288 research outputs found

    Boosting infrared energy transfer in 3D nanoporous gold antennas

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    The applications of plasmonics to energy transfer from free-space radiation to molecules are currently limited to the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum due to the intrinsic optical properties of bulk noble metals that support strong electromagnetic field confinement only close to their plasma frequency in the visible/ultraviolet range. In this work, we show that nanoporous gold can be exploited as a plasmonic material for the mid-infrared region to obtain strong electromagnetic field confinement, co-localized with target molecules into the nanopores and resonant with their vibrational frequency. The effective optical response of the nanoporous metal enables the penetration of optical fields deep into the nanopores, where molecules can be loaded thus achieving a more efficient light–matter coupling if compared to bulk gold. In order to realize plasmonic resonators made of nanoporous gold, we develop a nanofabrication method based on polymeric templates for metal deposition and we obtain antenna arrays resonating at mid-infrared wavelengths selected by design. We then coat the antennas with a thin (3 nm) silica layer acting as the target dielectric layer for optical energy transfer. We study the strength of the light–matter coupling at the vibrational absorption frequency of silica at 1240 cm−1 through the analysis of the experimental Fano lineshape that is benchmarked against identical structures made of bulk gold. The boost in the optical energy transfer from free-space mid-infrared radiation to molecular vibrations in nanoporous 3D nanoantenna arrays can open new application routes for plasmon-enhanced physical–chemical reactions

    Preprint arXiv: 2204.03454 Submitted on 7 Apr 2022

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    We propose a variational quantum algorithm to study the real time dynamics of quantum systems as a ground-state problem. The method is based on the original proposal of Feynman and Kitaev to encode time into a register of auxiliary qubits. We prepare the Feynman-Kitaev Hamiltonian acting on the composed system as a qubit operator and find an approximate ground state using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver. We apply the algorithm to the study of the dynamics of a transverse field Ising chain with an increasing number of spins and time steps, proving a favorable scaling in terms of the number of two qubit gates. Through numerical experiments, we investigate its robustness against noise, showing that the method can be use to evaluate dynamical properties of quantum systems and detect the presence of dynamical quantum phase transitions by measuring Loschmidt echoes

    Direito e cidadania: os impactos da interdição civil no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais

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    Este artigo pretende compartilhar algumas das reflexões produzidas no processo do trabalho de pesquisa que foi realizada através do Projeto de Iniciação Cientifica, intitulado “Direito e Cidadania: os impactos da interdição no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais”. O referido projeto, inscrito no Curso de Serviço Social do UniFOA, esteve vinculado ao Programa de Iniciação Científica deste Centro Universitário em 2007. O interesse pelo estudo emergiu a partir dos debates travados em sala, na disciplina eletiva “O Serviço Social e o Campo Sócio-Jurídico” e ainda frente a observações empíricas construídas no exercício profissional de uma das autoras, que é assistente social do Tribunal de Justiça. Tais debates foram instigados pela problematização acerca da relação entre a afirmação da positividade da cidadania dos portadores de transtornos mentais e as práticas que indicam a necessidade de decretar a incapacidade civil, através da interdição para protegê-los. Ou seja, identificou-se o paradoxo entre o movimento contemporâneo que impõe a necessidade de se reconhecer o status de cidadania do louco e o decreto da interdição que impossibilita o exercício dos atos da vida civil. Frente a estas observações, foi construído, então, o objeto da pesquisa, cujos resultados serão aqui discutidos. A partir do debate apresentado, o projeto de pesquisa pretendeu, então, conhecer a realidade de vida de portadores de transtornos mentais que foram interditados, na perspectiva de elucidar a existência de relações entre esta condição legal e o processo de garantia de seus direitos

    The use of Metal Treatment to control the quality of an Aluminium casting produced by the High Pressure Diecasting Process

