restriction increases IGF-1 and decreases CAF peptide, fat mass and body mass index in the elderly. How to cite this article: Zoraqi MR, Barjaste Yazdi A, Khajei R, Rashidlamir A. Effect of Eight Weeks of Resistance Training with Limitation of Blood Flowing on Insulin-1 Factor, Agerin C Cerpinal Perpetrate and Elderly Composition. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2021;9(2):153-64. &nbsp

    Typology of Case-marking and Agreement Systems in Bashāgardi

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    Based on linguistic typology approach and after analyzing the case-marking and agreement systems in (North and South) Bashāgardi according to Comrie (1978) and precise evaluation of findings according to the new theory of Zwart and Lindenbergh (2021), the present study aims to achieve a deeper explanation for those two systems’ function as well as the general alignment pattern of this dialect. In this regard, the research data has been gathered by interviewing ten native speakers, and then has been analyzed. According to the first findings, (North and South) Bashāgardi case-marking and agreement in non-past tense belong identically to the dominant and major pattern of (complete) accusative pattern, and in the past obey the dominant and shifting pattern of split-ergative or (complete) ergative pattern. Explanation of findings reveals that (North and South) Bashāgardi’s general alignment system uses the reverse and identical patterns in non-past and past tenses, respectively. Moreover, conditioned by the two categories of transitivity and tense, as the mirrors of inter-domain interrelations, these two language varieties exploit identical recessive and shifting alignment patterns in those two tenses as well, for which the appropriate explanations has been presented

    Ergonomic Methods to Improve Safety in the Construction Sector and Reduce Costs

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    Many small construction companies have difficulty providing a safe working environment for their employees because of their lack of resources. There is a need to provide a manual for small construction companies employing 10 or fewer workers with the best ergonomic solutions of the top most common injuries. Accidents in the construction field are very high with nearly 175,00o nonfatal injuries and 1,121 deaths in 2002. The nonfatal cases occur 7.1 times per 100 full time workers, while serious injuries occur 2.8 times per 100 full time workers. This information reveled the importance of focusing on minor injuries in order to reduce costs. Research provided that the most common injuries on the job site were lacerations, lumbar spine, upper extremities, and eye injuries. An analysis was done on the data found to calculate the total cost of each injury in order to determine the total cost of injury per year. Some examples of ergonomic alternatives to each injury was found and used in order to determine the total cost of protection. The cost of protection was determined through purchasing the right number of equipment for the individuals on the job site. After a cost analysis, a manual was created with the top most common injuries and the cost associated with each. The manual also provided companies with the steps to implement a safety plan, the benefits of protecting employees, and a summary of the OSHA regulations for the construction sector. A study was done on a small electrical engineering company in Los Angeles, XYZ. The company was researched prior to the creation of the manual in order to better understand the needs of small construction organizations. After the creation of the manual, the company was given a copy in order to provide critique and implementation information. The manual critique resulted in a few changed that would better help struggling companies with more explanations of injury protection benefits. The final edited manual was reviewed by the manager of the company and because of its value will be used in training seminars in the future

    Real-Time Synchronized Automata for Cooperative Mobile Robots in Dynamic Networks

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    The application of mobile robots has been increased in recent years to include search-and-rescue where a set of robots sweep an area searching for an item of interest, patrolling where a set of robots patrol a fence to protect a region, and pattern formation where the robots form a given pattern. Cooperative mobile robots are autonomous entities that are able to self-coordinate their actions in order to solve a global task, such as emergency response, in distributed systems. In order to achieve the desired cooperation, mobile robots are required to be synchronized. Existing synchronization algorithms need external information from an outside source, depend on a reliable network where messages cannot be lost or corrupted, or require a fixed number of mobile robots during the execution. These are disadvantages in practical applications because messages can simply be lost due to noise or interference in the communication channel. Moreover, the number of mobile robots may vary due to unforeseen incidents such as hardware or software malfunctions. In order to address the aforementioned problems, a synchronization algorithm with failure detection has been proposed, implemented, and verified. The proposed algorithm guarantees when all robots start their current assigned task within a bounded time, then the time interval in which they will start the next given task will be bounded as well. The simulation results show that the robots are still able to start the given task in the next round synchronously if the number of consecutive lost messages is less than four. The proposed model was developed using the SPIN model checker. The safety and liveness properties were defined using the Linear Time Logic (LTL) in order to verify its functionality under error-prone conditions. It was shown that the proposed algorithm gave the correct results

    Navigating the Hindrances Arising at Macro and Micro-level from Practicality of Transformative Pedagogy

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    The present study intends to probe the impediments for the practicality of Critical language pedagogy (CLP) in higher education system of Iran. To do this, 20 Iranian university instructors, holding Ph.D. degrees in TEFL, were asked to read a passage reflecting the main characteristics of transformative pedagogy. To explore the main obstacles, they were invited for a semi-structured interview. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data were analyzed using Thomas (2006) inductive approach including frequent, dominant, or significant themes. The results revealed a number of themes that illustrate macro and micro inhibiting factors Iranian EFL instructors encounter toward implementing the principles of CLP. The findings are discussed and suggestions are provided for teachers to transform transmission approaches into transformative and dialogic ones