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    The High Pressure Diecasting process is very attractive tothe casting buyer, offering fast production rates coupledto optimised production costs. As castings becomemore complex and wall sections become heavier so theadvantage of the very rapid cooling rate is reduced andcasting defects more commonly seen in gravity diecastingand sand casting are now being experienced. The needto heat treat and weld castings also means that castingquality levels must be improved.A fresh approach to the treatment of the Aluminium meltis therefore required and this paper describes the designof a test piece and a test programme to examine theinfluence that metal treatment can have on casting quality.Simulation is used in the design of the test piece andvarious non-destructive tests are used to measure thequality of the Aluminium melt, prior to casting. FinallyX-Ray, SEM and image analysis and mechanical testingare used to assess the quality of the resulting castings

    Microstructure and bending properties of die-casting alloys at various chromium contents

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    A study of the effects of chromium addition on AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloy was carried out. Die cast EN AC-46000 alloyplates for microstructural investigation and bend testing were produced using a multispecimen die in a highpressure, cold chamber machine. The Cr ranged within the tolerance limits of the EN AC-46000 type alloys,according to the EN 1706 standard. The investigations allowed evaluation of modifications to microstructuraland bending properties produced by Cr additions. In particular, the microstructural analysis revealed that themorphology of primary sludge compounds was mainly cubic-type, such as polyhedral, star-like and blocky,while proeutectic ?-Alx(Fe,Mn,Cr)ySiz intermetallics showed blocky or polyhedral morphology at any Cr level.Increasing the Cr content, the whole area fraction of these particles increased and the primary intermetalliccompounds segregated in the central region of the cross section of the castings. This was associated to amechanism similar to that suggested for the ESCs entrapment. The increase of brittle Fe-rich particles affectedthe fracture load and the displacement to fracture of the alloy at the highest Cr level

    Direito e cidadania:os impactos da interdição no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais

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    A interdição é promovida frente prova da incapacidade para atos civis. identificada como medida de proteção.Mas se as leis forem compreendidas com mecanismos de legitimação de discursos de verdades, o debate sobre interdição deve se remetido ao próprio significado da loucura.As representações de que o louco é aquel desprovido da razão contaminou a cultura moderna.O movimento da reforma psiquiátric vem problematizando questões relativas ao “lugar” destinado ao louco. Assim, surg debate sobre sua cidadania,na perspectiva de se reconhecer sua condição de cidadã Mas,levando-se em consideração que, para proteger o louco é preciso interditá-lo e qu tal condição pressupõe a perda dos direitos civis, recorta-se aqui uma questão paradoxa Objetivos:Conhecer a realidade de vida de portadores de transtornos mentais que fora interditados, na perspectiva de elucidar a existência de relações entre esta condição leg  e o processo de garantia de seus direitos Metodologia: a pesquisa é qualitativa. O instrumentos serão: entrevista semi-estruturada, questionário e observação participant Será realizado levantamento dos processos que tramitaram em 2006 na 2ª Vara d Família.Resultados:o projeto está em desenvolvimento.Conclusão:A pesquisa poder contribuir no processo de afirmação da condição de cidadania dos chamados loucos

    Hyperpigmentant activity of leaves and flowers extracts of Pyrostegia venusta on murine B16F10 melanoma

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    AbstractEthnopharmacological relevancePyrostegia venusta is a native Brazilian plant which has a variety of uses in traditional folk medicine including the treatment of vitiligo. However, its effectiveness on melanogenesis is not yet elucidated.Aim of the studyThis study aimed to investigate the melanogenic activity of hydroalcoholic extracts from the leaves and flowers of P. venusta on murine B16F10 melanoma cells.Materials and methodsDifferent concentrations of the hydroalcoholic extracts of flowers and leaves of P. venusta were evaluated in trials of spontaneous melanin content (4 days), and cell viability by the MTT assay in murine B16F10 cells, and in the mushroom tyrosinase activity in vitro.ResultsBoth extracts, leaves (0.1; 0.3; 1 and 3μg/mL) and flowers (0.03 and 0.1μg/mL) increased the melanin content in a concentration dependent manner after 4 days of incubation on melanoma cells. Leaves extract promoted enhancement of melanogenesis with maximum effect of 33.3±3% (3μg/mL), and the flower extract increased in 23.4±3% (0.1μg/mL). The cell viability test using MTT showed that in the same tested concentrations of both extracts no cell death was detected. Actually, either extract was not able to cause any change in the tyrosinase activity. HPLC analysis of P. venusta extracts found 0.09% and 1.08% of allantoin on leaves and flowers extracts, respectively.ConclusionsThe leaves and flowers extracts of P. venusta stimulates B16F10 melanogenesis at very low concentrations. These findings support the folk medicinal use of P. venusta on the treatment of hypopigmentation diseases, such as vitiligo

    Ampicillin and Ceftobiprole Combination for the Treatment of Enterococcus faecalis Invasive Infections: “The Times They Are A-Changin”

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    Background: Enterococcus faecalis is responsible for a large variety of severe infections. This study is a case series reporting our experience in the treatment of E. faecalis invasive infections with ampicillin in combination with ceftobiprole (ABPR). Methods: We retrospectively analyzed all the medical records of patients admitted to the University Hospital of Udine from January to December 2020 with a diagnosis of infective endocarditis or primary or non-primary complicated or uncomplicated bacteremia caused by E. faecalis. Results: Twenty-one patients were included in the final analysis. The clinical success rate was very high, accounting for 81% of patients, and microbiological cure was obtained in 86% of patients. One relapse was recorded in one patient who did not adhere to the partial oral treatment prescribed. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) was always performed for ampicillin and ceftobiprole, and serum concentrations of both drugs were compared to the MICs of the different enterococcal isolates. Conclusions: ABPR is a well-tolerated antimicrobial regimen with anti-E. faecalis activity. TDM can help clinicians optimize medical treatments to achieve the best possible efficacy with fewer side effects. ABPR might be a reasonable option for the treatment of severe invasive infections caused by E. faecalis due to the high level of enterococcal penicillin-binding protein (PBP) saturation

    Amyloid deposits and fibrosis on left ventricular endomyocardial biopsy correlate with extracellular volume in cardiac amyloidosis

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    BACKGROUND: The relative contribution of amyloid and fibrosis to extracellular volume expansion in cardiac amyloidosis (CA) has never been defined. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included all patients diagnosed with amyloid light-chain (AL) or transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis at a tertiary referral center between 2014 to 2020 and undergoing a left ventricular endomyocardial biopsy. Patients (n=37) were more often men (92%), with a median age of 72 years (interquartile range, 68–81). Lambda-positive AL was found in 14 of 19 AL cases (38%) and kappa-positive AL in 5 of 19 (14%), while transthyretin was detected in the other 18 cases (48%). Amyloid deposits accounted for 15% of tissue sample area (10%–30%), without significant differences between AL and transthyretin amyloidosis. All patients displayed myocardial fibrosis, with a median extent of 15% of tissue samples (10%–23%; range, 5%–60%), in the absence of spatial overlap with amyloid deposits. Interstitial fibrosis was often associated with mild and focal subendocardial fibrosis. The extent of fibrosis or the combination of amyloidosis and fibrosis did not differ significantly between transthyretin amyloidosis and AL subgroups. In 20 patients with myocardial T1 mapping at cardiac magnetic resonance, the combined amyloid and fibrosis extent displayed a modest correlation with extracellular volume (r=0.661, P=0.001). The combined amyloid and fibrosis extent correlated with high-sensitivity troponin T (P=0.035) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (P=0.002) serum levels. CONCLUSIONS: Extracellular spaces in cardiac amyloidosis are enlarged to a similar extent by amyloid deposits and fibrotic tissue. Their combination can better explain the increased extracellular volume at cardiac magnetic resonance and circulating biomarkers than amyloid extent alone